December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

Seeing Taker at the PC with the young big guys was cool.

Had my guy AJ in there too :pimp:




I'd love to see how Tony Khan gets around handling that little dip**** publicly recording about how he aspires to rape Sasha.

I told y'all couldn't stand his *** and tendingto change the station when he's on it w/ his dumb **** haircut.
Alright, I'll start this off by saying I'm not defending or excusing Sammy or his use of that word. I hate it with every ounce of my being. I've had it happen to several people in my life, and I think it's the absolute worst act a human being can do to another human being. With that said, I know there are people that throw that word around like it's no big thing. I've had female friends tell me they've had boyfriends use it as a compliment. As in "girlllll, you looked so good, I wanted to..." Unfortunately I think that's what Sammy's dumb self was doing. Again, not excusing, not defending, just trying to explain where I think he may have been coming from when he said that stupid sht. You can't just be popping off at the mouth with that kind of ignorance, no matter how cool you think it sounds, or if you think you're using it as a compliment. Most folks would take it wrong, as they should.

EDIT: Bingo. Just saw his tweeted response/apology that Marik posted.
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If Sasha and Bayley’s title run leads up to them losing it to the i iconic then it would have been all for nothing.
My girls are out here 3 times a week defending those belts. Plus it just looks good on them.
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