December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

They were still more successful and more well known once they came to the E..And they were given more respect in WWE than in WCW..They might not have been presented as the "golden boy" like an Austin or Rock or even Hunter, but Vince still gave them more shine than what Bischoff was giving them..

Def can’t argue with that part right there. Bubba and D-Von ECW though
Best gimmick in the history of a business of gimmicks holds a lot of weight, IMO.

Most respected dude in the company of the last 30 years. Maybe ever. Came out of Cena’s mouth too.

Wrestled with EVERYBODY.

I respect the opposing opinions though.
Yea all of that is acknowledged but he has never had the "burden" of having to be the #1 Man in the Box Office on a nightly basis, for an extended period of time.

For that alone, he wouldn't make it IMO.

There is no "Undertaker Ruling Era." If you don't have a time period in which it was definitively yours, you aren't in consideration.

Great B+ player.
Not a serious question.

But HHH was a jobber in WCW.

Undertaker has close to 30 years in that gimmick alone. No way he would be considered anything other than a WWE dude.

That was a goofy as **** question :rofl:

Not mad if people want to put Taker on a Mt. Rushmore. He’s done everything possible in wrestling. He’s also a total anomaly and shouldn’t be compared to HHH though. Taker was never THE man in the WWF, but didn’t have to be either. Didn’t have a bunch of title reigns, nor lengthy title reigns, but didn’t need them. Taker was (is) a stand alone guy. HHH on the other hand is the original B+ player in all of wrestling. Was only considered THE guy cause everybody else were either injured, retired, midcarders not elevated yet, or off making movies.
That was a goofy as **** question :rofl:

Not mad if people want to put Taker on a Mt. Rushmore. He’s done everything possible in wrestling. He’s also a total anomaly and shouldn’t be compared to HHH though. Taker was never THE man in the WWF, but didn’t have to be either. Didn’t have a bunch of title reigns, nor lengthy title reigns, but didn’t need them. Taker was (is) a stand alone guy. HHH on the other hand is the original B+ player in all of wrestling. Was only considered THE guy cause everybody else were either injured, retired, midcarders not elevated yet, or off making movies.

I am in agreement with you brother Fantom..Undertaker is just that rare case of being in a class all by himself..He was truly a transcendent wrestler..He was a top tier guy through the 90's and 00's..Headlined/main evented more Manias than anyone else..Was key factor in keeping WWF afloat and in a key factor in WWE helping win the MNWs..Is, without a doubt, the most respected wrestler in WWE history..And has the greatest gimmick of all time..If someone wanted to take Rocky off their WWE Rushmore and put Taker on I'd 100% go along with that..The guy really is an enigma..

And I see what DC is saying about Undertaker never having the burden of being "the top guy", but you don't have to be the top guy when you're the foundation that the top guy is standing on..
RE: HHH, Jim Ross said it best about HHH. "He is the guy that wrestled against all THE guys."

Basically :rofl: history will be more kind to him for his business dealings more than his actual wrestling career. But as far as his actual in-ring career, he’s basically Fat Joe or Jim Jones (the latter I’m a big fan of), outlasting a lot of greats while not really being great himself.
Basically :rofl: history will be more kind to him for his business dealings more than his actual wrestling career. But as far as his actual in-ring career, he’s basically Fat Joe or Jim Jones (the latter I’m a big fan of), outlasting a lot of greats while not really being great himself.

You don't think Trips is great?..Multi time world champ, tag team champ, IC champ, Euro champ, 2x RR winner, has headlined Mania, sold a ton of merch, has had some all time classic matches, and is one of the best promos on the mic of the past 20 yrs..I'd say he's easily an all time great..He's no Austin or Flair or Rock, but he's a solid A- player..
You don't think Trips is great?..Multi time world champ, tag team champ, IC champ, Euro champ, 2x RR winner, has headlined Mania, sold a ton of merch, has had some all time classic matches, and is one of the best promos on the mic of the past 20 yrs..I'd say he's easily an all time great..He's no Austin or Flair or Rock, but he's a solid A- player..

Nah, just hung around a lot of greats. He was never even the most over guy in his own stable. He was routinely getting outpopped by Chyna, definitely the Outlaws collectively, and even X-PAC at points. He’s an all time great B+ player cause he was never better than a lot of the legends he was across the ring with. If you rank Attitude era stars by importance, I don’t think HHH is in the top 5.
Man, I rock with a lot of your opinions and stances, but I can't let this one slide haha. That stuff about MJ not being able to get a video on MTV til 1988 is just straight up false. Beat It, Billie Jean, and Thriller were all over that channel in 1983, and were BIG reasons for the massive success MTV got. Prince came right after that with stuff from 1999 and Purple Rain.

EDIT:. Damn, Case Case beat me to it.
PS, the Elvis stuff is ridiculous. :lol:

Brother Shortt, you need to put the word in the guy from Jamaica's ear that the Man Scout needs a shot in NXT..We both know dude is pure money..
Nah, just hung around a lot of greats. He was never even the most over guy in his own stable. He was routinely getting outpopped by Chyna, definitely the Outlaws collectively, and even X-PAC at points. He’s an all time great B+ player cause he was never better than a lot of the legends he was across the ring with. If you rank Attitude era stars by importance, I don’t think HHH is in the top 5.

Not sure I agree, but I respect a cagey veteran such as yourself's opinion..Appreciate you coming with concise points and solid logic to back up your opinion..#Appreciated
Brother Shortt, you need to put the word in the guy from Jamaica's ear that the Man Scout needs a shot in NXT..We both know dude is pure money..

Sweet Jesus, Man Scout! :rofl:

Still crazy we got to see early MJF on that card.
Hopefully Renée stays and gets her show when this is all done. My problem with the show it feels like the critiques are soft. A wwe show is just difficult to watch because it’s so positive and not enough “hey why won’t they let Roman be himself?”
I would like to see Busted Open get a live show on tv because they talk about EVERYTHING in pro wrestling and sometimes come up with better stuff.
And I see what DC is saying about Undertaker never having the burden of being "the top guy", but you don't have to be the top guy when you're the foundation that the top guy is standing on..
This isn't a participation Trophy.

This isn't a lifetime achievement award.

If we are talking about a Mt. Rushmore, this is for people that the company's history rests on. Sure, Undertaker is in the story of the company's history but the most important figures are the ones that carried the company and produced monies.

Undertaker never had that burden, so how can he be on the Mt. Rushmore.

He can have a separate statue at the Visitor's Center for sure though.

Can't put him above Cena. Nah
Hopefully Renée stays and gets her show when this is all done. My problem with the show it feels like the critiques are soft. A wwe show is just difficult to watch because it’s so positive and not enough “hey why won’t they let Roman be himself?”
I would like to see Busted Open get a live show on tv because they talk about EVERYTHING in pro wrestling and sometimes come up with better stuff.
As I said before, I just don't understand what the show is supposed to be.

Is it supposed to be a WWE show?

Is it supposed to be a FOX Show about WWE?

I have seen/read stuff from that show that was close to Dirt-Sheet material.

What the hell WAS it?
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