DELETE: Because I'm white and we're not allowed to talk about our social problems we don't have any

I know if you come to pittsburgh theres some "ghetto" white boys in Lawrenceville, and some Cali white boys in Riverside that would beg to differ. I know there are plenty of cities whith "ghetto" black, hispanic, white and asian communities. Ghetto is a "class" identifier, not a racial one
I don't think you can act "black", I think you are who you are depending on your circumstances in life. Some have the ability to see past their surroundings while other accept certain conditions that other's would perceive as "ghetto". You can be any color and this would be true.
I'm asking black people in particular, does it bother you when non-blacks act "ghetto"?

That speaks VOLUMES right there.  

All this other tired, swirling circumlocution about "geographical determinism" is just evading the central point.  You're straining to sanitize a very ugly racial stereotype.

I'm all for people trying to challenge their assumptions, but between this and your similarly ignorant post on "ethnic and minority television," I'm getting a little tired of you treating NikeTalk like "Ask a Black person."  It's not everyone else's responsibility to educate you. 

As someone with a bit of experience in curriculum design in this field, I'd be happy to furnish you with a reading list if you'd like, but this whole "Black people, help me understand ________" routine is offensive in and of itself.  

Imagine if NikeTalk were a physical place, like a rec center.  It takes a lot of nerve to stroll in fresh off the street and say, "Oh hey, Black people!  I'm so glad you're here.  You see, I have this cousin who acts ghetto and since you people are experts on the subject I want to pick your brains!"  
The sensationalism and offensiveness in this post is baffeling. I'm from NEW YORK and I know if any other NEW YORKERS are in this thread race isn't a big issue to be open about among discussions.  I asked if Black people felt offend when someone who WASN'T from the inner-city reinforces the worst stereotypes that represent a people.
My cousin is Caucasian (Irish), grew up in a $500K per capita  household and went to prep school. When did she have time to perfect her broken English (which she can cut on and off at will by the way)?

That's what irks me, she's WHITE and I made a point to emphasize that because in all honesty she can act like a complete idiot and will STILL have more advantages thrown at her than her boyfriend. 
While he has to walk on eggshells so he doesn't give anyone a reason not to like him (even in a party setting).White people are very judgmental and I know for fact no matter what cultural background you come from if your family is 1st 2nd or even third generation immigrants they're very different towards blacks.I'm not gonna pretend like it doesn't exist, 90% of non-black households WILL NOT tell you but if you're black there's gonna ALWAYS be an elephant in the room and people aren't pretending to stare at it.

YOU personally may not feel that way about blacks (my ex girlfriend of many years was black as i stated before), but you're a liar if you say your mom, dad, uncle, cousin doesn't get weird around blacks who have "swag" or act "rough around the edges". So it kind of bothered me that she acts in this manner. Some people are ignorant because of where they come from (trailer park, housing projects, etc), pop-culture celebrates these stereotypes and make them cool to sell products. But for an everyday person to have to deal with being measured up to "Lil Wayne" or "Young Jeezy" and if they opt not to they're seen as "lame". This can really cause social problems for an inner-city person who wants better in life. So I completely understand some may speak with an accent, drawl, ebonics or whatever just to literally "survive". 

My cousin was never faced with these options, and that's a privilege I know some minorities may kill for.  So her "acting" ghetto really bothered me, she does it out of sheer boredom like it's a trend.

Again if I offended anyone, I'm sorry to the moderator Method Man if you deem this topic unfit for your forum then delete it. But isn't it kind of unfair that there's race threads like the Trayvon Martin thread or many other racially themed threads like the "Woman Appreciation" threads where some guys are asking Asians and Hispanics how to sleep with other Asians and Hispanics? How come it's okay to talk about every other race OPENLY but African Americans? I've learned a few things from this thread from blacks, and like your analogy I even learned that some things are not okay to say in person. I believe the internet is a good medium for racial topics. You can only see the person's WORDS and INTELLIGENCE FIRST not their physical appearance or actual skin color.
Originally Posted by Levar Burton

The sensationalism and offensiveness in this post is baffeling. I'm from NEW YORK and I know if any other NEW YORKERS are in this thread race isn't a big issue to be open about among discussions.  I asked if Black people felt offend when someone who WASN'T from the inner-city reinforces the worst stereotypes that represent a people.
My cousin is Caucasian (Irish), grew up in a $500K per capita  household and went to prep school. When did she have time to perfect her broken English (which she can cut on and off at will by the way)?

That's what irks me, she's WHITE and I made a point to emphasize that because in all honesty she can act like a complete idiot and will STILL have more advantages thrown at her than her boyfriend. 
While he has to walk on eggshells so he doesn't give anyone a reason not to like him (even in a party setting).White people are very judgmental and I know for fact no matter what cultural background you come from if your family is 1st 2nd or even third generation immigrants they're very different towards blacks.I'm not gonna pretend like it doesn't exist, 90% of non-black households WILL NOT tell you but if you're black there's gonna ALWAYS be an elephant in the room and people aren't pretending to stare at it.

YOU personally may not feel that way about blacks (my ex girlfriend of many years was black as i stated before), but you're a liar if you say your mom, dad, uncle, cousin doesn't get weird around blacks who have "swag" or act "rough around the edges". So it kind of bothered me that she acts in this manner. Some people are ignorant because of where they come from (trailer park, housing projects, etc), pop-culture celebrates these stereotypes and make them cool to sell products. But for an everyday person to have to deal with being measured up to "Lil Wayne" or "Young Jeezy" and if they opt not to they're seen as "lame". This can really cause social problems for an inner-city person who wants better in life. So I completely understand some may speak with an accent, drawl, ebonics or whatever just to literally "survive". 

My cousin was never faced with these options, and that's a privilege I know some minorities may kill for.  So her "acting" ghetto really bothered me, she does it out of sheer boredom like it's a trend.

Again if I offended anyone, I'm sorry to the moderator Method Man if you deem this topic unfit for your forum then delete it. But isn't it kind of unfair that there's race threads like the Trayvon Martin thread or many other racially themed threads like the "Woman Appreciation" threads where some guys are asking Asians and Hispanics how to sleep with other Asians and Hispanics? How come it's okay to talk about every other race OPENLY but African Americans? I've learned a few things from this thread from blacks, and like your analogy I even learned that some things are not okay to say in person. I believe the internet is a good medium for racial topics. You can only see the person's WORDS and INTELLIGENCE FIRST not their physical appearance or actual skin color.
Come on man, you need to expose yourself to more people outside of your peer group and demographic.  I am literally offended by your whole post man, and the fact that you have spent all these pages trying to justify your point tells me that you arent racist, just ignorant. 
this guy is not for real, he just wants to get a rise out of black people, like "look how sensitive and serious they get when i say the smallest thing"

OP, idc about your family man, chastise your cousin all you want, berate her for being/acting any way you dont like, dont apologize for making her cry especially since it wont be genuine
Originally Posted by slickp42189

this guy is not for real, he just wants to get a rise out of black people, like "look how sensitive and serious they get when i say the smallest thing"
Originally Posted by slickp42189

this guy is not for real, he just wants to get a rise out of black people, like "look how sensitive and serious they get when i say the smallest thing"

OP, idc about your family man, chastise your cousin all you want, berate her for being/acting any way you dont like, dont apologize for making her cry especially since it wont be genuine

ignorance is great on this board.

maybe instead of teaching history we need to be teaching cultural awareness in k - 12.
Originally Posted by go rilla

Originally Posted by Solerunner

Wasnt this dude banned for a racist remark?

yes and probably because of a clerical error was unbanned

I've had about all I can take of you. I have 100 posts in 4 months that's 25 posts per month roughly a post a day on average. You need to log off and live some real life, you're too attached and involved with people's lives on an online forum.
The REAL Levar Burton would be ashamed of this thread


by the way, he's not particularly ghetto
Levar Burton wrote:
Last night my family gotten together at my Uncle's (we're all very close). My girlfriend came down from Boston and I introduced her to my cousin, she's from New York but grew up in Ohio (she's white).
My family isn't exactly pompous but we aren't too accepting either. My great grandfather was an immigrant that came to the states with only $20 dollars so his work ethic was instilled into our family.
We we're drinking and the younger of us 19-30 decided to play some music we're listening to Z100 and out of no where my cousin says "aight dats enuff of dat white boy $$$!" and turns on Power 105.1.

I would've been totally cool with that except the fact that she starts rapping like she grew up in the "ghetto" and endured the hardships that most rappers rap about. I mean FULL ON slang, diction, bouncing around with finger snapping and neck jerking. We let it go for about 20mins until she's all "aww hell naw" this and "whaaaaat" that. 

She has a black boyfriend he's also from New York they both lived in Shaker Heights, Ohio for a while maybe 5-6 years. I can understand him being a little rough around the edges so to speak, but the family I come from it would've been close to IMPOSSIBLE for her to even pick up any behavioral patterns found in urban areas.

We have other cousins who live in Ohio and Pennsylvania and they GREW UP in rough areas so them being white and maybe having an accent or inner city characteristics is accepting. But our cousin in question is like a borderline hybrid poser, she's comes from money all her friends are white and only connection she has to inner city life is her black boyfriend.

So finally 20 mins go past of her minstrel show before we pull the plug and say "when did you become so ghetto?". Everyone laughs and shes says "she's being herself", aunts and uncles jumped in and pointed out she didn't used to act like that. (we're from Clinton/Midtown area)

Finally another cousin says it's easier for her to be "CoCo" (Ice-T's wife) than it is to be "normal" and accept the fact she's white and plan. She breaks down in tears and we're all meeting for breakfast this morning to apologize for calling her "ghetto".

I just need a clear definition of acting "ghetto", I'm sure she was acting quintessential ghetto. But I think it bothered her that we pointed out it's easier to act ghetto than it is to be socially respected and taken seriously as an adult. She's 22 years old. 

I'm asking black people in particular, does it bother you when non-blacks act "ghetto"? Especially when you know they have no idea about the inner-city or even spent a great while there?
Originally Posted by Peep Game

LOL. Levar your type of responses sound oddly familiar as a recently banned member.

nah its not him, dude has a different, completely obvious new sn

EDIT: so dude been trolling from the get go with the Levar Burton sn? well damn 
Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Originally Posted by go rilla

Originally Posted by Solerunner

Wasnt this dude banned for a racist remark?

yes and probably because of a clerical error was unbanned

I've had about all I can take of you. I have 100 posts in 4 months that's 25 posts per month roughly a post a day on average. You need to log off and live some real life, you're too attached and involved with people's lives on an online forum.

and how many posts did you have before you were banned? 
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