December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

In all seriousness. Legit question.

Do you think

A. HE doesn't have THE charisma to get over with American audiences


B. He doesn't have THE charisma to get over with WWE audiences in the way that he is presented by WWE creative.

I think there is a difference. A severe difference.

Hypothetically speaking, if he was in WCW during the early/mid 90s, (before Russo), there is no doubt he would be presented in a way that would get over with American audiences.

I just think we should be careful with believing because someone isn't presented properly in WWE is a reflection of their complete existence.
Not sure what the point is of bringing up a hypothetical of how a company would've handled someone 25-30 years ago. Nakamura also isn't half the wrestler that Mewtwo, Justin Liger, or Ultimate Dragon were.

He's a non-cruiswerweight that can't particularly wrestle well and has poor English. Why should anyone be invested in him? He's basically All Star Black without any promo ability. Or Andrade without the wrestling ability.

Tozawa has at least shown he can be funny (pre-Ninja role) on top of being able to wrestle. I just don't see that with Nakamura. Nobody cares about his dumb gyrating, which he was also doing in Japan.
The point of me bringing up another company was to introduce a company that had a track record of properly producing Japanese talent without forcing them to rely on goofiness/comedy.

You don't think it is a coincidence that Tozawa and Asuka are seeing their most success, on the main roster, during a time in which their CHARACTER has been cranked up to Level 10?

Who do you think makes Nakamura do all The gyrating and spamming of stupid Movements? (Wasn't done to THIS extent in Japan, nor was it the basis of his identity like it is in WWE)

So just to be clear, you don't feel HOW WWE presents him is the cause for him not being as over as he should?
That was the show! Dayton Ohio on my 18th birthday and I was there. That crowd was ready to storm the ring. I thought that one big dude was going to storm the ring if Atlas Security didn’t stop him. I could barely breathe I was laughing so hard through the whole thing. I was at that and Heatwave ‘98 a year earlier (I got to see Hayabusa wrestle in a tag match at that one against RVD and Sabu.)

I was at 98 and 99 as well..My 2 favorite live events I've been to..Going to Mania is a true bucket list moment for me, but HW 98/99 were the funnest shows I've watched in person..

You from the Dayton area?
Pete Dunne and SheDunne should be tag champs
The point of me bringing up another company was to introduce a company that had a track record of properly producing Japanese talent without forcing them to rely on goofiness/comedy.

You don't think it is a coincidence that Tozawa and Asuka are seeing their most success, on the main roster, during a time in which their CHARACTER has been cranked up to Level 10?

Who do you think makes Nakamura do all The gyrating and spamming of stupid Movements? (Wasn't done to THIS extent in Japan, nor was it the basis of his identity like it is in WWE)

So just to be clear, you don't feel HOW WWE presents him is the cause for him not being as over as he should?
I guess I'm just confused as to how you would like him to be presented. Cruiserweights have generally always just been able to "go have a good match" and the character development isn't as important. Justin Liger and Ultimate were both really good wrestlers, so that was pretty easy for WCW at the time.

Great Mewtwo was the size of a heavyweight and had a good character for the time, on top of being a very good wrestler. Had a good manager. Felt like an attraction.

The American wrestling industry has just changed so much in 30 years since we saw what WCW did with those guys. Focus on character is at an all-time high when it comes to in-ring work + promos + social media + whatever else.

IMO, he just doesn't do anything good enough to warrant people caring about him. Shouldn't have to jump through hoops in order to try to get him over.

If you put someone like Okada, with an awesome manager, I think IT would be a different story because he's an elite wrestler.
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How would I want him presented? Hard hitting, slick, silent, serious and with a manager. Not a goofy fake Prince Jackson Mercury.

I guess I just don't see the "He isn't a good wrestler" angle the way you do. I also don't think that matters so much in the WWE world.

But I guess in the WWE style of wrestling, I could understand why you feel that way.

Selfishly, I thibk he is in WWE for good.
How would I want him presented? Hard hitting, slick, silent, serious and with a manager. Not a goofy fake Prince Jackson Mercury.

I guess I just don't see the "He isn't a good wrestler" angle the way you do. I also don't think that matters so much in the WWE world.

But I guess in the WWE style of wrestling, I could understand why you feel that way.

Selfishly, I thibk he is in WWE for good.
So you want him to be Japanese Allstar Black but with a manager to be his mouthpiece? What do you think the potential of that performer would be?
So you want him to be Japanese Allstar Black but with a manager to be his mouthpiece? What do you think the potential of that performer would be?
The potential is it might change the narrative of his time in WWE being an overall disappointment.
How would I want him presented? Hard hitting, slick, silent, serious and with a manager. Not a goofy fake Prince Jackson Mercury.

awful idea. you want him to go back to his original gimmick in new japan when nobody cared about him.

IT even failed in japan and it would have for sure failed in WWE and you and all them redditors would be complaining about how WWE stripped him of everything that made him over in the first place

it is a vicious cycle yall live in
The potential is it might change the narrative of his time in WWE being an overall disappointment.

According to BSox's trolling his time in WWE has been extremely successful..Since he has no character, no ability to connect with fans, can't get over, and is a terrible wrestler I'd say his run has been one of the best of all time..
awful idea. you want him to go back to his original gimmick in new japan when nobody cared about him.

IT even failed in japan and it would have for sure failed in WWE and you and all them redditors would be complaining about how WWE stripped him of everything that made him over in the first place

it is a vicious cycle yall live in
Yup. These dudes are FUNNY.
He's won multiple midcard belts and for some reason they had him win a Royal Rumble. He's certainly not a top of the card level talent, so given the Rumble win, you could probably say he's overachieved while in the WWE.
Rarely does a Japanese wrestler have the ability/experience to be able to perfectly blend wrestling skill with "American Entertainment." She has IT.

Too bad Nakamura never took notes from her. Maybe he could've been something.

Agreed. NXT version was perfection.

It took awhile, but it seems to be moving that way on main roster. The things I’ve caught have been damn good.
Sammy has handled this whole thing about as maturely as I could have expected

Unhinged Sasha fans on Twitter still calling for him to have his head caved in and have his body burned :smh:

One of my closest friends brought up a great point: What he said in 2016 would be considered “Locker room talk” if he were in WWE. There’s a hall of famer who grabs them by the p (among other proven egregious offenses) and he won’t be removed ever.
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