December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

Yea I'm not really feeling post-Heyman Raw. I'm glad Asuka won tho.

Nattie has got to have the worst clothesline ever.
Can't have all them uggos on the same show..Lose too many viewers..

Bianca uggo?

The need to have Liv wrestle on tv more, she's young & has a lot of potential.
Was she ever good? I’ve never seen her outside of the main roster where she just eats L’s all the time. Doesn’t come off as a wrestler but just a side piece. I don’t mind seeing her beautiful face every week tho.
Was she ever good? I’ve never seen her outside of the main roster where she just eats L’s all the time. Doesn’t come off as a wrestler but just a side piece. I don’t mind seeing her beautiful face every week tho.
She had that very good match w/ Charlotte & disappeared afterwards. They keep taking her off and putting on tv and not allowing her to build experience. If they have her rub elbows w/ the right ppl she could go somewhere. I thought they'd do that w/ Rubi Riott, but nah.
The fact that Big Show, Orton, and Flair were in the ring talking about Edge & Christian at the top of the hour on Raw in 2020 is beyond wild to me. :lol:
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The fact that Big Show, Orton, and Flair were in the ring talking about Edge & Christian at the top of the hour in on Raw 2020 is beyond wild to me. :lol:

agree I’m sure it was good but I have raw on mute and don’t care for this storyline knowing edge is out of action and bringing back old guys talking should be given to the younger talent.

I love the little things that they’re doing with Sasha and Bayley. I just don’t know who if this was in front of the crowd would be getting cheered. Also could Bayley still keep up that heel work.
Was she ever good? I’ve never seen her outside of the main roster where she just eats L’s all the time. Doesn’t come off as a wrestler but just a side piece. I don’t mind seeing her beautiful face every week tho.
She had that very good match w/ Charlotte & disappeared afterwards. They keep taking her off and putting on tv and not allowing her to build experience. If they have her rub elbows w/ the right ppl she could go somewhere. I thought they'd do that w/ Rubi Riott, but nah.

Marik has a good point. She was another like Dana that got called up with no plan WAY before she was ready. Now she's on the road instead of training at the PC, and really had no chance to learn and get better. It's amazing how many times this has happened.
Sammy handled this the best out of anyone so far imo

It probably helps that he didn’t actually rape/assault anyone.

Very surprised it took so long for something to come out on Joey Ryan. Looks like that wasn’t solely a gimmick. And funny, he’s under this new “cancel culture” gimmick, and he’ll be cancelled soon enough.
I was hoping the swerve would be to Io maybe the same night Cole vs whoever for the winner take all. Or even Io at Extreme Rules but Asuka I’m cool with.

Sasha holding the Raw title wouldn’t be bad for a bit either. I just wonder when do they finally go Bayley vs Sasha because Mania due to time can’t be it. SummerSlam fits. Hell even the Rumble would work. Maybe Vince wants the crowd for that match.
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