
He got a concussion from it

but conan=
Originally Posted by What up

Leno > Kimmel > Conan > Letterman

At least we agree Letterman sucks.

Conan is the only one who can make a failed joke hilarious.
You guys think we should try a Sharks thread this season? Naahhh, we can just discuss in here.
Acid gets more defensive than both the Sharks and Warriors combined.

Acid has more failed joked than Conan.
Originally Posted by What up

Acid gets more defensive than both the Sharks and Warriors combined.

Acid has more failed joked than Conan.
What Up has more grammar issues than Bigmike.
Unlike lame %$%*! who sit at their computer all day, I was up at 5 am, and spent the majority of my shift trying to figure out if one of my patients hadsepsis. Now you can cut me some slack for a typo, or you can go choke on your loneliness you fat, stuck up, herb. Either way, I could not care less.
Unlike lame %$%*! who sit at their computer all day, I was up at 5 am, and spent the majority of my shift trying to figure out if one of my patients had sepsis. Now you can cut me some slack for a typo, or you can go choke on your loneliness you fat, stuck up, herb. Either way, I could not care less.
You want a cookie?
Good job describing yourself, loser.Now the whole world knows.
Too bad I'm actually fit and I don't keep cookies in my apartment, and even if I did, I wouldn't give any to a fat stuck-up herb because I actuallycare about your health.
Nah, no animosity from my side. Arguing with a guy hiding behind a computer to diss people to make himself feel better is fun; it'smy way of doing community service to help out the needy.

Found a picture of 715 when he realized I had no cookies.
Wow, you work at a hospital, congratulations. You're also a %!$@%. So, no one really gives a #!$+ you work at a hospital.
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