December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

That backstage show was also on at like 11pm or something like that on FS1. Not sure what was really to be expected with that as far as viewership goes.

This is exactly why I rarely watched it. Weird channel that I never have on for anything, AND terrible time. I always forgot about it. Unless you set your dvr to record it, I'm not sure how they thought that slot would draw anybody in.

I feel like they wanted it to be like how Talking Dead is to Walking Dead. A post-show to continue the discussion and engage fans after the main show was finished. The problem was that not only was it not directly after any flagship show, it was also on a completely different channel from any of those shows. I don't think either WWE or Fox thought it through enough.
This is exactly why I rarely watched it. Weird channel that I never have on for anything, AND terrible time. I always forgot about it. Unless you set your dvr to record it, I'm not sure how they thought that slot would draw anybody in.

I feel like they wanted it to be like how Talking Dead is to Walking Dead. A post-show to continue the discussion and engage fans after the main show was finished. The problem was that not only was it not directly after any flagship show, it was also on a completely different channel from any of those shows. I don't think either WWE or Fox thought it through enough.
Bingo. The show works if it follows their other programming like Raw Talk/Talking Smacks. People are already tuned into wrestling. Having IT on Tuesday forces you to add ANOTHER day of wrestling viewership that sometimes already has 4 or 5 days in a week. IT is just too much on top of the issue with the channel and time slot. Unless you’re watching college football or basketball, or the talking head show that Skip is on, you’re not watching FS1.
You don't think Trips is great?..Multi time world champ, tag team champ, IC champ, Euro champ, 2x RR winner, has headlined Mania, sold a ton of merch, has had some all time classic matches, and is one of the best promos on the mic of the past 20 yrs..I'd say he's easily an all time great..He's no Austin or Flair or Rock, but he's a solid A- player..

I was never crazy about HHH's promo or in ring work. I agree with DC that was Hart said being accurate, most of this interview clip is pretty on point, though a little harsh ( "You look at somebody like Hunter and go what has ever really...done) :lol:

I was never crazy about HHH's promo or in ring work. I agree with DC that was Hart said being accurate, most of this interview clip is pretty on point, though a little harsh ( "You look at somebody like Hunter and go what has ever really...done) :lol:


Does Bret feel anyone other than Bret?
Kross’s entrance is way too over the top. Scarlett shouldn’t be mouthing the lyrics. Also Kross is trying a little too hard to be menacing
What are their gimmicks?

"Wearer of Versace Shirts" and "Beer Drinker"
Their gimmick is their overall character and presentation.

Austin: Everyday, Boss hating Redneck

Rock: Slick mouthed, Arrogant movie star wannabe.

So what makes Undertaker's gimmick greater than their's.
Yep. She was "Reina" Gonzalez and wore like denim chaps lol. I thought she was impressive as far as size and ability, but the gear was awful. It's amazing how much better she looks like this.

I liked that gimmick. Thought it was very early Bradshaw type female gimmick. Just some big brute female (Not Nia).

But this role seems to fitting better, she is finding a stride. Very Diesel to Shawn vibe.
I liked that gimmick. Thought it was very early Bradshaw type female gimmick. Just some big brute female (Not Nia).

But this role seems to fitting better, she is finding a stride. Very Diesel to Shawn vibe.

Oooooh good call. Hadn't thought about it that way. And to be clear, I didn't have a problem with what she was doing as Reina, it was just the terrible denim chaps haha.
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