December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

Oooooh good call. Hadn't thought about it that way. And to be clear, I didn't have a problem with what she was doing as Reina, it was just the terrible denim chaps haha.

Yea it looked awkward lol
What has Katy Cat Zingano been up to in NXT?

Another person that makes me want to see weight divisions with the Womens.
What has Katy Cat Zingano been up to in NXT?

Another person that makes me want to see weight divisions with the Womens.
What has Katy Cat Zingano been up to in NXT?

Another person that makes me want to see weight divisions with the Womens.
Their gimmick is their overall character and presentation.

Austin: Everyday, Boss hating Redneck

Rock: Slick mouthed, Arrogant movie star wannabe.

So what makes Undertaker's gimmick greater than their's.
Going to go with Taker vs Rock here since I already had Stone Cold on my Rushmore Mountain...

The combo of music and entrance definitely goes to The Undertaker. And that's with both Dead Man and American BA.

I simply think more goes in to portraying the Dead Man character than The Rock or Stone Cold. He can't just act like a normal dude. Is forced to act in a role that is abnormal. Look a certain way, talk a certain way.

Has more iconic matches including arguably one of the best matches of all time in WWE.

Longevity not even remotely close. Has wrestled every relatively important guy that has passed through the company in the last 30 years. He's done everything. Rock was in WWE for 7 years and then did a couple other Manias late with Cena for a moneygrab. Both have main evented the same number of Manias (5).

I understand your "Wasn't The Guy" argument in which I'd then have you revert to what Peep Game Peep Game said last night with regards to this, as I think he put IT well.

Again though, this is just MY OPINION.
Both are great. I should probably just go back and watch those 3 big Taker/Shawn matches. Haven't seen them in forever.
26 is messy and disjointed. When I saw Taker hit a tombstone on the outside like ten minutes in I knew there might be a problem :lol:

it’s the storyline stuff at the end that really saves the match and also Takers great selling of his leg which I’m still not sure if it was legit hurt or not.
B Sox B Sox

I guess I have a hard time accepting someone as having the best "gimmick" when there have been "gimmicks" that have been so great (even though tame in comparison), that they had so much more crossover appeal.

If the argument is, "The Undertaker has the best/longest running "dumb/goofy/over-the top" gimmick, sure I can agree with that.

But the Rock's gimmick was SO special that it lead to him becoming the most sought after actor in Hollywood. Not sure how anything can be greater than that.
Longevity not even remotely close. Has wrestled every relatively important guy that has passed through the company in the last 30 years. He's done everything. Rock was in WWE for 7 years and then did a couple other Manias late with Cena for a moneygrab. Both have main evented the same number of Manias (5).
Honestly, this is how the LeBron vs. Jordan argument is approached. Sure LeBron has more "gevity" than Jordan, but when comparing the peaks, the two aren't in the same ball-park.

Nobody is denying Undertaker's greatness over a long period of time but the Rock shouldn't be punished for being SO great that he outgrew wrestling.

So for that reason, I can't rank Taker above Rock.

Not being on Mt. Rushmore isn't a knock. It is only 4 Slots. So to say Undertaker isn't Top 4 in this company's history isn't a knock. But when you consider the degree of starpower others have shown, I think we aren't being honest with ourselves by putting Undertaker in that class.
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