
Originally Posted by jrich for MVP

i hope this is a part of a bigger trade cause this is garbage
we can only hope....if it's not it makes zero sense and really just makes them look even more dumb than we already know they are.
Can anyone here give an objective description of Belinelli's game? How is he on offense and defense? Is he a slasher or shooter? Does he have the potentialto be a star in this league or is he destined to be a role player?

Anyways, I'm really happy about this trade as a Raptors fan because we obviously got the better player in return. Devean George is useless, I simply do notunderstand why GSW management made this trade. Even if they do not have room on the roster for Belinelli, you'd think they'd be able to trade a guy whois only 22 and was a 1st rounder 2 years ago for a better player than George. George will not make the GSW any better while Belinelli will most likely beinserted as the starting SG for the Raptors.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Can anyone here give an objective description of Belinelli's game? How is he on offense and defense? Is he a slasher or shooter? Does he have the potential to be a star in this league or is he destined to be a role player?

Anyways, I'm really happy about this trade as a Raptors fan because we obviously got the better player in return. Devean George is useless, I simply do not understand why GSW management made this trade. Even if they do not have room on the roster for Belinelli, you'd think they'd be able to trade a guy who is only 22 and was a 1st rounder 2 years ago for a better player than George. George will not make the GSW any better while Belinelli will most likely be inserted as the starting SG for the Raptors.
He's a poor man's Ginobili. He can slash a bit but he's a shooter first and foremost. Maybe he's a little streaky, but whenhe's on, he's on. He has the ability to hit a circus shot in the lane. He has decent handles and has decent passing ability. On defense, he reallyworked to improve on defense. IMO, he was our best wing defender (yeah, Jackson's overrated and his whining on defense).

I really hope Belinelli turns into a star... I really do.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Can anyone here give an objective description of Belinelli's game? How is he on offense and defense? Is he a slasher or shooter? Does he have the potential to be a star in this league or is he destined to be a role player?

Anyways, I'm really happy about this trade as a Raptors fan because we obviously got the better player in return. Devean George is useless, I simply do not understand why GSW management made this trade. Even if they do not have room on the roster for Belinelli, you'd think they'd be able to trade a guy who is only 22 and was a 1st rounder 2 years ago for a better player than George. George will not make the GSW any better while Belinelli will most likely be inserted as the starting SG for the Raptors.
He's a poor man's Ginobili. He can slash a bit but he's a shooter first and foremost. Maybe he's a little streaky, but when he's on, he's on. He has the ability to hit a circus shot in the lane. He has decent handles and has decent passing ability. On defense, he really worked to improve on defense. IMO, he was our best wing defender (yeah, Jackson's overrated and his whining on defense).

I really hope Belinelli turns into a star... I really do.
We got a younger Carlos Delfino that can speak Italianwith Bargs.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

I really hope Belinelli turns into a star... I really do.
i never use these niketalk phrases but this has to be...

Originally Posted by Andrew630

do we at least get a draft pick?
this stuff makes it hard to put my faith in thewarriors because in the end they will find a way to do something stupid
hopefully this is just for contracts so we can package a deal with BWright for a legit big SG.

Some of the Marco simpage is ridiculous. Dude wasnt even that nice truthfully. Definitely too slow to play in Nellies system.
Originally Posted by bigtimejerky

hopefully this is just for contracts so we can package a deal with BWright for a legit big SG.

Some of the Marco simpage is ridiculous. Dude wasnt even that nice truthfully. Definitely too slow to play in Nellies system.
Like the Warriors don't have enough people that can play the 2, right?

And if they wanted to package people to make a deal, having a far less valuable Devean George is not the way to do it.

[h2]Warriors give away Belinelli, officially for Devean George, unofficially for no apparent reason[/h2]
Posted by TimKawakami on July 29th, 2009 at 9:30 pm | Categorized as NBA, Warriors

* 10:10 p.m. update: OK, here's one obvious reason, explained by Steinmetz-the Raptors are picking up most of George's salary. Net talent gain for Warriors: None, in fact it's a negative. Net cash gain for Chris Cohan: Priceless!

Absorb this straight cash-flow deal plus MT-2's report, unrefuted, that the Warriors are planning on keeping 14, instead of the max 15 players this season to save money… And THEN let the homers tell me and MT-2 that Cohan isn't having money problems that could and probably will lead to selling the team.


Yeah. Right

-Man, even the Warriors/Rowell/Mr. Nellie homers are going to have a tough time bucking up and praising the wise Warriors for this one.

So, since the dwindling homers probably need something to fire them up ('cause it can't be the talents of Devean George!), I'll give them some red meat:

Didn't I tell you Larry Riley and Mr. Nellie were looking to dump 2007 first-round picks Marco Belinelli and Brandan Wright because Nelson was done with them? Yes, yes, I believe I did.

OK, good, that oughta trigger at least five angry comments.

But even I didn't imagine Nelson/Riley would give away Belinelli to Toronto for something as meager as George, who I know fairly well since I covered him his rookie year with the Lakers and have watched him fairly closely in the many years since.

This is just a dump. A we-don't-know-what-to-do-with-this-talented-player dump. A terrible, misguided, noxious dump by a team now run by an erratic, tired coach and a GM who does his bidding.

(If they can't do any better than this for the Wright dumping, whew!)

George is 8 years older than Belinelli, by the way. He has a $1.6M expiring contract this year, but Belinelli's would've expired next summer if the Warriors didn't pick up his option, plus Belinelli is MUCH MUCH BETTER than George.

Warriors fans might remember George from the 2007 playoffs, when he was a key Mavericks' role player, and I think he even got a defensive turn or two against Baron Davis. George shot 20% in that series, so yes, he's fantastic. (No, he never played for Nelson in Dallas.)

The only possible logic for this, I got from Marcus T: The Warriors were not planning on picking up Belinelli's fourth-year option, which would've left him as a lame-duck all this season, potentially in a poisonous mood.

That's what happens to bad teams. Bad, crumbling, weird (add: financially troubled) teams.

This is precisely how you wreck somebody's value, as Nelson and Rowell have now done over and over again: Al Harrington, Marcus Williams, Patrick O'Bryant, Jamal Crawford, now Belinelli and definitely Wright, whenever they get around to giving him away, too.

I mean, what other team does this with recent No. 1 picks? The Warriors are doing it all the time now, in various methods, with most of these guys being decent players, except in the mind of Mr. Nellie.

-2001 No. 1 pick: Jason Richardson, traded by Nelson/Mullin to Charlotte during the 2007 draft for Wright and a $9.9M trade exception that the Warriors let expire.

Also Troy Murphy, traded by Nelson/Mullin in Indiana mega-deal.

-2002 No. 1 pick: Mike Dunleavy, traded by Nelson/Mullin in Indiana mega-deal.

-2003 No. 1 pick: Mickael Pietrus, let go as a free agent in summer 2008, signed with Orlando.

-2004 No. 1 pick: Andris Biedrins, almost dealt to Phoenix this summer, potentially included in any major trade talks the Warriors have.

-2005 No. 1 pick: Ike Diogu, traded in mega-Indiana deal.

-2006 No. 1 pick: Patrick O'Bryant, third-year team option not picked up, left as free agent after second season.

-2007 No. 1 pick: Belinelli, traded to Toronto today.

Also: Wright, acquired in trade draft night, now in Warriors limbo.

-Possibly 2010, 2011, 2012 or 2013 No. 1 pick: Traded to New Jersey for Marcus Williams, (pick is protected in various ways in each draft) who was released near the end of last season, his only with the Warriors.

That's quite a list. When you wonder why the Warriors get ripped-and if you get mad at the rippers-just go over that list, and the losses, and the wasted resources. And tell yourself there's wisdom involved in these decisions.

Not total mindlessness.

See what happens to Belinelli in Toronto. And what happens to Wright.

But hey, at least the Warriors have Devean George to show for it.
Originally Posted by dland24

Im pissed we traded Marco....but lets be honest. Where would he get playing time on this team? And DP......for what their role would be on this team, Morrow > Bellineli.
In any role, Belinelli. Morrow isn't going to get enough shots to justify his horrible defense and ball handling.
Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

Originally Posted by bigtimejerky

hopefully this is just for contracts so we can package a deal with BWright for a legit big SG.

Some of the Marco simpage is ridiculous. Dude wasnt even that nice truthfully. Definitely too slow to play in Nellies system.
Like the Warriors don't have enough people that can play the 2, right?

And if they wanted to package people to make a deal, having a far less valuable Devean George is not the way to do it.
not one thats 6'5 +. Either that or a bulky PF.

Dont matter whos in the deal, BWright would be the bait and Devean would be the filler.
ok you win my dude... im just saying hopefully its for the contracts

And Jacks our point-forward which would make him a forward.
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