DELETE: Because I'm white and we're not allowed to talk about our social problems we don't have any

A lot of terrible points have been made in this thread: I don't agree or side with the OP, but a lot of the replies have been just as misguided. Part of what gets labeled racism is a natural human tendency, and will NEVER be eradicated. It's like expecting people to stop being hungry. That's simply not happening; it's a natural human mechanism.
Originally Posted by ohboydanny

Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Last night my family gotten together at my Uncle's (we're all very close). My girlfriend came down from Boston and I introduced her to my cousin, she's from New York but grew up in Ohio (she's white).
My family isn't exactly pompous but we aren't too accepting either. My great grandfather was an immigrant that came to the states with only $20 dollars so his work ethic was instilled into our family.
We we're drinking and the younger of us 19-30 decided to play some music we're listening to Z100 and out of no where my cousin says "aight dats enuff of dat white boy $$$!" and turns on Power 105.1.

I would've been totally cool with that except the fact that she starts rapping like she grew up in the "ghetto" and endured the hardships that most rappers rap about. I mean FULL ON slang, diction, bouncing around with finger snapping and neck jerking. We let it go for about 20mins until she's all "aww hell naw" this and "whaaaaat" that. 

She has a black boyfriend he's also from New York they both lived in Shaker Heights, Ohio for a while maybe 5-6 years. I can understand him being a little rough around the edges so to speak, but the family I come from it would've been close to IMPOSSIBLE for her to even pick up any behavioral patterns found in urban areas.

We have other cousins who live in Ohio and Pennsylvania and they GREW UP in rough areas so them being white and maybe having an accent or inner city characteristics is accepting. But our cousin in question is like a borderline hybrid poser, she's comes from money all her friends are white and only connection she has to inner city life is her black boyfriend.

So finally 20 mins go past of her minstrel show before we pull the plug and say "when did you become so ghetto?". Everyone laughs and shes says "she's being herself", aunts and uncles jumped in and pointed out she didn't used to act like that. (we're from Clinton/Midtown area)

Finally another cousin says it's easier for her to be "CoCo" (Ice-T's wife) than it is to be "normal" and accept the fact she's white and plan. She breaks down in tears and we're all meeting for breakfast this morning to apologize for calling her "ghetto".

I just need a clear definition of acting "ghetto", I'm sure she was acting quintessential ghetto. But I think it bothered her that we pointed out it's easier to act ghetto than it is to be socially respected and taken seriously as an adult. She's 22 years old. 

I'm asking black people in particular, does it bother you when non-blacks act "ghetto"? Especially when you know they have no idea about the inner-city or even spent a great while there?

Quoted just in case you try to edit your OP.

Your probably the most ignorant poster I've seen post in awhile.

Originally Posted by moneymike88

Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by moneymike88

I'm black and I agree.

People are products of their environments.

Judge me.
youre dumb right along with him if you think all blacks act ghetto, how are all blacks a product of the ghetto? all of us were born in the hood?
Where did he state this in the post I quoted? Please show me

It is one of those situations where I understand exactly what you are saying while I still have that 
 feeling deep inside me
. The truth hurts, but the truth isn't always exactly the truth. Or whatever 
Why is this thread still open? It seems like OP has his mind set in stone and anything anyone says will come in one ear and right out the other.
I think by responding you are giving him the satisfaction of having an audience. Ignore ignorance and promote positive actions.
I don' understand why everyone is so mad, there are a lot of songs by afro american artist that embrace the hood & ghetto in them. Why don't you guys/girls agree? I mean these are mainstream artist that most of you embrace, so the question is do you not listen to them or are you mad at them too?
Originally Posted by Josednk1068

I don' understand why everyone is so mad,  
This.  Although horribly worded, you have to be an idiot to not understand OP's perspective and respond in an informed manner in order to help OP (and others) see the light.  But yall would rather focus on OP's ignorance based on the semantics of his post.  That's easier I guess...

Then you got the same dudes giving the
 to the movie "Think Like a Man" cuz it's got brothers acting, and I quote, "clean and normal."

C'mon son....a lot of constructive discourse can be had in this thread...don't just take the easy way out by bashing OP.
Originally Posted by Josednk1068

I don' understand why everyone is so mad, there are a lot of songs by afro american artist that embrace the hood & ghetto in them. Why don't you guys/girls agree? I mean these are mainstream artist that most of you embrace, so the question is do you not listen to them or are you mad at them too?

Thats because those people are from the "hood & ghetto" and never, in any of the songs I've listened to, have they every said, "this song is strictly for black people".
Originally Posted by CJ863

Originally Posted by Peep Game

chickencurry4eva = Levar Burton = Josednk1068 = neo nazis

Yes, by encouraging open discussion and education instead of simply bashing the obiviously misinformed OP, I'm a neo-nazi.

Cool, bros.

I had a black friend in high school who completely changed the way he spoke when he was with his white friends from the suburb and his black friends from the inner city. He lived in the suburbs. It was really funny. It was like Dave Chappele talking ghetto, then going to the white news reporter.
Originally Posted by chickencurry4eva

Originally Posted by CJ863

Originally Posted by Peep Game

chickencurry4eva = Levar Burton = Josednk1068 = neo nazis

Yes, by encouraging open discussion and education instead of simply bashing the obiviously misinformed OP, I'm a neo-nazi.

Cool, bros.

i agree with u a 100% people these days get emotional real quick.. makes it damn near impossible to hold a mature conversation where both parties could be learning...
Here is a test, google "songs about ghetto hood" tell me what you find. I bet some of your favorite artist are embracing the ghetto and you have the nerve to get mad at OP for his perception....
country artist make songs embracing being a hillbillie/redneck, does that mean i'm suppose to assume all white people are hillbillies/rednecks?

Originally Posted by RetroSan

country artist make songs embracing being a hillbillie/redneck, does that mean i'm suppose to assume all white people are hillbillies/rednecks?

Exactly. Do all of us a favor and just come out of that closet. 
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by buggz05

I feel like this is Silly Putty.

that's an insult to silly putty

Nah man they are both subtly decent with the trolling. Sillyputty's thing was answering to every single sentence in a post with its own separate quote + his only argument was asking for proof for something that can't be proven. This guys thing is misinformed intellectual discussion with somewhat steady grammar that purposely strays here and there. The troll is strong in this one.
Originally Posted by RetroSan

country artist make songs embracing being a hillbillie/redneck, does that mean i'm suppose to assume all white people are hillbillies/rednecks?

But if you said " your acting like a redneck" to a white person they are not going to get butt hurt because they understand its out there....
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