Death of World Star Hip Hop (D.O.WSHH)

Self-hate? What are you talking about? Okay, prove me wrong. Name 3 things in the last 5 to 10 years that black community was able to shut down do to its negative pretrial on a large scale with no outside help? I think that's more of an elephant in the room than WSHH.

SMH @ people always using the term "self-hate" when someone is putting out not so friendly opinions of the black community.

Name three things the black community has done?

You can't be serious? Do you watch the news? Do you know absolutely anything outside your bubble? Are you aware of what goes on?

Do you even realize this discussion came from a think tank and forum? Did you read the article?

You're like one of the people who's ignorant to the outside world, and think everyone else is the same way. Like how people kept saying nobody cares about Chicago. Even though people have been protesting, doing outreach with gangs and young people, meeting with politicians, community leaders and trying to think of ways to better things. Like how the national guard was discussed or increased police presence.

Yeah, you have a lot of self hate underneath all that ignorance. :smh:

BTW, what do you do sir? Are you active in your community? Are you involved in the NAACP? Are you involved in a fraternity or do you do any community service? Are you a big brother or mentor? Do you help feed the homeless?

Then I think you should ease back with the, what does the black community do...because you're claiming to be black, then you're part of the black community. Speak on what you do and know, nothing.

What does the black community do? :lol: Smack yourself kid.
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a lot of people saying "if you remove wshh, other website will just come take its place".
this is such a lazy way to look at the situation.

just because there is an audience for something does not mean that there should be a platform for them to congregate.
for those of you who disagree, do you believe child pornography websites should be allowed on the internet? there's obviously an audience and its similar in that they both contain media of crimes being committed.

i mean, if you're not into child pornography just dont click on it right?

Child porn and wshh

I rarely ever visit WS anymore.

I believe Q is really just a black figurehead and there are other owners and operators hiding behind his puppet.

Can NT Detectives pull up any tax/corporate info on the company?
I'm tired of these conspiracies where the black man is just a pawn and a patsy. Like a black man can't do something this detrimental to his own ppl. Let Q own this

WSHH isn't some genius plot cooked up by racists or powerful men in the shadows with an agenda. This is just plain ignorance given a platform to thrive and the ppl have responded in kind, they want this, they enjoy it. Brave New World man.
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Child porn and wshh
I'm tired of these conspiracies where the black man is just a pawn and a patsy. Like a black man can't do something this detrimental to his own ppl. Let Q own this
i'm glad we agree that wshh is detrimental to americans.

Child porn and wshh

I'm tired of these conspiracies where the black man is just a pawn and a patsy. Like a black man can't do something this detrimental to his own ppl. Let Q own this
i'm glad we agree that wshh is detrimental to americans.
Plenty things are detrimental to Americans and to go further to all ppl on Earth in general. They go unchecked, unacknowledged, and rarely talked about in an objective light as far pros and cons or effects and consequences. **** some of it doesn't even get prioritized. It was a whole other thread where I said this but for better or for worse this is what the majority has chosen.

Your choice or I should say the typical NT extremes approach doesn't help your argument at all though but if you actually believe that was a sound argument you made go ahead. There's certain freedoms on the side of wshh that you're choosing to ignore or just outright infringing upon while there are none for the production and distribution of child pornography. Grow up.
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Child porn and wshh

I'm tired of these conspiracies where the black man is just a pawn and a patsy. Like a black man can't do something this detrimental to his own ppl. Let Q own this
i'm glad we agree that wshh is detrimental to americans.
Plenty things are detrimental to Americans and to go further to all ppl on Earth in general. They go unchecked, unacknowledged, and rarely talked about in an objective light as far pros and cons or effects and consequences. **** some of it doesn't even get prioritized. It was a whole other thread where I said this but for better or for worse this is what the majority has chosen.

Your choice or I should say the typical NT extremes approach doesn't help your argument at all though but if you actually believe that was a sound argument you made go ahead. There's certain freedoms on the side of wshh that you're choosing to ignore or just outright infringe upon while there are none for the production and distribution of child pornography. Grow up.

you recall a video of a 14 year old girl giving oral sex that surfaced on WSHH?
Plenty things are detrimental to Americans and to go further to all ppl on Earth in general. They go unchecked, unacknowledged, and rarely talked about in an objective light as far pros and cons or effects and consequences. **** some of it doesn't even get prioritized. It was a whole other thread where I said this but for better or for worse this is what the majority has chosen.

Your choice or I should say the typical NT extremes approach doesn't help your argument at all though but if you actually believe that was a sound argument you made go ahead. There's certain freedoms on the side of wshh that you're choosing to ignore or just outright infringe upon while there are none for the production and distribution of child pornography. Grow up.
your personal issues with me are evident.

you couldnt bear to see that you've agreed with me on a certain level so you went back and edited your post to insult me.

seems to me that you are the one who needs to do some growing up.

Child porn and wshh

I'm tired of these conspiracies where the black man is just a pawn and a patsy. Like a black man can't do something this detrimental to his own ppl. Let Q own this
i'm glad we agree that wshh is detrimental to americans.
Plenty things are detrimental to Americans and to go further to all ppl on Earth in general. They go unchecked, unacknowledged, and rarely talked about in an objective light as far pros and cons or effects and consequences. **** some of it doesn't even get prioritized. It was a whole other thread where I said this but for better or for worse this is what the majority has chosen.

Your choice or I should say the typical NT extremes approach doesn't help your argument at all though but if you actually believe that was a sound argument you made go ahead. There's certain freedoms on the side of wshh that you're choosing to ignore or just outright infringe upon while there are none for the production and distribution of child pornography. Grow up.
you recall a video of a 14 year old girl giving oral sex that surfaced on WSHH?
No I don't cuz I don't frequent wshh that much. The rare times I go there is to peep a wshh honey video or when NT makes a thread about a vid on there usually to get some lulz where I then check it out like the Sharkeisha sucker punch thing. I don't think NT made a 14 yr old giving dome thread.

But besides that you're kinda combining the two things in a comparison which isn't what I'm talking about. Dude tried to compare what wshh does and what they promote as the same as pedophiles making and distrusting child porn online just so he can link the response "if you don't like it, don't click on it." That's is just hyperbolic nonsense to try and make a point that can't be made through the use of extremes. If you consider something a serious topic you wouldn't come through with immature and unreasonable arguments, that stuff is usually left for the lighter more irrelevant topics.

If wshh is uploading child porn under the umbrella of those other amateur "ratchet" sex vids they post then that's a whole other problem and issue that's something I wasn't I was aware of but obviously should be looked in to and handled accordingly.

Plenty things are detrimental to Americans and to go further to all ppl on Earth in general. They go unchecked, unacknowledged, and rarely talked about in an objective light as far pros and cons or effects and consequences. **** some of it doesn't even get prioritized. It was a whole other thread where I said this but for better or for worse this is what the majority has chosen.

Your choice or I should say the typical NT extremes approach doesn't help your argument at all though but if you actually believe that was a sound argument you made go ahead. There's certain freedoms on the side of wshh that you're choosing to ignore or just outright infringe upon while there are none for the production and distribution of child pornography. Grow up.
your personal issues with me are evident.
you couldnt bear to see that you've agreed with me on a certain level so you went back and edited your post to insult me.:lol:

seems to me that you are the one who needs to do some growing up.
Wait what? Who are you? What personal issues do I have with you? Where do I know you from to have personal issues with you? Personal issues?

Nothing I said or added changed what I meant whether I knew who you were or not. It's not about agreeing or disagreeing with you. I don't even think you know my stance to say I couldn't bear to agree with you on a certain level. The problem here is you think comparing real crimes like child porn of all things is some how a valid comparison. It's an immature and foolish counter argument. You're comparing the act and distribution of child pornography to wshh. Do you not see what a reach that is? By seriously thinking you made a point with that reply you belittle your own stance on the issue.

I always edit my posts to add content to them. I might do the same with this post given the pace of the thread. If you perceive a personal issue on my end I assure it's solely a manufactured delusion on your part and I'd recommend you don't keep that stuff up. Someone disagrees with you about something so they must have a personal problem with you instead of actually disagreeing with what you said and not who you are :lol:
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No I don't cuz I don't frequent wshh that much. The rare times I go there is to peep a wshh honey video or when NT makes a thread about vid on there where I then check it out like the Sharkeisha sucker punch thing. I don't think NT made a 14 yr old giving dome thread.

But besides that you're kinda combining the two things in a comparison which isn't what I'm talking about. Dude tried to compare what wshh does and what they promote as the same as pedophiles making and distrusting child porn online just so he can link the response "if you don't like it, don't click on it." That's is just hyperbolic nonsense to try and make a point that can't be made through the use of extremes. If you consider something a serious topic you wouldn't come through with immature and unreasonable arguments, that stuff is usually left for the lighter more irrelevant topics.
based off of what? you dont even frequent wshh that much.

and child pornography doesnt always mean photos or video of minors engaging in sexual acts. fights with highschool girls where clothing is ripped off and their breasts are exposed is considered child pornography as well. end the simple mindedness or take it somewhere else.
No I don't cuz I don't frequent wshh that much. The rare times I go there is to peep a wshh honey video or when NT makes a thread about vid on there where I then check it out like the Sharkeisha sucker punch thing. I don't think NT made a 14 yr old giving dome thread.

But besides that you're kinda combining the two things in a comparison which isn't what I'm talking about. Dude tried to compare what wshh does and what they promote as the same as pedophiles making and distrusting child porn online just so he can link the response "if you don't like it, don't click on it." That's is just hyperbolic nonsense to try and make a point that can't be made through the use of extremes. If you consider something a serious topic you wouldn't come through with immature and unreasonable arguments, that stuff is usually left for the lighter more irrelevant topics.
based off of what? you dont even frequent wshh that much.
No I don't but I do frequent NT a lot. I don't think you understood what I said. Reread it and try to comprehend it instead of trying to quickly respond.

It's not that hard to understand.
and child pornography doesnt always mean photos or video of minors engaging in sexual acts. fights with highschool girls where clothing is ripped off and their breasts are exposed is considered child pornography as well. end the simple mindedness or take it somewhere else.
:lol: I'm not buying you trying to get in on this wshh posts child porn as a way to get out of your piss poor child porn comparison. If that was your response you would've said so to begin with. Save it.
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No I don't but I do frequent NT a lot. I don't think you understood what I said. Reread it and try to comprehend it instead of trying to quickly respond.

It's not that hard to understand.
its irrelevant.

why not just address my point that there may possibly be child pornography on wshh?

i'll wait for you to skew it into something in your favor.
No I don't but I do frequent NT a lot. I don't think you understood what I said. Reread it and try to comprehend it instead of trying to quickly respond.

It's not that hard to understand.
its irrelevant.
why not just address my point that there may possibly be child pornography on wshh?
That's not and never was your point.

Like I said save it or maybe you should read more thoroughly.

Right now just seems you've stooped down to trying to win an argument. Probably thinking I need to get Master Zik to agree with me in someway on any level anyway I can. So now you're just hopping from topic to topic even if I was addressing other ppl in my posts :lol: Grow up.
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That's not and never was your point.

Like I said save it or maybe you should read more thoroughly.

Right now just seems you've stooped down to trying to win an argument. Probably thinking I need to get Master Zik to agree with me in someway on any level anyway I can. So now you're just hopping from topic to topic even if I was addressing other ppl in my posts
Grow up.
you've edited each of your posts to the point that i cannot follow what you're even talking about.

if you dont like this thread, dont click on it.

That's not and never was your point.

Like I said save it or maybe you should read more thoroughly.

Right now just seems you've stooped down to trying to win an argument. Probably thinking I need to get Master Zik to agree with me in someway on any level anyway I can. So now you're just hopping from topic to topic even if I was addressing other ppl in my posts :lol: Grow up.
you've edited each of your posts to the point that i cannot follow what you're even talking about.

if you dont like this thread, dont click on it.
View media item 762466
Who said I don't like the thread though? It's clear posters other than the thread starter have better points to make. /Christopher Walken
Id like to apologize for allowing certain posters to stray the dialogue of this thread. It was petty of me; but back to the topic at hand.
This post is worth a look.
to further build off this, wshh encourages an increasingly common and terrible trend of pulling out a cell phone and recording an act of violence, instead of u know, using said phone to call law enforcement, or if possible, intervene.

social media's rapid expansion correlates to how heavily intertwined it is in our everyday lives, at least for the avg person. we live in a world now where the right app, nets you a billion dollar buyout, or a great youtube video lands you a record deal with usher...etc. so much so do u see people looking for the chance to get in on the piece of the e fame action.

print media has long been a baseline for what i am trying to describe. Just last year, in new york city, a man fell onto the tracks, while a speeding Q train was pulling into the station. He struggled to get out onto the platform in time but failed. he died on impact. i wasn't there, so i don't know how near that train was for any help to matter, but a near by photographer who happened to work for the new york post, was more concerned with getting that cover photo payday then attempting to help.

the newspaper published anyways...

the photo of this man dying was worth more than the man's life itself. thats the way it comes off to me, and it speaks volumes about contemporary society. (generalization, but bad enough)

WSHH embodies this type of behavior. it encourages it. as the post i quoted, they package this minstrelsy of blacks, and occasionally other races with, music videos, trending vids, vines, etc, all as a one stop shop for guaranteed internet entertainment. almost entirely user generated. hence, where the WORRRLDSTARRR chant comes from when **** goes down.

Sharkeisha. Instant e-fame. for what? no1 came out of that tainted, sharkeisha ridiculed for having been name sharkeisha (that's fair) and sucker punching another girl, and the victim getting slandered and taunted for getting knocked down.

the dude who got confronted over alleged stolen shoes, stomped out, and got his sneakers took....when he actually paid for them.

etc, the list is infinite and ever growing.

Society now, has a growing trend of what some may refer to as the bystander effect. The recent death of a Elite Daily writer, a 23 yr old girl who was hit and KOd instantly, but then was stomped out continuously right outside a nightclub, even tho she was unconsious from the first hit, is a good example of this. She ended up brain dead, and was pulled off life support. a group of girls and guys beat her to death.

The Tragedy Of Kim Pham: What A Desensitized Generation Can Learn From A Senseless Loss

On January 18, during the early hours of Saturday morning, Kim Pham, a 23-year-old recent graduate and aspiring writer and talk show host, was brutally beaten outside of a nightclub in California. Following an attack by a group that allegedly consisted of three women and two men, Kim was declared brain dead. On Tuesday, she was removed from life support and was pronounced dead at 12:36 pm. The most recent reports claim that the initial argument may have been sparked due to a photobomb.

Kim was a valued contributor to Elite Daily and we are all shocked and deeply saddened to learn that she is no longer with us. Like any writer capable of providing a voice for their generation, Kim understood her peers, and she possessed the keen ability to eloquently pass along advice and inspiration that resonated with countless readers.

Screen Shot 2014-01-22 at 2.01.22 PM
In her article “These Are The 7 Biggest Fears That You Need To Avoid Having In Your Twenties,” she explores the need for her fellow 20-somethings to abandon the small fears that they encounter on a daily basis, and to take each day as an opportunity to live and love fearlessly and with renewed passion. Kim explains that fear such as the “fear of missing out on a party” or the “fear of rejection” are empty fears that only stifle personal progress.

She writes,“…living in constant fear of leaving our comfort zones, to only chase swift relief without paying attention to possibilities for growth in other avenues is becoming a serious epidemic to the most able of us all.”
Kim understood her generation of fast-paced, social-media-hungry minds that are in a constant battle with how others perceive them and how to find the most meaningful sense of fulfillment in their everyday lives.

“Our generation is at odds with a war that is seemingly more powerful than us, she notes. “Not only are we prone to needing instant gratification, we are also stuck in a generation where we recognize the conflict of demand for immediate fulfillment as real.”
While we are lucky to at least be left with Kim’s inspirational words, the unspeakable tragedy that claimed her life leaves us evaluating another aspect of our generation entirely. Unnecessary violence takes the lives of many around the world, but we find ourselves in a time when atrocities that are being filmed, but not stopped are rising at an alarming rate.

This trend of diffusing responsibility and simply “not getting involved” is not new. Perhaps the most well known case of the psychological phenomenon known as the bystander effect is the murder of Kitty Genovese. In 1964, Kitty, a 28-year-old woman at the time, was stabbed by an attacker in front of her home in a residential Queens neighborhood. Her cry for help was heard by a number of residents, which forced the attacker to flee the scene. Though when nobody stepped forward to help Genovese, the attacker returned and raped her before killing her. A witness finally called the police after the final attack.

The bystander effect is an inherent trend among people, however, in recent years and with the aid of technology, an entirely new social phenomenon has been born. One that takes the bystander effect a step further. With desensitization that has become a natural byproduct of the Internet and the media, as well as the social media craze that has enticed a generation to capture everything they see, the notion to pull out a camera in the most inappropriate of times has become as monotonous and predictable as the workings of an assembly line.

In the case of Kim, she was knocked unconscious before her attackers continued to beat her. Not surprisingly, there is video footage of the event, with bystanders crowded around, cell phones in hand.

Bystanders are not just avoiding involvement as in the case of Kitty, they are, in fact, directly involving themselves in the incident, but not doing anything to stop it. Yes, film has helped authorities make arrests, but it doesn’t save lives.

It’s discouraging to think that we have become a culture that is more likely to record an incident, such as the beating of Kim Pham, rather than make any effort to prevent the worst possible outcome. But after all, we are a generation that chooses to stare emotionlessly through a screen. If the person next to you started dancing, you would probably instinctively reach for your phone.

If you turned around to notice a beautiful sunset, your hand would probably find it’s way to your pocket while you fumbled for the camera icon. And if a 23-year-old were being mercilessly beaten on the street, too many of us would once again reach for our phones, perhaps excited by the thought of uploading it online later on, or texting it to a friend.

As for Kim, she may have fallen victim to a major flaw of the same generation that she was so interested in helping, guiding and being a part of. It almost seems too coincidental that her last post for Elite Daily, previously unpublished, profiled Kelly Thomas, a homeless schizophrenic man living in California that was beaten to death by cops, sparking a national uproar.

Every now and then people come along that can help reshape a generation’s ills and change the way we look at both ourselves and society as a whole. The term martyr tends to feel outdated, but Kim has undoubtedly left us with her greatest piece of inspiration yet, and with her unfortunate passing it’s imperative that we reflect on what our actions really say when we don’t act at all.

to wrap up, WSHH is just a big part of an even bigger problem in society today. If you choose to ignore it, dismiss it with "you soft b" or "people are soft nowadays". fine. ignorance is bliss, do you. the fact remains, that its grotesque, and every time you hit up WSHH, you help keep the founder's wallet fat, and give him every reason to keep the money coming in.

i get the site has some really funny videos, and the girl vids and vines are :wow: :evil:. i get it. and i get you see something cool one day, like an avalanche, or...idk a plane landing on a highway, or something ridiculous, and you wanna capture that moment. I GET IT.

too many times tho, people choose to film instead of help, particularly when it is within their power to do so, even if it means calling 911 instead of pressing record.

and yes, wshh is detrimental to blacks for obvious reasons. if i have to explain that, log off and stay away from the internet. seriously.
@Master Zik  I'm confirming to you that there was infact a video of a 14 year old girl giving oral sex, and a separate video of two 12-13 year olds piping some girl in the school bathroom.

These are real videos that were posted on WSHH.  And they are in fact child porn
a lot of people saying "if you remove wshh, other website will just come take its place".

this is such a lazy way to look at the situation.

just because there is an audience for something does not mean that there should be a platform for them to congregate.

for those of you who disagree, do you believe _ _ websites should be allowed on the internet? there's obviously an audience and its similar in that they both contain media of crimes being committed.

i mean, if you're not into _ _ just dont click on it right?
CP =/= Fight compilations, twerk videos and other types of rachet **** that was going on long before WSHH

Y'all stay going to the extreme.
a lot of people saying "if you remove wshh, other website will just come take its place".

this is such a lazy way to look at the situation.

just because there is an audience for something does not mean that there should be a platform for them to congregate.

for those of you who disagree, do you believe _ _ websites should be allowed on the internet? there's obviously an audience and its similar in that they both contain media of crimes being committed.

i mean, if you're not into _ _ just dont click on it right?
CP =/= Fight compilations, twerk videos and other types of rachet **** that was going on long before WSHH​
Y'all stay going to the extreme.​
Amber Cole?
@Master Zik
 I'm confirming to you that there was infact a video of a 14 year old girl giving oral sex, and a separate video of two 12-13 year olds piping some girl in the school bathroom.

These are real videos that were posted on WSHH.  And they are in fact child porn
Like I said you asked a question (if I recall these vids) and I said no. Your post didn't come off like you were confirming that.

Now child porn being posted on wshh is a problem and if it's true I'm not sure why they weren't reported to the FBI and shutdown already? :nerd: Something like this I'd think get more attention and be handled by the proper authorities no? or did wshh take down these vids?

Plus like I said in the previous posts about child porn and wshh. It wasn't about if wshh posted child porn on their it was if frequenting a site that produces child porn is the same thing as watching the ignorant vids on wshh. Dude was trying to equate the posting and distribution of child porn to fight vids and rap videos.

I mean you guys do get that child porn is a completely different thing and a way more serious crime (an actual crime to be clear) than the fights, music vids, interviews, and other ignorant things posted on wshh right? :nerd:
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a lot of people saying "if you remove wshh, other website will just come take its place".

this is such a lazy way to look at the situation.

just because there is an audience for something does not mean that there should be a platform for them to congregate.

for those of you who disagree, do you believe _ _ websites should be allowed on the internet? there's obviously an audience and its similar in that they both contain media of crimes being committed.

i mean, if you're not into _ _ just dont click on it right?
CP =/= Fight compilations, twerk videos and other types of rachet **** that was going on long before WSHH​
Y'all stay going to the extreme.​
Amber Cole?
If that was indeed was posted on WorldStarHipHop, then yeah, that's not cool because it's a submissions based site and someone approved that being on there and someone should have looked into that and handled that appropiately.

However his point was not that WSHH featured CP, it was that it was on the same level as CP. And it's ridiculous to say that the content they typically post is on that level. Again, I don't know if they posted that video but if they did then the situation should have been handled accordingly...
If that was indeed was posted on WorldStarHipHop, then yeah, that's not cool because it's a submissions based site and someone approved that being on there and someone should have looked into that and handled that appropiately.​
However his point was not that WSHH featured CP, it was that it was on the same level as CP. And it's ridiculous to say that the content they typically post is on that level. Again, I don't know if they posted that video but if they did then the situation should have been handled accordingly...​
Yeah, a hyperbolic comparison. NT extremes at it's finest.

You tried to compare a crime with something that's not and tried to trivialize a legitimate option for one while it's not legitimate for the other.

WSHH is garbage but they do have other content on there. Mainly Hip-Hop related. I don't think the HuffPost is gonna win this debate. Why focus on the negativity of the website?

^Where is the positivity to focus on? Ive never seen anything positive on that site.
Unless you call nice looking masses and bitties positive...I guess that is kinda positive, but that's besides the point.

There are many positives. Conscience hip-hop, breaking news, prodigal and miracle stories. But they do post more garbage and exploitation of the black man.
Cp on wshh tho? No way the feds missed that... And if indeed true, that site stooped to a new low and should be shut down servers raided arrests etc
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