Delete/Lock...Draft talk over in JPZ's thread....

Originally Posted by friscostylez

Originally Posted by Im Not You

SMH. So you you're telling me Juan Dixon was Iso'ing 6'6-6'9 athletic wings at the top of the key and scoring on them at will?
wow. Name me a couple of 6'9 wings that Curry was giving buckets too. I bet you can't. It was exposed that Curry couldn't score as efficient when he was guarded by longer and athletic wings. Statistic don't lie, find his shooting stats when he played against High-Major teams and you will see he didn't score as well. oh yeah, get off his tip too.
Uhhh for one...Patrick Ewing Jr. in the NCAA Tournament. West VA tried putting Ebanks and Flowers on him and he torched them both in the 2nd half.Anything else? Both high major teams that they got W's in.

EDIT. FoShizzle just brought up Oklahama. I forgot that game. He got at Gerald Henderson too. Another NBA Caliber athlete.

Juan Dixon was a ridiculous mismatch back when he was in college. He could get to the rack at will, and he could also create his own shot with ease outside of the paint. What he lacked in size/strength, he made up for with his quickness. Dude was flat out dominant in the ACC.

I'm not going back and forth on Juan Dixon's Maryland clearly think he's equal to Steph and I clearly don't...butI'd be willing to bet you any amount of money or screen name that Steph Curry's rookie season will be better than whatever Juan Dixon's career yearwas.
^What did he put on top #3 ranked Oklahoma? 40 something? You're right he couldn't score as well when he was guarded by long athletic wingS, emphasison the plural, as the opponents entire defense (more than one guy) was focused on stopping him....not gonna be like that in the NBA, he might have some decentteammates.
Originally Posted by MonopolyMan630

Thompson, Hawes, Harden, Martin would be solid. Now we just need a point guard,

BTW, hows his defense?
He defended all types of players in HS pretty well...can't really comment what he did at ASU because they ran a zone to hide the rest of theteam's lack of talent.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by friscostylez

Originally Posted by Im Not You

SMH. So you you're telling me Juan Dixon was Iso'ing 6'6-6'9 athletic wings at the top of the key and scoring on them at will?
wow. Name me a couple of 6'9 wings that Curry was giving buckets too. I bet you can't. It was exposed that Curry couldn't score as efficient when he was guarded by longer and athletic wings. Statistic don't lie, find his shooting stats when he played against High-Major teams and you will see he didn't score as well. oh yeah, get off his tip too.
Uhhh for one...Patrick Ewing Jr. in the NCAA Tournament. West VA tried putting Ebanks and Flowers on him and he torched them both in the 2nd half. Anything else? Both high major teams that they got W's in.

EDIT. FoShizzle just brought up Oklahama. I forgot that game. He got at Gerald Henderson too. Another NBA Caliber athlete.

Juan Dixon was a ridiculous mismatch back when he was in college. He could get to the rack at will, and he could also create his own shot with ease outside of the paint. What he lacked in size/strength, he made up for with his quickness. Dude was flat out dominant in the ACC.
I'm not going back and forth on Juan Dixon's Maryland clearly think he's equal to Steph and I clearly don't...but I'd be willing to bet you any amount of money or screen name that Steph Curry's rookie season will be better than whatever Juan Dixon's career year was.

1. Little Ewing is 6'6 without shoes and 6'7 with shoes so where are the 6'9 wings he was guarded by?
2. show me one play he scored on Henderson?

Curry against Oklahoma 12/29
Against WV 9/27 - he really torched them right?
Against Duke 10/22 - it's decent but if you watch the game they played him for the shot and let him drive. 3 point stats 1/8
Against St.Mary 11/27
Last year in tournament against G'Town 8/21
I won't even mention the TO's

I'm not a Curry hater either but you guys need get off his tip
lol all those games you just pointed out were wins except for 2...wins in which Curry was the one that made it happen. That's cute with the shootingpercentages. But those makes all came when it mattered the the clutch.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

lol all those games you just pointed out were wins except for 2...wins in which Curry was the one that made it happen. That's cute with the shooting percentages. But those makes all came when it mattered the the clutch.
I didn't even mention Purdue where he shot 5/26. Except 2? Duke , Oklahoma, St.Mary's. I'm just keep proving your points wrong. Youstated Curry give athletic wings buckets, and I prove he doesn't. Why are you mentioning about the W's now? Why don't you just state Curry = wininstead of Curry = buckets on iso against athletic wings?
There's always some kind of bickering/debating going on in here
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Originally Posted by MonopolyMan630

Thompson, Hawes, Harden, Martin would be solid. Now we just need a point guard,

BTW, hows his defense?
He defended all types of players in HS pretty well...can't really comment what he did at ASU because they ran a zone to hide the rest of the team's lack of talent.

I don't think Harden would fit well at the SF slot. He has a long wingspan, so it might work but he's strictly a SG IMO.

@ the Curry/Dixon debate. Will the Hansborough/Griffin debate startup again?
Originally Posted by Im Not You

What was Curry's total point output in those games sir?
Scoring at will = good field goal percentage, am I not right? If I took 50 shots and made 15, am I scoring at will?
harden = salmons 2.0 .

solid but not fabulous, versatile, should be able to contribute in a lot of stat coloumns but he wont be a star.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by friscostylez

Originally Posted by Im Not You

SMH. So you you're telling me Juan Dixon was Iso'ing 6'6-6'9 athletic wings at the top of the key and scoring on them at will?
wow. Name me a couple of 6'9 wings that Curry was giving buckets too. I bet you can't. It was exposed that Curry couldn't score as efficient when he was guarded by longer and athletic wings. Statistic don't lie, find his shooting stats when he played against High-Major teams and you will see he didn't score as well. oh yeah, get off his tip too.
Uhhh for one...Patrick Ewing Jr. in the NCAA Tournament. West VA tried putting Ebanks and Flowers on him and he torched them both in the 2nd half. Anything else? Both high major teams that they got W's in.

EDIT. FoShizzle just brought up Oklahama. I forgot that game. He got at Gerald Henderson too. Another NBA Caliber athlete.

Juan Dixon was a ridiculous mismatch back when he was in college. He could get to the rack at will, and he could also create his own shot with ease outside of the paint. What he lacked in size/strength, he made up for with his quickness. Dude was flat out dominant in the ACC.
I'm not going back and forth on Juan Dixon's Maryland clearly think he's equal to Steph and I clearly don't...but I'd be willing to bet you any amount of money or screen name that Steph Curry's rookie season will be better than whatever Juan Dixon's career year was.

You're putting words in my mouth, because I didn't say of the first things I said was that Steph was a way more prolific scorer than Juan. My gripe is that you are discrediting Juan's college career and what he did based off of how he turned out in the NBA. And you have no leg to stand on,because like Steph, Juan had little to no problems scoring no matter WHO was d'ing him up. I don't get how you are slighting Juan for what he did inCOLLEGE. Anyways, like I said before Steph is a way more prolific scorer than Juan. Juan had the benefit of playing with a good PG in Steve Blake so hedidn't have as much responsibility that Steph had in his Jr. year at Davidson. They are more similiar than you think. I hope Steph turns out to be abetter pro than Juan Dixon. However, I'm not one of these kool-aid drinkers who thinks that Steph is gonna be more than Juan Dixon let alone his pops. The transition to the pro game is gonna be an adjustment in itself. Let's see if what he did in college can carry over to the pros...I have my doubts.
Nobody's "slighting" Juan for what he did at Maryland as far as accomplishments and output goes. I'm just saying the ABILITY was different.The WAY they played was different. Juan Dixon IMO was not as good of shooter as Steph, nor was he as crafty and effective off the dribble as Steph. I don'tsee any similarities outside of their build...and even then Steph has almost 20 pounds on Juan.
Ain't nobody's a sports discussion board. Don't we sit here and debate all day long about stuff. Calm down...


Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, but if Curry doesn't go to a team with established vets that can glorify his strengths and get him open (i.e.Knicks) its curtains.

Dude ain't 6'6" or 6'7". And he's not that NBA quick to be "going to the rack" or breaking anyone down.

The way some of you Curry gulpers are talking, why won't dude just stay at Davidson another year and be a top 3 pick next year?


Ain't nobody slurping/gulping


You're putting words in my mouth, because I didn't say of the first things I said was that Steph was a way more prolific scorer than Juan. My gripe is that you are discrediting Juan's college career and what he did based off of how he turned out in the NBA. And you have no leg to stand on, because like Steph, Juan had little to no problems scoring no matter WHO was d'ing him up. I don't get how you are slighting Juan for what he did in COLLEGE. Anyways, like I said before Steph is a way more prolific scorer than Juan. Juan had the benefit of playing with a good PG in Steve Blake so he didn't have as much responsibility that Steph had in his Jr. year at Davidson. They are more similiar than you think. I hope Steph turns out to be a better pro than Juan Dixon. However, I'm not one of these kool-aid drinkers who thinks that Steph is gonna be more than Juan Dixon let alone his pops. The transition to the pro game is gonna be an adjustment in itself. Let's see if what he did in college can carry over to the pros...I have my doubts.
That's fair
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Ain't nobody's a sports discussion board. Don't we sit here and debate all day long about stuff. Calm down...

Reason I love Niketalk.

Great reads and written opinions on different views -- not all posts are "co-signs".

Both views I respect, because they were posted with some intelligence. But, I got my side.

But, I've been a NBA nut faithfully since 1987 or so. And I've seen too many dudes like Curry come and go in the L after all the hype in beingdrafted.

He will be a solid pro in the right situation and given the opportunity for PT-- because that's all the NBA is.

Only team I argue in the top 10 is the Knicks...
Originally Posted by dreClark


Ain't nobody slurping/gulping

I hear ya, so my bad on the wording.

But, after J.J -- who played against fierce comp. EVERY SINGLE NIGHT at a Power school in a Power conference and proved himself as a "can't miss"dead-eye -- I'm on my Hov until further notice...

"Show me what chu' got..."

After being drafted that is...
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Ain't nobody's a sports discussion board. Don't we sit here and debate all day long about stuff. Calm down...

I was jp
of course It's all for fun and opinion
The difference...JJ was running off screens for 4 years. In his senior year, he managed to add that catch off the screen, and then dribble a few times to keepdefenders honest.

Did you ever see Coach K just put the ball in JJ's hands and say "here, go get a bucket"?

I didn't.

Should people have their concerns? Of course. Any undersized 2 making the transition to 1 is always a crap shoot. Especially without great athleticism. AllI'm saying...I personally see more Jason Terry in him than I do Juan Dixon or JJ Reddick. But we'll see.

I say the kid averages no less than 14 in his rookie year...quote me.
Originally Posted by eyes of hazel

Originally Posted by dreClark


Ain't nobody slurping/gulping

I hear ya, so my bad on the wording.

But, after J.J -- who played against fierce comp. EVERY SINGLE NIGHT at a Power school in a Power conference and proved himself as a "can't miss" dead-eye -- I'm on my Hov until further notice...

"Show me what chu' got..."

After being drafted that is...
Yeah, I knew you were joking and mean no malice. But there are some Steph slurpers (
) and being that I was somewhat in the discussion concerning Juan and Steph, Ididn't wanna be included in that.

I feel you, but like. You can't even compare JJ to Steph. (And this is coming from a Duke fan)

JJ never overcame his struggles against athletic wings in college. He never had the handle Steph has. Can you imagine JJ running PG?

JJ was and is a spot up shooter. Towards the end of his career he added bits and pieces to his game, but still for the most part, he was a spot up guy.

Steph has the potential to be more than that. Based on the fact that he has already shown more.
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