December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

holy ****. I didn't think they had it in them. honestly, never thought he should be fired though.

Is not being able to hurl the f-word freely w/o consequence anymore is impeding on your freedom of speech as well?

Did u enjoy Edge vs Orton last week, & are u holding up well?

match went on for too long for my tastes and the MSG x crowd dubbing was silly imo but i enjoyed some of.

Last few days have been rough for my family but hanging in there. Thanks for asking. How've you been man?
Someone in my Group Chat posted this after I told him Sammy got suspended.

Just looked it up. A fine would have sufficed, IMO. He made the comments (in poor taste) 4 years ago, owned up to them & has apologized vehemently. Sasha has accepted his apology & that is what most matters.

The Khan's trying to win the PR war, yet they are open supporters of are garbage president. Just like the ******** of "banning" that piece of **** Linda Hogan.

match went on for too long for my tastes and the MSG x crowd dubbing was silly imo but i enjoyed some of.

Last few days have been rough for my family but hanging in there. Thanks for asking. How've you been man?
Just chilling, a lot thinking, a lot of conversations, a lot shaking this stress off. It'll get better though. You and the fam gotta remember to hold your heads. Stay dope.
holy ****. I didn't think they had it in them. honestly, never thought he should be fired though.

Is not being able to hurl the f-word freely w/o consequence anymore is impeding on your freedom of speech as well?

Did u enjoy Edge vs Orton last week, & are u holding up well?

I was wrong in my previous statement. I thought it was regarding the picture he posted, not the rape comment.

that comment was a little extreme, but also has to be taken into context. Going after him after statements made in 2016 is like when everyone went after Kevin Hart for his homophobic comments from 2009 or 2011. I’m sure homie hasn’t grown as much as Kevin had(~10 years is different Than less than 4), but it was a little different climate. Doesn’t make the past comment right though.

I understand the suspension is in light of current events and to be used as future deterrent for pro wrestlers in the future. I’m ok with how things turned out now.
Peep Game Peep Game

Your top 3 TNA matches ever are?

The ones that instantly pop into my head are Styles vs Abyss in a Cage (05), AMW vs XXX in a cage (04), and the 3rd is probably Angle vs Styles vs Joe (or Chris Daniels) (06). A lot of other stuff I’d have to revisit. Jeff vs Abyss in some Hardcore match in 05 I think, Monty Brown vs Abyss vs Raven in some other stipulation match. Think I remember Wolfe bs Angle as a standout match too.
Well AEW is seen as the progressive company, their fans go after anyone not putting them over for being racists and predators so there's no way they can be seen as being soft when it comes to such matters.
Exactly what I thought should happen. Good gesture to donate his salary.
He didn’t do enough to warrant him getting fired but enough for a suspension.
Maybe he’ll be more like Matt Hardy after this

Yea there’s pretty much a difference between a poor taste “joke” that would’ve come from Carlos Mencia in 2006 and actually sexually assaulting women like some of these other wrestlers have recently done. The audio was in very poor taste, but I actually had no problem with the old school Ricochet pic, cause people have actually said that Ricochet’s newer ring attire looks like Sasha’s:rofl:
So what’s the story with dc’s favorite d*** wrestler?..What’d he do? I’ve seen he got accused but haven’t really heard anything about what went down..
Dude deactivated all of his social media. We'll probably never see him in notable wrestling ring again. Dudes toast, hope he saved his bags.
Im glad Sasha "The Boss Blueprint GOAT Greatest of All Time" Banks handled that with class. What a true Golden Role Model.
Mr. Promo,

Hope your days are well.

What makes Sasha the GOAT?

Sammy handled this the best out of anyone so far imo
Yea but they still got him for the initial apology since he didn't say her name. He went back and fixed it though. :lol:
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