DELETE: Because I'm white and we're not allowed to talk about our social problems we don't have any

Minstrel show huh? so she dressed up in blackface and the whole 9? You out of pocket. Your views are gonna come back to bite you in the butt one of these days. Too bad I wont be there to actually see it. SMH.
CrunchyBlack9 wrote:
Minstrel show huh? so she dressed up in blackface and the whole 9? You out of pocket. Your views are gonna come back to bite you in the butt one of these days. Too bad I wont be there to actually see it. SMH.

Just read the thread. 
Funny stuff! Especially about the OP asking a question. LULZ!
Originally Posted by Gex The Damaja

Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Think about this, I'm coming to an anonymous user generated discussion board with question to educate myself on social etiquette around blacks. I'm getting slammed for it.
Let's say I was weak minded and took some of this discussion to heart and let it change my view on blacks. The next time you're with a group of friends and a white guy just DOESN'T speak to you or is blatantly rude, or doesn't know WHAT to say that doesn't OFFEND you as blacks remember this thread.

I promise I'll never speak on race/culture on this forum again as of today. 
Two things I'm seeing with this particular gem: "educate myself on social etiquette around blacks", sounds like you grew up in an Elitist environment, kind of confirmed by how your family caused another to cry because she no longer accepted the "Levar Burton" idea of culture, I'm not sure what you mean by "etiquette around blacks", does that mean around black people your demeanor should change? 
And how does this thread relate to a random white guy being rude to a random black guy?  
OP's post and your observation on his post seems spot on. But there is two sides to this. When I am in the corporate world, I do change my vernacular, but when I am hanging with my fam, I do speak the dialect. 
Originally Posted by CrunchyBlack9

Originally Posted by Gex The Damaja

Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Think about this, I'm coming to an anonymous user generated discussion board with question to educate myself on social etiquette around blacks. I'm getting slammed for it.
Let's say I was weak minded and took some of this discussion to heart and let it change my view on blacks. The next time you're with a group of friends and a white guy just DOESN'T speak to you or is blatantly rude, or doesn't know WHAT to say that doesn't OFFEND you as blacks remember this thread.

I promise I'll never speak on race/culture on this forum again as of today. 
Two things I'm seeing with this particular gem: "educate myself on social etiquette around blacks", sounds like you grew up in an Elitist environment, kind of confirmed by how your family caused another to cry because she no longer accepted the "Levar Burton" idea of culture, I'm not sure what you mean by "etiquette around blacks", does that mean around black people your demeanor should change? 
And how does this thread relate to a random white guy being rude to a random black guy?  
OP's post and your observation on his post seems spot on. But there is two sides to this. When I am in the corporate world, I do change my vernacular, but when I am hanging with my fam, I do speak the dialect. 

"I'm outspoken, my language is broken into a slang
but it's just the dialect that I select when I hang" -Special Ed. 


one of my favorite rap lines ever.
It just bothers me that he won't just come out of the closet and make his intentions known instead of trying to play dumb.
I don't even read MethodMan's replies. He just makes you feel stupid. LOL Dude is a computer program, I swear
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Has anybody even thought to ask him to explain his user name? I think that if he is who he says he is (white, well off) then him picking levar Burton is kinda fishy. Or maybe he's just a big fan of Roots?

Reading rainbow maybe
Banned this guy he still hasnt provided pics of the black boyfriend.

Im starting to believe he made all of this up

Spoiler [+]
Take a look its in a book
I think the OP sounds really young and naive.

Just relax OP and mature and you'll realize jsut because you dont understand something totally, it doesnt always mean its bad.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Banned this guy he still hasnt provided pics of the black boyfriend.

Im starting to believe he made all of this up

Spoiler [+]
Take a look its in a book

So is that what turns you on? Quick... PM the list of your browsing history!
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Has anybody even thought to ask him to explain his user name? I think that if he is who he says he is (white, well off) then him picking levar Burton is kinda fishy. Or maybe he's just a big fan of Roots?

either that or Reading Rainbow

troll of the week goes to OP, can't believe he managed to get 9 pages from this
Originally Posted by IronChef

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Has anybody even thought to ask him to explain his user name? I think that if he is who he says he is (white, well off) then him picking levar Burton is kinda fishy. Or maybe he's just a big fan of Roots?

either that or Reading Rainbow

troll of the week goes to OP, can't believe he managed to get 9 pages from this

Well he wanted it deleted a few pages back... But Meth decided to leave it open so OP can be known to all of NT of the person he is.
Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by moneymike88

Originally Posted by Levar Burton

In a sense yes, if you're from a certain area there's going to be some characteristics that you will posses. Behaviorism affects us all, positive or negative.  Anti-social behavior is NOT okay but if I meet someone from the inner-city, black, white, asian etc, I'd be more understanding of their demeanor than someone not from the inner-city acting in such a manner. 
I'm black and I agree.

People are products of their environments.

Judge me.
youre dumb right along with him if you think all blacks act ghetto, how are all blacks a product of the ghetto? all of us were born in the hood?
Where did he state this in the post I quoted? Please show me
Originally Posted by moneymike88

Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by moneymike88

I'm black and I agree.

People are products of their environments.

Judge me.
youre dumb right along with him if you think all blacks act ghetto, how are all blacks a product of the ghetto? all of us were born in the hood?
Where did he state this in the post I quoted? Please show me
first page and here is the link
Hm.. so we all act ghetto. Ok. I'll write that down because I didn't know that. I'm black btw.. from inner city New Orleans..
I'm asking black people in particular, does it bother you when non-blacks act "ghetto"? Especially when you know they have no idea about the inner-city or even spent a great while there?

Are we supposed to pretend that only black folks carry on ignorantly and that it is more natural for us as opposed to "non-blacks."

Non-blacks... really? Is blackness a condition that has "ghetto" as one of it's syptoms? What the %*#% are you really trying to say?

Explain and quit with the cop out. Man up. I'm trying to "take you serious as an adult."
lol at the delete request being ignored.

OP, all that could have been worded diffrently lol. very touchy subject.
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