December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

I simply think more goes in to portraying the Dead Man character than The Rock or Stone Cold. He can't just act like a normal dude. Is forced to act in a role that is abnormal. Look a certain way, talk a certain way.
Yes, that is why I would say it isn't the BEST gimmick, it is just the most successful of the over the top gimmicks. I don't equate that as the best. We all have different definitions of what that even means. I acknowledge that for sure.

To me, the best is the most believable and most relatable. Neither of which Mr. Taker is able to provide. :lol:

Rock is over the top to a high degree as well, but when compared to a SuperNatural character, it is tame.

Stone Cold was the everyday Redneck. Very realistic/relatable.
Stupid. Make new belts, that didn't exist, for the sake of "respecting" a wrestler.


But people will buy.

Belt looks dumb anyway.
She is TINY :lol:

Watching those 2 last night barely being able to see over top rope has me starting to lean towards DC's weight class argument..

I look at the Taker situation like this:
Ric Flair had the greatest gimmick of all time..
Undertaker was the best character of all time..
Watching those 2 last night barely being able to see over top rope has me starting to lean towards DC's weight class argument..

I look at the Taker situation like this:
Ric Flair had the greatest gimmick of all time..
Undertaker was the best character of all time..
Undertaker is, without a doubt, the most successful DUMB, goofy VInce McMahon creation. :lol:
I was never crazy about HHH's promo or in ring work. I agree with DC that was Hart said being accurate, most of this interview clip is pretty on point, though a little harsh ( "You look at somebody like Hunter and go what has ever really...done) :lol:

#MySaltyLegend :emoji_hugging:
I was never crazy about HHH's promo or in ring work. I agree with DC that was Hart said being accurate, most of this interview clip is pretty on point, though a little harsh ( "You look at somebody like Hunter and go what has ever really...done) :lol:

#MySaltyLegend :emoji_hugging:
What has Katy Cat Zingano been up to in NXT?

Another person that makes me want to see weight divisions with the Womens.
Do y’all remember how hated Taker was in the mid-00s? I do not remember him being well liked for most of his BA run Peep Game Peep Game

he put his working boots on in 2006 and really saved his reputation with his 06-10 run

Taker was catching HEAVY slander 00 up until he switched back to undead Taker. And you’re right, 06-10 was a lot of damage control for him. He was WORKING during that period.
Do y’all remember how hated Taker was in the mid-00s? I do not remember him being well liked for most of his BA run Peep Game Peep Game

he put his working boots on in 2006 and really saved his reputation with his 06-10 run

Taker was catching HEAVY slander 00 up until he switched back to undead Taker. And you’re right, 06-10 was a lot of damage control for him. He was WORKING during that period.
Santana and Ortiz and the Lucha Bros just seem to always lose. They should be the top teams in the division
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