December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican

Has Cornette said anything about Joey Ryan?

I know he's in his top 5 most hated wrestlers list.

Nothing yet. In the podcast today, he basically said he was only addressing HIS stuff for now. He did say that he wasn't going to address other people's stuff until those people had spoken about it first. But yeah, Ryan was the first person I thought of.
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican

Has Cornette said anything about Joey Ryan?

I know he's in his top 5 most hated wrestlers list.

Still waiting on an answer for this.

Bend_The_Knee Bend_The_Knee Let me ask you this.

Looking at the WON HOF vs. WWE HOF, in terms of "legitimacy" (I know it is wrestling), which one ranks higher?

Please look at the list of wrestlers in each HOF and tell me which one is a stronger showing of what they are supposed to represent.

Explain please.
I read the summary of what Cornette said and believe it or not.. he actually made some very good points. He said that the anti-bullies become the bullies themselves
We talk about WWE HOF and call it a joke.

You bring up WON Hof of fame.

I ask that you compare the two to see which on is really the joke.

You don't answer.

But I am the petty one?


No, YOU want a to assign homework.

BTW, why do you care anyways?

You have said before that WWE, AEW and TNA are all jokes.
Mr. Promo,

Hope your days are well.

What makes Sasha the GOAT?

Yea but they still got him for the initial apology since he didn't say her name. He went back and fixed it though. :lol:

Hi! Thanks for asking! How is yours?

In WWE world, she is the GOAT. In real life it is Io Shirai.

But to Answer your Question...

I. Featured in 6 of the Top 10 WWE Women's Matches of All-Time:

1. Sasha vs Bayley - NXT Takeover Brooklyn
2. Sasha vs Becky Lynch - NXT Takeover Unstoppable
3. Sasha vs Becky vs Charlotte vs Bayley - NXT Rival
4. Sasha vs Charlotte vs Becky - Wrestlemania 32
5. Becky vs Charlotte - Evolution 2018
6. Paige vs Emma - NXT Arrival
7. Charlotte vs Natalya - NXT Takeover 2014
8. Trish vs Lita - Raw 12/6/04
9. 2018 Women's Royal Rumble (Lasted 45 Mins, 1st Entrant)
10. Sasha vs Charlotte - 7/25/16 (the match they had in Dec 2016 can also be swapped in, if wanted)

II. Featured in all these "1st" :

1. 1st Female PPV Main Event NXT (w/ Bayley - NXT Takeover Respect)
2. 1st Female PPV Main Event WWE (w/ Charlotte - HIAC 2016)
3. 1st entrant in 1st Women's Royal Rumble
4. 1st entrant in 1st Women's Elimaton Chamber AMtch
5. 1st Women's Iron-Man Match (w/Bayley)
6. 1st Women's Hell In a Cell Match (w/Charlotte)
7. 1st WWE Women's Tag Team Champion (w/Bayley)

III. Various Intangibles
1. If you're a pushed talent in the Women's Division, your best match, or one of your best matches in your career was probably against Sasha, she has chemistry with almost everyone.
2. Ring psychology is next level.
3. Extremely popular, most social media views and followers amongst the other female roster members.
4. Ratings Draw (Beat AEW Main Event via viewer count 755k vs 705k, lost in the key 18-49 demo though) (Featured along with Bayley on Smackdown as the focal story, Ratings have gone up)
5. Considered the GOAT amongst her peers in and outside of WWE from Nikki Bella to Ronda to Bayley and Tessa Blanchard and so on...

Her main weaknesses are her promo ability, and the way she's booked, and despite all that, she's still the GOAT, which makes her even more GOAT.
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Hi! Thanks for asking! How is yours?

In WWE world, she is the GOAT. In real life it is Io Shirai.

But to Answer your Question...

I. Featured in 6 of the Top 10 WWE Women's Matches of All-Time:

1. Sasha vs Bayley - NXT Takeover Brooklyn
2. Sasha vs Becky Lynch - NXT Takeover Unstoppable
3. Sasha vs Becky vs Charlotte vs Bayley - NXT Rival
4. Sasha vs Charlotte vs Becky - Wrestlemania 32
5. Becky vs Charlotte - Evolution 2018
6. Paige vs Emma - NXT Arrival
7. Charlotte vs Natalya - NXT Takeover 2014
8. Trish vs Lita - Raw 12/6/04
9. 2018 Women's Royal Rumble (Lasted 45 Mins, 1st Entrant)
10. Sasha vs Charlotte - 7/25/16 (the match they had in Dec 2016 can also be swapped in, if wanted)

II. Featured in all these "1st" :

1. 1st Female PPV Main Event NXT (w/ Bayley - NXT Takeover Respect)
2. 1st Female PPV Main Event WWE (w/ Charlotte - HIAC 2016)
3. 1st entrant in 1st Women's Royal Rumble
4. 1st entrant in 1st Women's Elimaton Chamber AMtch
5. 1st Women's Elimination Chamber Match (w/Bayley)
6. 1st Women's Hell In a Cell Match (w/Charlotte)
7. 1st WWE Women's Tag Team Champion (w/Bayley)

III. Various Intangibles
1. If you're a pushed talent in the Women's Division, your best match, or one of your best matches in your career was probably against Sasha, she has chemistry with almost everyone.
2. Ring psychology is next level.
3. Extremely popular, most social media views and followers amongst the other female roster members.
4. Ratings Draw (Beat AEW Main Event via viewer count 755k vs 705k, lost in the key 18-49 demo though) (Featured along with Bayley on Smackdown as the focal story, Ratings have gone up)
5. Considered the GOAT amongst her peers in and outside of WWE from Nikki Bella to Ronda to Bayley and Tessa Blanchard and so on...

Her main weaknesses are her promo ability, and the way she's booked, and despite all that, she's still the GOAT, which makes her even more GOAT.
With all this to her name there was no way Vince was going to let her go during the tantrums
With all this to her name there was no way Vince was going to let her go during the tantrums

Right? He obviously values her, she may not be the champ, but if she's available, she's ALWAYS on TV in a featured spot. It may be a good, may be a bad storyline, she still gets air time.
Funny, I guess since people LIKE her she is getting a favorable response.

Had this been someone else, people wouldn't believe that person didn't know.

If it’s just a filler for Drew/Bobby at SummerSlam I’m cool. Extreme Rules feels like the Sasha/Bayley turning point. So why not have Drew and Ziggler.
Should that match close the show because I feel like Drew is getting the AJ treatment? If anything Braun stories should open or be on the middle but Drew needs to be closing. I understand that Randy/Edge marketing crap but going forward I want to see Drew closing the show more.
SummerSlam matches?

Braun vs Bray (‘12-‘18 ) universal
Sasha vs Bayley SD Women’s
Drew vs Bobby WWE Championship
Riddle vs AJ IC Title
New day vs Cesaro/Nak
Dominic/Rey/Humberto vs Seth/Buddy/Theory


Apollo vs Shelton
Andrade vs Garza
SD women’s title
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