DELETE: Because I'm white and we're not allowed to talk about our social problems we don't have any

Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Originally Posted by go rilla

Originally Posted by Solerunner

Wasnt this dude banned for a racist remark?

yes and probably because of a clerical error was unbanned

I've had about all I can take of you. I have 100 posts in 4 months that's 25 posts per month roughly a post a day on average. You need to log off and live some real life, you're too attached and involved with people's lives on an online forum.

A troll that is quick to report my fellow NT brethren-- [keef] that's that ishhh I don't like [/keef]...

 I asked if Black people felt offend when someone who WASN'T from the inner-city reinforces the worst stereotypes that represent a people.

No, you didn't.  You specifically asked if Black people felt offended when someone who isn't Black "acts ghetto."  You can go back and read the quote yourself: 

I'm asking black people in particular, does it bother you when non-blacks act "ghetto"?

Now you're obviously trying to dress it up in some PC rhetoric about "geographical regions," but that's just insulating one stereotype with another.  "I don't mean Black people... I mean poor people in urban areas who act a certain way.. and, you know, demographically speaking most of those people just happen to be Black... which is why I'm asking Black people in particular about it."  

The only person you're fooling with that circuitous phrasing is yourself. 

Because I'm white and we're not allowed to talk about our social problems we don't have any

Oh, I see... so because some of us were offended by your presentation of stereotypes, WE are the ones denying that any social problems exist?  

You're the one sitting here hiding behind your ex-girlfriend, your city, and your urban studies course as "proof" that you're "not racist."  

Check yourself. 

That's what irks me, she's WHITE and I made a point to emphasize that because in all honesty she can act like a complete idiot and will STILL have more advantages thrown at her than her boyfriend. 

This whole thread underscores White privilege.  Your cousin can choose to turn her new persona on or off to suit her situation, but Black Americans everywhere will be associated with an "urban culture of poverty" no matter what.  Case in point: you can show up out of the blue, start a thread about "acting ghetto," and call on Black people in general to satisfy your curiosity about all things hood.  

The amazing thing is, you don't understand the problem.  

Would it strike you as problematic to sign up for an account on Huffington Post or something to create a bunch of threads like, "Hey White People, my friend John, who's Black, is acting like a redneck.  Does that bother you?  I just want to get the White perspective on this issue.  I watched a show about Moonshine Trucking on the History Channel once so, sociologically speaking, I know that poor Whites living in Appalachia have had to hunt for subsistence and the education budget in these regions is very poor, so they do this stuff to survive and it's a very serious problem that I have a lot of sympathy for.  So, can you guys tell John to start acting his race again, please?  It's really annoying.

Also, what's the deal with you guys kissing dogs on the mouth?  I'm just curious.  Thanks!"  

You really don't see how that's offensive?  Your whole premise is utterly reliant on stereotype.

But no, it's everyone else's fault for being overly sensitive.  You have good intentions and therefore can't possibly be racist. 

Some people are ignorant because of where they come from

Irony alert. 

On one hand, you're referring to "ghetto" as the "worst stereotype about a people," but, on the other, you're validating it by saying that "some people are ignorant because of where they come from," and ignorance, we're to assume, can be equated with "acting ghetto."  

Is it necessarily true that someone who speaks a certain way must be ignorant?  

why was i warned for the GIF? 

did the ________ _____ call Al Sharpton on you, Meth?

The .gif itself is racist.  Don't push your luck. 
Method Man wrote:

I get it, I suck as a human being I really need help. It's with the truest sincerity that I say this. If you're willing to help me I'm willing to listen.

However, this is some quotes from the "Caribbean Women Thread", you guys find what I say offensive but the objectifying of an entire ethnic background is okay?

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by Gordonson

Nothing worse than a bad smelling woman 

But being Jamaican, they are definitely appreciated. Just wouldn't date any of their crazy behinds as mentioned.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

All that insane talk pertains to AMERICANIZED Caribbean Women and "Soca Rats"/ "Dance Hall Queens".

They spaz because they know they can and its accepted behavior for females in the States.

Get your self a real "West Indian" woman and your are GOOD MONEY.

Calm, feminine, intelligent, beautiful, loyal and "traditional".

Of course you can find that in any nationality but the percentage is substantial on the Islands.. It like having a whole nation of "exotic" sheltered American Southern Belles.
African x Indian x Venezuelan/"Spanish" Trini and Jamaican gawd!

Originally Posted by Sweettooth 17

Originally Posted by Twig1026

Bronx jamaican joints 
 at the same damn time
Originally Posted by SnapNPop

Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by bizzygunts

As a Jamaican man who is deeply into my fellow Caribbean women I both agree and disagree with the statement. The ones who lives currently lives on the islands are a dream well mannered, classy, respectful, but once they come to America and get that typical "black girl attitude" its a wrap. They become corrputed and dont carry the same aura of class as they once. I speak from a ton of experience. Whenever I go back home I always fall in love with one, but then the age old issue arise on how the hell am I gonna bring her to

and yes, the ones who are sexy end up being crazy. I can testify
thats a horrible generalization that even our own race plays into, there is no such thing as a "black girl attitude" theres just an attitude, EVERY black girl i meet is nothing but sweet as pie to me, its not until i say something out of pocket that they get an attitude, and its justified, so stop with that nonsense
AGREE, People don't seem to understand that, it's sad really especially when it comes from your own, these generalizations are what continue to hold my people ( don't want to make assumptions about your race) back, and what continues to keep us divided, which is essential what a lot of people want, but for some reason we're too stupid to see it
. //end rant\\

Originally Posted by Regis

Im convinced that if my car ever gets keyed, itll more than likely be at the hands of a Carribean woman.

Ah, "other people have said worse."  Always a great defense.

I notice you didn't report any of that, by the way, so it's interesting to see that it suddenly disturbs you.  How sincere.
Originally Posted by DaBottom305

This reminds me of that "mud shark" thread and how OP felt like those white girls were trash because they preferred "chocolate bruthas". I knew there was more to his madness.
Read his replies in the Black Consciousness thread. 

Meth, thanks for not deleting this thread. 

Funny OP reported anyone for anything. 

Nothing else needs to be said, Burton, I just hope that you use this as a learning tool. We all are ignorant at one point or another, just learn from it and cut out all of the lousy defense mechanisms that you have used. Man up and just know what you said was out of line dude. What pissed folks off is you tried to justify/hide/intellectualize your racist remarks.
Originally Posted by joeykadesh

Off topic but kind of on topic: I especially hate when black people say "You're talking white"...What does that mean? Talking proper? Its a sad thing
The difference between those various "women" thread posts and this right here is that they aren't inciting. NT has shown that we can have productive and respectful discussions about race but it hits the fan when people start saying things that they know will make a certain group feel slighted. You can't tell me that you didn't read over this before you hit post and think "this is kinda offensive"
Originally Posted by Method Man

Ah, "other people have said worse."  Always a great defense.

I notice you didn't report any of that, by the way, so it's interesting to see that it suddenly disturbs you.  How sincere.

Why am I being demonized for being different? It's almost if I'm being punished for being raised the way I was raised. I wasn't saying it disturbs me, I'm just saying it's like if I we're black it would be okay for me to start this thread or objectify woman of any decent especially African. But the fact that I'm white I'm being persecuted for being me, I honestly don't get it. It's like people are putting racist thoughts in my head against my will. It's just how I view the world.
Originally Posted by Keif Sweat

The difference between those various "women" thread posts and this right here is that they aren't inciting. NT has shown that we can have productive and respectful discussions about race but it hits the fan when people start saying things that they know will make a certain group feel slighted. You can't tell me that you didn't read over this before you hit post and think "this is kinda offensive"

actually difference is nobody gets particularly offended on here when people took out of pocket about black women, other than maybe the 3 or 4 who reside on this board and even they have just gotten used to it and accept it. We've had 10s of posts strictly about how terrible black women are for anything other than their sexuality.
Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Originally Posted by Method Man

Ah, "other people have said worse."  Always a great defense.

I notice you didn't report any of that, by the way, so it's interesting to see that it suddenly disturbs you.  How sincere.

Why am I being demonized for being different? It's almost if I'm being punished for being raised the way I was raised. I wasn't saying it disturbs me, I'm just saying it's like if I we're black it would be okay for me to start this thread or objectify woman of any decent especially African. But the fact that I'm white I'm being persecuted for being me, I honestly don't get it. It's like people are putting racist thoughts in my head against my will. It's just how I view the world.
Really a bunch of anonymous people on the internet saying slightly mean things is persecution
Life is gonna be hard for you bruh
Originally Posted by Method Man

Would it strike you as problematic to sign up for an account on Huffington Post or something to create a bunch of threads like, "Hey White People, my friend John, who's Black, is acting like a redneck.  Does that bother you?  I just want to get the White perspective on this issue.  I watched a show about Moonshine Trucking on the History Channel once so, sociologically speaking, I know that poor Whites living in Appalachia have had to hunt for subsistence and the education budget in these regions is very poor, so they do this stuff to survive and it's a very serious problem that I have a lot of sympathy for.  So, can you guys tell John to start acting his race again, please?  It's really annoying.

Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Originally Posted by Method Man

Ah, "other people have said worse."  Always a great defense.

I notice you didn't report any of that, by the way, so it's interesting to see that it suddenly disturbs you.  How sincere.

Why am I being demonized for being different? It's almost if I'm being punished for being raised the way I was raised. I wasn't saying it disturbs me, I'm just saying it's like if I we're black it would be okay for me to start this thread or objectify woman of any decent especially African. But the fact that I'm white I'm being persecuted for being me, I honestly don't get it. It's like people are putting racist thoughts in my head against my will. It's just how I view the world.
Really a bunch of anonymous people on the internet saying slightly mean things is persecution
Life is gonna be hard for you bruh
dog RustyShackleford is 7 years old and he gets it, how old are you?
Think about this, I'm coming to an anonymous user generated discussion board with question to educate myself on social etiquette around blacks. I'm getting slammed for it.
Let's say I was weak minded and took some of this discussion to heart and let it change my view on blacks. The next time you're with a group of friends and a white guy just DOESN'T speak to you or is blatantly rude, or doesn't know WHAT to say that doesn't OFFEND you as blacks remember this thread.

I promise I'll never speak on race/culture on this forum again as of today. 
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Why am I being demonized for being different? It's almost if I'm being punished for being raised the way I was raised. I wasn't saying it disturbs me, I'm just saying it's like if I we're black it would be okay for me to start this thread or objectify woman of any decent especially African. But the fact that I'm white I'm being persecuted for being me, I honestly don't get it. It's like people are putting racist thoughts in my head against my will. It's just how I view the world.
Really a bunch of anonymous people on the internet saying slightly mean things is persecution
Life is gonna be hard for you bruh
dog RustyShackleford is 7 years old and he gets it, how old are you?
We were cool until you said 7.
Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Think about this, I'm coming to an anonymous user generated discussion board with question to educate myself on social etiquette around blacks. I'm getting slammed for it.
Let's say I was weak minded and took some of this discussion to heart and let it change my view on blacks. The next time you're with a group of friends and a white guy just DOESN'T speak to you or is blatantly rude, or doesn't know WHAT to say that doesn't OFFEND you as blacks remember this thread.

I promise I'll never speak on race/culture on this forum again as of today. 
No bruh, You are weak minded
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by DaBottom305

This reminds me of that "mud shark" thread and how OP felt like those white girls were trash because they preferred "chocolate bruthas". I knew there was more to his madness.
Read his replies in the Black Consciousness thread. 

Meth, thanks for not deleting this thread. 

Funny OP reported anyone for anything. 

Nothing else needs to be said, Burton, I just hope that you use this as a learning tool. We all are ignorant at one point or another, just learn from it and cut out all of the lousy defense mechanisms that you have used. Man up and just know what you said was out of line dude. What pissed folks off is you tried to justify/hide/intellectualize your racist remarks.
I'm not even surprised he ignored my post. 
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