December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

I listened to this.

Cornette is sounding like a hypocrite.

Getting mad that they were taking shots at his wife when he's done that to wrestlers wives himself.
I’m not saying his wife deserved it, but he did. Him being but hurt is understandable, but maybe he’ll think about shooting at Sable the next her name is brought.

In regards to things that are solely based on allegations, he is definitely right about the anti-bullies become the very thing they claim to be against. That’ll tone down eventually though.
i would enjoy this more if these dudes werent doing this **** on my block at 1-2 AM every night for the last 3-4 week. **** is out of control right now

I know the 718 truth the 718 truth Bend_The_Knee Bend_The_Knee can attest to this **** man
Man, folks around here have been at since Mid May.

MID got damn MAY man. :lol:

Then folks down the street had a damn "Block Party" that ended at 5 AM on Saturday Night. :lol:

Folks trippin man.
Did he mention Hana Kimura? I heard he did but I didn't listen

He did.

If I remember this correctly (someone correct me if I'm wrong) Cornette said that he bets his wife received worse comments than Hanna did.
In general, wrestling has done a horrible job of preserving slams of Big Men.

Did he mention Hana Kimura? I heard he did but I didn't listen
He said something along the lines of Hana took her own life and didn't get half of the bullying his wife got.
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