DELETE: Because I'm white and we're not allowed to talk about our social problems we don't have any

^it all happens so quickly. One minute no one knows OP the next thing he knows he has been labeled an outcast
Originally Posted by Born illa

The self-destruction of a NT'er 

this is comedy
Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

Really a bunch of anonymous people on the internet saying slightly mean things is persecution
Life is gonna be hard for you bruh
dog RustyShackleford is 7 years old and he gets it, how old are you?
We were cool until you said 7.
dont be like that, give me a hug

no seriously, give me a hug
And the fact that dude KEEPS typing and making it worse makes it even funnier. Dude just stop typing and stop making you out to be someone that has this thirst for knowledge. Just stop typing and take your loss.
Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Originally Posted by Method Man

Ah, "other people have said worse."  Always a great defense.

I notice you didn't report any of that, by the way, so it's interesting to see that it suddenly disturbs you.  How sincere.

Why am I being demonized for being different? It's almost if I'm being punished for being raised the way I was raised. I wasn't saying it disturbs me, I'm just saying it's like if I we're black it would be okay for me to start this thread or objectify woman of any decent especially African. But the fact that I'm white I'm being persecuted for being me, I honestly don't get it. It's like people are putting racist thoughts in my head against my will. It's just how I view the world.
there is only one person putting racist thoughts in your head and they are doing it with your consent 

Spoiler [+]

that person is you

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

And the fact that dude KEEPS typing and making it worse makes it even funnier. Dude just stop typing and stop making you out to be someone that has this thirst for knowledge. Just stop typing and take your loss.
But why would your cousin suggest power 105.1 over Hot 97??

Unless its the breakfast club

Hot 97>>>>>Power 105.1

Thats all I got from your rant.

Carry on.
I'm just saying it's like if I we're black it would be okay for me to start this thread or objectify woman of any decent especially African. But the fact that I'm white I'm being persecuted for being me, I honestly don't get it. It's like people are putting racist thoughts in my head against my will. It's just how I view the world.

How about some accountability for your own actions?  

Forget about your cousin.  What you've said is offensive to people, but the only thing you seem to care about is having your feelings hurt for being called out on it.

The way you view the world has consequences.  

Imagine you're stepping on someone else's foot and that person has the nerve to ask you to move.  Your response, here, is like refusing to do so and simply saying, to the person you're standing on, "That's so mean of you!  Why do you have to make me feel bad?  It's not my fault that I've been standing on your foot this whole time... or that I've never moved... or that I'm still not going to move because I'm comfortable here.  You're making this very awkward for EVERYONE by complaining.  You should just grin and bear it.  Remember the next time somebody ignores you it's because you're a RUDE PERSON and you hurt people's feelings!!!"

Think about this, I'm coming to an anonymous user generated discussion board with question to educate myself on social etiquette around blacks. I'm getting slammed for it.

Let's say I was weak minded and took some of this discussion to heart and let it change my view on blacks. The next time you're with a group of friends and a white guy just DOESN'T speak to you or is blatantly rude, or doesn't know WHAT to say that doesn't OFFEND you as blacks remember this thread.  
I promise I'll never speak on race/culture on this forum again as of today. 

That's the very essence of White privilege:  "I don't HAVE to deal with my own racism.  And nothing I say, do, or think can possibly be racist unless it's my INTENTION to be racist."  

Oh, it's uncomfortable for you to hear about how your comments are offensive?  I'm so, so sorry.  I'd never want to hurt YOUR feelings.  Never mind that you just offended dozens of people with your post... and let's just ignore that your stereotypes are going unchallenged and unresolved because you refuse to confront them.  Your hurt feelings are all that matter. 

Did you really create this thread to "educate yourself?"  If you did, you'd be open to criticism and to challenging your own stereotypical assumptions.  People ARE taking the time to point out exactly WHY what you're saying is offensive.  Rather than listening, you're just blaming everyone else. 

I suspect what you REALLY wanted out of this was to have Black people co-sign your opinions about your cousin and congratulate you for being so "progressive."  The instant you're told something you don't want to hear, you run for the hills.  Did you want honest feedback or not? 

Nothing else needs to be said, Burton, I just hope that you use this as a learning tool. We all are ignorant at one point or another, just learn from it and cut out all of the lousy defense mechanisms that you have used. Man up and just know what you said was out of line dude. What pissed folks off is you tried to justify/hide/intellectualize your racist remarks.

You can use this as a legitimate opportunity to learn or you can leverage your privilege and run away from the issue.  
Nothing could be easier than to just throw up your hands and say, "there's no pleasing you guys.  I'm just going to conceal my ignorance from now on because it's too uncomfortable to face it."  This could've gone very differently if you'd just been open to the possibility that what you said was, in fact, offensive to a lot of people and may have stemmed from your own subconscious acceptance of a racial stereotype that you might not even agree with.  This is a racist nation, moored to a racist history and steeped in a racist culture.  It's ignorant for anyone to believe that they haven't been affected by that in some way.

Arguably the biggest problem here is that you think that one Urban Studies course made you a certified "anti-racist."  

As Richard Delgado wrote,

“falseempathy is worse than none at all, worse than indifference.  It makes you over-confident, so that you caneasily harm the intended beneficiary. You are apt to be paternalistic, thinking you know what the other reallywants or needs.  You can easilysubstitute your own goal for hers.  Youvisualize what you would want if you were she, when your experiences areradically different, and your needs, too. You can end up thinking that race is no different from class, thatblacks are just whites who happen not to have any money right now.  You can think that middle-class blacks orones with professional degree have it made, need no solicitude or protection,when their situation is in some respects worse than that of the black who livesin an all-black, working-class neighborhood.
Has anybody even thought to ask him to explain his user name? I think that if he is who he says he is (white, well off) then him picking levar Burton is kinda fishy. Or maybe he's just a big fan of Roots?
sheesh, i never knew Meth was this eloquent. But back on subject...when I first joined the Marines, my roommate was a poor white kid from Riverside. He was extremely racist, and I used to catch him on the phone telling his mom that he hated rooming with a black guy. Numerous times we came to blows over him using the N-Word and other derogatory ideas that he had about minorities...but then we got to know each other. I found out that he grew up living in someones garage, dirt poor. I found out that, maybe we werent that different, and that many of the issues that we had were related to class more than race. Poor white people hate poor black people. Poor black and white people hate poor hispanic people. Poor white black and hispanic people hate poor asian people....but we are all binded. The REAL problem begins when a segment of society believes that they can look down upon any of those groups, when the upper caste believes that they can snicker in private about the plight of the "ghetto" man. I would simply suggest that you get with some of those "ghetto" people, find somebody you can actually communicate with, and discuss your misunderstandings, and learn from them.
Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Originally Posted by sn00pee

oh, its ok for blacks to act ghetto? Because its "natural" huh?

In a sense yes, if you're from a certain area there's going to be some characteristics that you will posses. Behaviorism affects us all, positive or negative.  Anti-social behavior is NOT okay but if I meet someone from the inner-city, black, white, asian etc, I'd be more understanding of their demeanor than someone not from the inner-city acting in such a manner. 
I'm black and I agree.

People are products of their environments.

Judge me.
Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Think about this, I'm coming to an anonymous user generated discussion board with question to educate myself on social etiquette around blacks. I'm getting slammed for it.
Let's say I was weak minded and took some of this discussion to heart and let it change my view on blacks. The next time you're with a group of friends and a white guy just DOESN'T speak to you or is blatantly rude, or doesn't know WHAT to say that doesn't OFFEND you as blacks remember this thread.

I promise I'll never speak on race/culture on this forum again as of today. 
No bruh, You are weak minded
Glad I'm not in OP's family.  Dodged a bullet with that one.  
Originally Posted by solarius49

sheesh, i never knew Meth was this eloquent. But back on subject...when I first joined the Marines, my roommate was a poor white kid from Riverside. He was extremely racist, and I used to catch him on the phone telling his mom that he hated rooming with a black guy. Numerous times we came to blows over him using the N-Word and other derogatory ideas that he had about minorities...but then we got to know each other. I found out that he grew up living in someones garage, dirt poor. I found out that, maybe we werent that different, and that many of the issues that we had were related to class more than race. Poor white people hate poor black people. Poor black and white people hate poor hispanic people. Poor white black and hispanic people hate poor asian people....but we are all binded. The REAL problem begins when a segment of society believes that they can look down upon any of those groups, when the upper caste believes that they can snicker in private about the plight of the "ghetto" man. I would simply suggest that you get with some of those "ghetto" people, find somebody you can actually communicate with, and discuss your misunderstandings, and learn from them.

Preach man. Preach.
The goal is to get folks to forget about class and focus on race. Get poor whites to think that they are > than Poor Blacks/Asians/Hispanics. Why? Because they are white. Forget about the economics of it all race is what matters. That is what they want us to believe. 
Originally Posted by moneymike88

Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Originally Posted by sn00pee

oh, its ok for blacks to act ghetto? Because its "natural" huh?

In a sense yes, if you're from a certain area there's going to be some characteristics that you will posses. Behaviorism affects us all, positive or negative.  Anti-social behavior is NOT okay but if I meet someone from the inner-city, black, white, asian etc, I'd be more understanding of their demeanor than someone not from the inner-city acting in such a manner. 
I'm black and I agree.

People are products of their environments.

Judge me.
youre dumb right along with him if you think all blacks act ghetto, how are all blacks a product of the ghetto? all of us were born in the hood?
Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Think about this, I'm coming to an anonymous user generated discussion board with question to educate myself on social etiquette around blacks. I'm getting slammed for it.
Let's say I was weak minded and took some of this discussion to heart and let it change my view on blacks. The next time you're with a group of friends and a white guy just DOESN'T speak to you or is blatantly rude, or doesn't know WHAT to say that doesn't OFFEND you as blacks remember this thread.

I promise I'll never speak on race/culture on this forum again as of today. 
Two things I'm seeing with this particular gem: "educate myself on social etiquette around blacks", sounds like you grew up in an Elitist environment, kind of confirmed by how your family caused another to cry because she no longer accepted the "Levar Burton" idea of culture, I'm not sure what you mean by "etiquette around blacks", does that mean around black people your demeanor should change? 
And how does this thread relate to a random white guy being rude to a random black guy?  
The responses have me in
left and right.

Do some of you view black people THAT badly??
Originally Posted by solarius49

sheesh, i never knew Meth was this eloquent. But back on subject...when I first joined the Marines, my roommate was a poor white kid from Riverside. He was extremely racist, and I used to catch him on the phone telling his mom that he hated rooming with a black guy. Numerous times we came to blows over him using the N-Word and other derogatory ideas that he had about minorities...but then we got to know each other. I found out that he grew up living in someones garage, dirt poor. I found out that, maybe we werent that different, and that many of the issues that we had were related to class more than race. Poor white people hate poor black people. Poor black and white people hate poor hispanic people. Poor white black and hispanic people hate poor asian people....but we are all binded. The REAL problem begins when a segment of society believes that they can look down upon any of those groups, when the upper caste believes that they can snicker in private about the plight of the "ghetto" man. I would simply suggest that you get with some of those "ghetto" people, find somebody you can actually communicate with, and discuss your misunderstandings, and learn from them.

hate when poor people go after other poor people, then wonder why "rich white people" don't care

...because they don't have to, they're rich 
, why would they care about crabs in a bucket/barrel?
Originally Posted by ricky409

The responses have me in
left and right.

Do some of you view black people THAT badly??
Sadly that's just a rhetorical question.
This thread reminds me of an incident in high school. A Caucasian dude (I'm of the chocolate persuasion) with a locker below mine stepped on my white/white AF1s. I assumed it was by accident and kept it trucking. After about 20 seconds of silence, he says "gosh man they're just sneakers" and it we almost got into it and he had this look of confusion on his face. What he did and what you did are the SAME thing. You stereotype and you're confronted about it, you try to use the "angry black man" card instead of opening up your one tracked mind and correct your ignorance. Don't compare "guy talk" in "black" women appreciation threads to what you did.
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