December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

It's cool that they are giving Creeds a shot, but he just doesn't have the personality. Very good worker, but just doesn't make me interested/invested.

He needs a tag partner or manager in the worst way. At this point, I just think his natural personality is simply a plain nice good guy.
He needs a tag partner or manager in the worst way. At this point, I just think his natural personality is simply a plain nice good guy.
That absolutely is his personality. And unfortunately that probably isn't the best thing for the wrestling business.

Managers generally lend themselves to heels, and I just couldn't believe him as one. Could be a great tag guy though. Throw him together with Gable, Cedric, O'Shea, whoever.
It's cool that they are giving Creeds a shot, but he just doesn't have the personality. Very good worker, but just doesn't make me interested/invested.
Agree, he needs to be a bit more serious to me. I want to see that fighting spirit but in a different babyface tone. He’s just all smiles and abilities. I need an evolution of the guy a bit.
A guy on COPS was rocking a Stone Cold t-shirt.

And he looks like every guy who would a wear a Stone Cold t-shirt in public too. :lol:





I was at the HeatWave show where Bubba told a mom she taught her daughter how to suck richard..Crowd was as hot as I've ever seen..
That was the show! Dayton Ohio on my 18th birthday and I was there. That crowd was ready to storm the ring. I thought that one big dude was going to storm the ring if Atlas Security didn’t stop him. I could barely breathe I was laughing so hard through the whole thing. I was at that and Heatwave ‘98 a year earlier (I got to see Hayabusa wrestle in a tag match at that one against RVD and Sabu.)
Nah... didn’t like the Akeem gimmick at all. Slick was the most entertaining thing about him.

OMG, One Man Band, One Man etc. are all the same men gimmicks.

Was just a slow fat guy to me back then.
The one thing though is he made a lot of money working the top of the card with Hogan and a champion Savage during his Akeem days.
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