December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

Brother Rhin-Oss-Sir-Uss, I value your opinion very much and would like to know what you see in the Randy/Dragon match that makes it overrated..

I haven't watched it for a while; perhaps I should.
I have always appreciated Macho's in-ring prowess.
I enjoy the match but it's not one of my go-to's. But shouldn't it be with such great reviews?

Most folks can't help but enjoy WMIII.
Some may not even like to admit it.
So one can often go to the Savage/Steamboat match and not lose any mark points in the process.

Thank you for valuing my opinion.

PS - I also don't like that some folks are open to watch that match just because
of it's reputation but avoid other great '80's matches that aren't as popular or
conform as much to some of today's standards.
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Ricky and Randy are 2 of my top 10 all time guys , but I can see the dislike in a sense.

It was over the top scripted in each blow. Steamboat also looked like he was getting beat to near death mid way into the match, with how tired he was acting .
Man, did Hero retire?

Can someone post the promo or tell me the name of the girl that recently did the crazy promo in TNA.

She had on green I think?

Please respond
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