December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell



FFD. :emoji_hugging:
My fellow team BBW members, it is with some sadness that I must confess that I'm not rocking with Nia no mo.

She was poppin off on da socials about people hurting Alexa when she has a proven track record of being unsafe in the ring.

Damn near broke Becky's face and then tried to kill little Kairi on Raw. :smh:

As much as I can't stand Charlotte, Nia's ego is a big as hers with just a smidgen of her talent.

Nia has the luxury of being as reckless as she is in and out of the ring because she's Dwayne's cousin.

I can't even watched wrestling without a crowd unless it's a ppv..

I’ve enjoyed some of the promos without silly crowd chants cause they’ve seemed more natural, and some **** talking during matches, but it has been hard truly getting into the actual wrestling, no matter who’s in the ring. Also, the idea of some of these more rigorous matches without a crowd really makes no sense. Kofi/Miz/USO needed a crowd for a ladder match.
My fellow team BBW members, it is with some sadness that I must confess that I'm not rocking with Nia no mo.

She was poppin off on da socials about people hurting Alexa when she has a proven track record of being unsafe in the ring.

Damn near broke Becky's face and then tried to kill little Kairi on Raw. :smh:

As much as I can't stand Charlotte, Nia's ego is a big as hers with just a smidgen of her talent.

Nia has the luxury of being as reckless as she is in and out of the ring because she's Dwayne's cousin.

my man :pimp:


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