December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

Haven't seen @Bad Moon Rison post in a bit.
He needed to step away. Just wish him the best on his search.
One of my closest friends brought up a great point: What he said in 2016 would be considered “Locker room talk” if he were in WWE. There’s a hall of famer who grabs them by the p (among other proven egregious offenses) and he won’t be removed ever.
It was visually insinuated that Michael Cole got raped camera, Big Daddy V use to forcefully dry hump his opponents from the back, the divas use to get the tops ripped off left & right. I've heard many shoot interviews when someone causally brings up them or someone else being a victim of a homoerotic "prank."

You really can't really compare how WWE or any other company would handle something that is sexually assaulty. That company is "conservative" as hell. An alleged Pat Patterson is very unlikely to maintain an existence in this industry during this day n' age.
Crazy how Charlotte just was on Raw y’all jawing about how she never gets injured. What’s it just wear and tear?
I say some stupid **** sometimes to be funny. I know what locker room humor is but never would i have ever even BEFORE the me too movement have said to want to rape a woman to describe how desirable a woman is. That **** just is not funny. Ive never heard anybody say that as a joke. Thats just bad in every way.
I say some stupid **** sometimes to be funny. I know what locker room humor is but never would i have ever even BEFORE the me too movement have said to want to rape a woman to describe how desirable a woman is. That **** just is not funny. Ive never heard anybody say that as a joke. Thats just bad in every way.

I'm with you, and I totally don't get it either. Not sure how that word is funny to anyone, yet here we are. I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't know people who had it said to/about them. I would say that Sammy definitely seems to fit the description of the dudes I know that said it.
Reigns is terribly micromanaged. Vince and everybody in creative were so dead set on pushing him as the next Rock/Cena but didn’t realize that’s not in his personality
thing is those guys were major heels before they were major babyfaces.

vince too stubborn for the slow burn.

if he had only turned reigns heel once he would have given him more likability

rock deserves praise cuz he could get pops being a face then turn heel and get major heat then go back to being a face with huge pops after

that would have never have happened without the rocky sucks chants.

reigns had the look to be heel too looking like an angry mechanic
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I say some stupid **** sometimes to be funny. I know what locker room humor is but never would i have ever even BEFORE the me too movement have said to want to rape a woman to describe how desirable a woman is. That **** just is not funny. Ive never heard anybody say that as a joke. Thats just bad in every way.

I'm with you, and I totally don't get it either. Not sure how that word is funny to anyone, yet here we are. I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't know people who had it said to/about them. I would say that Sammy definitely seems to fit the description of the dudes I know that said it.

I want to see Cesaro use the big swing to send vince flying off the wwe headquarters building.
I was at 98 and 99 as well..My 2 favorite live events I've been to..Going to Mania is a true bucket list moment for me, but HW 98/99 were the funnest shows I've watched in person..

You from the Dayton area?
No, Northeast Ohio area, but whenever ECW was up here it was either at what I remember as being some sort of Masonic Temple, or finally the Agora, because WWF got The Gund (then the Q...and now Rocket Mortgage Loans Fieldhouse) and WCW locked up the Convocation center. I would have loved for ECW to run The JAR (James A Rhodes Arena) in Akron as that was holding concerts and Pre Season Cavs games and division 1 college basketball...and later St. Vincent, St Mary's home games when Lebron was there and the SVSM gym got too small for those games. It was a good 3-5 thousand person capacity if you opened the floor up, It even ran NWA back in the 80s IIRC. So it would have had that small concert, ECW sized crowd feel. While the Agora I never liked for Wrestling, even when NXT started going there for house shows. Also, Mania is fun, I did a Roadtrip to Toronto in 2002 for Wrestlemania 18 (Rock vs. Hogan). It was amazing. It's not hyperbole when they tell you the crowd is electric, because the crowd was like nothing I'd ever seen during Rock/Hogan...and I'd been going regularly to shows since 1985.

Unfortunately one of the few, the proud that was still sticking in there then watching that live on PPV. I thought it was a good promo, but then Austin was always a good talker but I'm not going to lie and say that line grabbed me particularly, I just remember people started bringing the Austin 3:16 signs. But I was so used to seeing "John 3:16" or "Other things 3:16" that it didn't register until I watched it a week or two later on tape. I was just happy he won the KOTR because it was about time he was getting recognition after how awesome he was as Stunning Steve in WCW and that short time in ECW (thank you Grandpa for having an OLD school satellite dish that got The Sunshine Network and ECW all the way up in Ohio in 1994-on). That fall of '96 WWF started to seem like it was starting to get with it, even though everyone was on the NWO's nuts in WCW. But Austin from about Fall '96-on was just smoldering hot in the wrestling industry.
thing is those guys were major heels before they were major babyfaces.

vince too stubborn for the slow burn.

if he had only turned reigns heel once he would have given him more likability

rock deserves praise cuz he could get pops being a face then turn heel and get major heat then go back to being a face with huge pops after

that would have never have happened without the rocky sucks chants.

reigns had the look to be heel too looking like an angry mechanic
What you said about Slow burn...that's the **** that won WWF the war in a lot of cases from WCW. Sure WWF hotshot a lot of stuff, but they didn't blow their stack like WCW would (yes...yes...Sting, but they even turned THAT into a debacle at Starrcade '97)
No, Northeast Ohio area, but whenever ECW was up here it was either at what I remember as being some sort of Masonic Temple, or finally the Agora, because WWF got The Gund (then the Q...and now Rocket Mortgage Loans Fieldhouse) and WCW locked up the Convocation center. I would have loved for ECW to run The JAR (James A Rhodes Arena) in Akron as that was holding concerts and Pre Season Cavs games and division 1 college basketball...and later St. Vincent, St Mary's home games when Lebron was there and the SVSM gym got too small for those games. It was a good 3-5 thousand person capacity if you opened the floor up, It even ran NWA back in the 80s IIRC. So it would have had that small concert, ECW sized crowd feel. While the Agora I never liked for Wrestling, even when NXT started going there for house shows. Also, Mania is fun, I did a Roadtrip to Toronto in 2002 for Wrestlemania 18 (Rock vs. Hogan). It was amazing. It's not hyperbole when they tell you the crowd is electric, because the crowd was like nothing I'd ever seen during Rock/Hogan...and I'd been going regularly to shows since 1985.

1985?..Oh hell, we might have someone older than me and green rhino123 green rhino123 ..
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