DELETE: Because I'm white and we're not allowed to talk about our social problems we don't have any

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by DaBottom305

This reminds me of that "mud shark" thread and how OP felt like those white girls were trash because they preferred "chocolate bruthas". I knew there was more to his madness.

I hope OP knows his girlfriend is cheating on him with a multiple black dudes.

Probably one of his biggest fears.
Originally Posted by DaBottom305

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by DaBottom305

This reminds me of that "mud shark" thread and how OP felt like those white girls were trash because they preferred "chocolate bruthas". I knew there was more to his madness.

I hope OP knows his girlfriend is cheating on him with a multiple black dudes.

Probably one of his biggest fears.

Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Originally Posted by joeykadesh

Off topic but kind of on topic: I especially hate when black people say "You're talking white"...What does that mean? Talking proper? Its a sad thing

No it's exactly on topic, I've heard this before. What is "talking white"? I mean certain people DO have characteristics that are indicators of where they are from geographically.
I even spoke on this in the OP, I have cousins who are white and use slang and have very poor dialect. They grew up in very poor neighborhoods, but they have black friends from the same neighborhood who sound very educated and distinguished. They're often teased by my very own cousins for talking "white". Odd world we live in. 

yes it means talking properly and not with some goofy slang and words that get invented on the spot. who are we kidding here?
Real life... this cannot be...

Why would I be offended by someone acting in a manner that I don't even act in?

If she came up to me and was all "waddup famb, what's good bro... shiiiddddd... nuddin my ++@%%"...

I'd stoneface her, regardless of race.

I like women that can talk clearly. I hate all that smacking, hand waving, and unnecessary neck popping... white black blue or yellow.
Eh to me I've always defined someone acting "ghetto" as someone that acts trashy and carries themselves like trash with how they act and conduct themselves both in public and at home.

It don't matter the persons race or where there from to me. If they act how I mentioned above then I consider them ghetto trash.

You can be from the hood and carry yourself with respect and dignity just like one could be from the suburbs and carry themselves like a piece of trash.

I know some people use the term with racist underlines and views but to me the persons race doesn't matter as all races have their stains to society that don't know how to act.
Originally Posted by ricky409

Real life... this cannot be...

Why would I be offended by someone acting in a manner that I don't even act in?

If she came up to me and was all "waddup famb, what's good bro... shiiiddddd... nuddin my ++@%%"...

I'd stoneface her, regardless of race.

I like women that can talk clearly. I hate all that smacking, hand waving, and unnecessary neck popping... white black blue or yellow.


Originally Posted by Solerunner

Wasnt this dude banned for a racist remark?
You don't know what you are talking about, I wasn't banned for anything. There was a case of "Newbie Bashing" directed towards me and I said something about the poster that came off sounding like a "flame" until the post was read THOROUGHLY and the "Newbie Bashing" was spotted.

 seasoned vet wrote:
....real talk? you people need to learn the definition of a troll. throwing around the word troll anytime someone says something you dont like does more to show your ignorance. 

. i dont know OP, and his screenname doesnt look familiar to me as always making outlandish statements to rile people up. THAT would be a troll. 

....people with the mindset of OP DO exist in this would, just because they arent afraid to express it or ask questions does NOT make them a troll. 

...engage with these individuals. pick their brains. understand how they think. debate/educate these individuals and keep it civil, constantly trying to chop their head off just leads to the keeping quiet. 
Hold up OP, can YOU define acting ghetto? Especially the correlation to "ghetto" and "black".....dont worry, i'll wait
Originally Posted by solarius49

Hold up OP, can YOU define acting ghetto? Especially the correlation to "ghetto" and "black".....dont worry, i'll wait

I don't think you can act "black", I think you are who you are depending on your circumstances in life. Some have the ability to see past their surroundings while other accept certain conditions that other's would perceive as "ghetto". You can be any color and this would be true.

The term "ghetto" varies depending on who you ask, which is why I made this thread. For me "ghetto" can be used to describe something that isn't working correctly or cheaply made.
or someone who acts very tasteless, REGARDLESS of where they are from or economic status.

example: "This ghetto dollar store pencil sharpener blows"
example2: "Yo why da %%!@ errbody so damb quiet up in dis liberry, let me turn on mah metroPCS speaker phone and bump diz Gucci while I try to read diz book"

My cousin used very derogatory language in describing music which we all liked, including Flo'Rida, and Nicki Minaj.  They're both African American, how can they make "white boy @@%!"?
Define "white boy @@%!"?
No but...
1. You made a point to clarify that she had a black boyfriend
2. You made a point to clarify that she is white
3. You said that she cant accept being "white and plain"
4. Why would it bother black people if non-blacks "act ghetto"?
jd that you? smh it baffles me how ignorant some people can be , that's like when white ppl tell me" oh you speak so nice" #*%%$ how I'm supposed to talk"
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Originally Posted by joeykadesh

Off topic but kind of on topic: I especially hate when black people say "You're talking white"...What does that mean? Talking proper? Its a sad thing

No it's exactly on topic, I've heard this before. What is "talking white"? I mean certain people DO have characteristics that are indicators of where they are from geographically.
I even spoke on this in the OP, I have cousins who are white and use slang and have very poor dialect. They grew up in very poor neighborhoods, but they have black friends from the same neighborhood who sound very educated and distinguished. They're often teased by my very own cousins for talking "white". Odd world we live in. 

yes it means talking properly and not with some goofy slang and words that get invented on the spot. who are we kidding here?
I disagree talking "white" has never been about what y'all talking about to me or anybody I know. It's about your diction and when some black people because of where they were raised or cause they posers sound like a stereotypical white person. Ex to me is Tiger Woods. It never had jack spit to do with speaking properly or some junk like that. That issuer crazy to me and it's also funny more often than not the person that aka the question usually knows the answer and wants some props. This is NT so I want say what I really want to but that stuff is weak sauce up your self esteem.
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by Levar Burton

I'm asking black people in particular, does it bother you when non-blacks act "ghetto"? Especially when you know they have no idea about the inner-city or even spent a great while there?

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]This is the issue right here. The fact that GHETTO and "Black people" are almost synonymous. And when one thinks of a ghetto, they think of filth, trash, and poverty. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Great going OP. [/color]
What happened to the first ghetto's created for the jews by the Nazi's?
I get what OP is trying to say though. Just bad phrasing. 

If I were to talk to a white girl (I'm BBTW) I would rather it be an regular white girl then a white girl acting out any stereotype. 

I've met some white girls that talk so hood make me feel white. 

THis whole actng "hood" thing is an epidemic and I wish everybody would embrace who they naturally are. 
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by Levar Burton

I'm asking black people in particular, does it bother you when non-blacks act "ghetto"? Especially when you know they have no idea about the inner-city or even spent a great while there?

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]This is the issue right here. The fact that GHETTO and "Black people" are almost synonymous. And when one thinks of a ghetto, they think of filth, trash, and poverty. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Great going OP. [/color]
What happened to the first ghetto's created for the jews by the Nazi's?
I get what OP is trying to say though. Just bad phrasing. 

If I were to talk to a white girl (I'm BBTW) I would rather it be an regular white girl then a white girl acting out any stereotype. 

I've met some white girls that talk so hood make me feel white. 

THis whole actng "hood" thing is an epidemic and I wish everybody would embrace who they naturally are. 
It wasnt bad paraphrasing, he specifically asked blacks because he equates Ghetto=Black 

Regular white girl.

Hood is black


Lock this thread 
Originally Posted by tizoni

I hate the word ghetto

I hated how the white/Hispanic kids in middle school would always describe #$ %@ as 'ghetto'. When I'd ask what does that mean they would have no answer. 
Can you blame him for thinking ghetto=black? Or hood=black? Those words have been used to describe blacks for decades, in pop culture, music, sports etc. They are almost synonymous with African Americans now. Regardless if it's wrong, thats the reality. Hopefully in a couple generations that will stop though
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Can you blame him for thinking ghetto=black? Or hood=black? Those words have been used to describe blacks for decades, in pop culture, music, sports etc. They are almost synonymous with African Americans now. Regardless if it's wrong, thats the reality. Hopefully in a couple generations that will stop though

pretty much. I guess the guy above you hasnt been around white people when they see black people acting hood or ignorant or a bad neighborhood. They say its ghetto, because black people act "hood & ignorant" (or are portrayed like this in the media) and live  in bad areas.
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