
What else do you want to know?
did u try google yet?

not even trying to be rude or anything...but you will find something if you search a little. if u aint finding stuff right away switch up the wording andstuff.
Originally Posted by acidicality

Alright, alright....

Things are getting pretty good this school year. I have a small night class with her, and I've already talked to her in person this quarter (and it's only been a week) probably more than I talked to her all of last quarter.
But I'm really in no rush to make a move, I haven't even known her for that long yet and I'm still trying to figure out if it's worth it.

I'm not getting into more details cuz it'd be too personal
Wayne Gretzky once said "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

In other words, just do it. You obviously dig her. What do you have to lose?

edit: i don't know why i was just reminded of that quote. i first heard it after a pickup basketball game where i passed up like two good shots anddidn't take a shot the whole game.
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by acidicality

Alright, alright....

Things are getting pretty good this school year. I have a small night class with her, and I've already talked to her in person this quarter (and it's only been a week) probably more than I talked to her all of last quarter.
But I'm really in no rush to make a move, I haven't even known her for that long yet and I'm still trying to figure out if it's worth it.

I'm not getting into more details cuz it'd be too personal
Wayne Gretzky once said "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

In other words, just do it. You obviously dig her. What do you have to lose?
i agree with this.

imo, i think youre going about it the wrong way acid. you obviously like her and by you playing the waiting game is just wasting your time. wouldn't yourather see if theres something there or not so you can move onto the next?
acid, YNS. lol at too personal. bruh it seems like sitting next to her and asking how her day was is as personal as it gets when it comes to females.

here's how i'd see 715 and acid at a W's game:

715: yo you talkin mad #%$ why dont you say it to my face? what you wearing? i'mma come find you
acid: black shirt sec 228 come see me.(but in reality he's rocking a white shirt and is sitting in 229)
715: *starts crap with a random guy wearing a black shirt.*
Too lazy to go back through the pages since I last asked....

Anyone going to the pre-season game on Sun?
Originally Posted by Jalrulz

acid, YNS. lol at too personal. bruh it seems like sitting next to her and asking how her day was is as personal as it gets when it comes to females.

here's how i'd see 715 and acid at a W's game:

715: yo you talkin mad #%$ why dont you say it to my face? what you wearing? i'mma come find you
acid: black shirt sec 228 come see me.(but in reality he's rocking a white shirt and is sitting in 229)
715: *starts crap with a random guy wearing a black shirt.*

again, warriors thread jump. all acid and 715
Originally Posted by Jalrulz

acid, YNS. lol at too personal. bruh it seems like sitting next to her and asking how her day was is as personal as it gets when it comes to females.

here's how i'd see 715 and acid at a W's game:

715: yo you talkin mad #%$ why dont you say it to my face? what you wearing? i'mma come find you
acid: black shirt sec 228 come see me.(but in reality he's rocking a white shirt and is sitting in 229)
715: *starts crap with a random guy wearing a black shirt.*

Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought


yall comedy. it's alright acid, 715 likes rob kurz. that's as big an L anybody gonna take in their lifetime.

Right, because I clearly loved Kurz's game. I said he deserved playing time over Randolph because Anthony was *****ing and moaning. Players like thatdon't deserve PT not matter how talented they are because they'll develop bad habits. Randolph did a 180 and his minutes have sky rocketed.

Nice to know you're still obsessed with that argument. Nice to know I had that big of an affect on you.
I think when you laid your argument out, I even co-signed that because I believe the same...AR needed to have an attitude adjustment.

If you are getting to the point that Rob freaking Kurz is getting PT ahead of you...time to look in the mirror.
Originally Posted by acidicality

every day that 715 doesn't buy Oreos, Nabisco's stock drops 50%.


Can'tbelieve I overlooked this gem. *@* is that?

After you get off cloud 9 that you actually talked to a female "IN PERSON," you should ask that girl to each you some real jokes. But then again, ifyou like her, she's probably ugly, dull, and her joke game is on par with your's.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

I think when you laid your argument out, I even co-signed that because I believe the same...AR needed to have an attitude adjustment.

If you are getting to the point that Rob freaking Kurz is getting PT ahead of you...time to look in the mirror.
Yea, I remember you were the only one who actually took my argument for what it was.

All these other dip****s were like, "how can Kurz be ahead of Randolph in anything!?! "OMG, take your L" *insert sterotypical NT comment ofdisapproval*
I'm not even offended by anything you say. Reading your posts are like trying to deal with a girl who's PMSing. I just don't listen.

Really, if it makes you feel better to unleash your anger at me, I'd be happy to let you do so. Congratulations, you're an $@@ on the internet.
Originally Posted by acidicality

did u try google yet?

not even trying to be rude or anything...but you will find something if you search a little. if u aint finding stuff right away switch up the wording and stuff.

im just going to write about why Crabtree is holding out
Well, from my side, I know most of the jokes are all in good fun, so I don't mind one bit because I'm cool with most of yall in here
.That's what makes this thread go.

No animosity toward 715, and I'm not even offended by anything dude says because he just comes across as a bitter internet bully who has no life in thereal world. I know damn well he doesn't act like that in real life. If he does, he's got issues.
Originally Posted by What up

Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought


yall comedy. it's alright acid, 715 likes rob kurz. that's as big an L anybody gonna take in their lifetime.

Right, because I clearly loved Kurz's game. I said he deserved playing time over Randolph because Anthony was *****ing and moaning. Players like that don't deserve PT not matter how talented they are because they'll develop bad habits. Randolph did a 180 and his minutes have sky rocketed.

Nice to know you're still obsessed with that argument. Nice to know I had that big of an affect on you.

you know it baby *smooches*

edit: cmon lazy, both you and 715 liked kurz. i remember you guys defending his play until one horrible horrible utah game.
Originally Posted by acidicality

Well, from my side, I know most of the jokes are all in good fun, so I don't mind one bit because I'm cool with most of yall in here
. That's what makes this thread go.

No animosity toward 715, and I'm not even offended by anything dude says because he just comes across as a bitter internet bully who has no life in the real world. I know damn well he doesn't act like that in real life. If he does, he's got issues.
most? so who do you not like?

Spoiler [+]
yes, you are being put on blast.
Just don't like Nothingtolose. Dude is a +*++$.

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i aint talkin about any of the regulars here
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