December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

The women been on boat parties all week like it's nothing :smh: and at restauants. Putting a lot of older people with the company at risk and who knows the wrestlers with any previous health issues too.

This is why I don't really care for the NBA to be back. All it takes is one star to get it and die for them take it seriously. I'm cool with sports being done until 2021 or until the medical experts have something that can manage it but at this rate idk people still not taking it serious and we all have to suffer.

This one is all on Vince. He has billions of dollars and can bribe the governor of Florida but he couldn’t pay to have his talent tested before showing up to work?
There’s no logical reasoning that he pulled all the stops to have his show go on while the pandemic was roaring but no testing measures. Unless he actually didn’t think it was a threat. If so these republicans really do believe the stuff they say!
This one is all on Vince. He has billions of dollars and can bribe the governor of Florida but he couldn’t pay to have his talent tested before showing up to work?
There’s no logical reasoning that he pulled all the stops to have his show go on while the pandemic was roaring but no testing measures. Unless he actually didn’t think it was a threat. If so these republicans really do believe the stuff they say!

Oh, so THIS is all on Vince but Kofi not getting a push in 2009 is on Randy Orton?

Got it.
Oh, so THIS is all on Vince but Kofi not getting a push in 2009 is on Randy Orton?

Got it.

vince basically invincible. Does whatever he wants.

Let's consider wrestling a sport and then answer this question: Has there been 1 person in the past 100 years who has been more powerful/untouchable in his/her sport than Vincent Kennedy McMahon?..
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