
^LMR, nice shots in the photography thread. I'll post a few of mine soon, finally got more comfortable with my Canon 40D.
Originally Posted by KL9

^LMR, nice shots in the photography thread. I'll post a few of mine soon, finally got more comfortable with my Canon 40D.
Thanks man, how is your camera doing? I just started shooting because school is out and I have nothing to do. I need to get better on photographythough...If you have a flickr let me know, I would like to follow your work.

Tyreke Evans sounds like a decent pick at 7...Even though it seems high. I hope the W's make a trade to free up some cap space.
^ I don't really upload on flickr...I'm lazy haha. I'll do so when not.
Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

Tyreke Evans sounds like a decent pick at 7...Even though it seems high. I hope the W's make a trade to free up some cap space.
It seems that he might be gone by that pick. 7 is definitely not high for him.
Yup, I've been away for the past couple of days. I actually went down to SoCal (Riverside to be exact) for the California Society for Respiratory Care(CSRC) that was held there. It just feels good to be back home. Riverside is boring as hell. I just had to get out of that hell hole to have some fun.

Originally Posted by acidicality

Finally I'm talking to the girl
(in person)....only's finals week and school's out. FML.

You better be making some plans to call her up during the break.

Originally Posted by acidicality

[paul] @+%$ Rowell! @+%$ Nelson! @+%$ Riley! [/paul]
I'm glad you quoted me correctly [Paul]
[/Paul]. I don't refer to Nelson as "Nellie" anymore. Even when you look at myavy, I still call him Nelson. Same with Stephen Jackson. I don't call him "S-Jax" no more.
both of them.

Originally Posted by dland24 anyone else pissed off that NOW Michael Pietrus can sink clutch free throws?
Pietrus. That was certainly going through my mind when I saw him there at the line.Dude still has no basketball IQ after 7 or 8 years in the league. Dude couldn't make a simple entry pass to Dwight. And did you see him on a fast break,don't remember if it was in game 2 or game 3, but dude ran hit horribly and JVG was criticizing him for not running it properly.

And while we're at it.
Feliz. Once dude leaves, he gets a WS ring, and is hitting now withaverage... with RISP too.
[h2]Warriors workout: Brandon Jennings and Jonny Flynn[/h2]
Posted by Tim Kawakami on June 11th, 2009 at 1:10 pm | Categorized as College basketball, NBA, Warriors

I'll post the group interviews with Brandon Jennings and Jonny Flynn here in a bit. Hope my new digital recorder holds up, and so far, so good.

Quick hits:

* Media members were not allowed in during the workout, but Jennings and Flynn both said that it was a good, tough session, mainly going at each other with several other players to help the Warriors get a full-court flow.

* Just judging by their descriptions, sounds like Jennings might've had the edge-Flynn graciously allowed that Jennings was very fast and very tough to guard.

Jennings said he just wanted to show the Warriors that he was a pass-first PG.

Jennings is definitely taller and rangier; Flynn is a solid, thick guy, but definitely on the short side.

* Both guys were good to talk to-Jennings probably because of his time in Italy and desire to talk about what he learned from it, and Flynn assuredly because of his big-time Big East experiences, which means he has no fear of facing the media.

* My favorite quote, from Flynn, as we were going over all the point guard prospects in this draft, from he and Jennings to Jrue Holiday to Stephen Curry to Tyreke Evans to Ty Lawson and on…

"Man, this has to be the deepest position for a draft in, like, forever," Flynn said.

That's a good thing for the Warriors, who need a pure PG and ought to be able to find one they like in this draft at No. 7.

* Neither man sounded too happy with his jump shot. The Warriors had them do the shooting drills as the last thing, to see how they responded when they were tired.

* They'll see a lot of each other: They've got another work-out scheduled for tomorrow in Sacramento, along with UCLA's Holiday.

* Judging strictly by what was open to the media and by body language, Don Nelson and Larry Riley seemed A LOT more keyed into Jennings (talking with him for several minutes right after the workout) than they were with Flynn.
Heres the Q&A:

-Q: How did it go today?

-JENNINGS: It went well. It was my first time really playing against another opponent in like three weeks, you know, because I was in Europe. It felt good. Trying to get my wind back up.

-Q: You vs. Flynn, right at each other?

-JENNINGS: Right at each other. Three on three, fullcourt… so it was fun. It was fun just to play against somebody.

-Q: How competitive does that get going up against one guy?

-JENNINGS: Real competitive. I know he wants my job bad and I want his job. It was real good. He's a great player. He goes hard every time. And that's what I love.

-Q: Saw you talking with Larry Riley and Don Nelson just now. What were they telling you?

-JENNINGS: Just thanking me for coming by and they said, 'See you soon, hopefully.'

-Q: You think they like you as the pick?

-JENNINGS: I don't know. I think so. A little bit.

-Q: Have you spent any time with the Warriors?

-JENNINGS: Uh, I talked to the GM. He came to Italy for a week, so I got to know him really well.

-Q: Are you ready to run an NBA team? Will that take some time?

-JENNINGS: No, I don't think it'll take any time. I have a year under my belt playing professional basketball. So I know what a team needs. And I know the type of situations that a team gets into.

-Q: What are you trying to show?

-JENNINGS: That I can run a team. That I'm a pure point guard. You know, everybody thinks I'm a shoot-first point guard. But I'm really just a pure pass-first point guard.

-Q: You think you fit next to Monta Ellis?

JENNINGS: Oh, heck yeah. Monta, he fits my game. He runs and I run. Put us two together, you might have greatness.

It'd be kind of scary for the opponent, because we'd just get after it. Then you'd have to try to guard both of us coming back down.

-Q: Did you guard any bigger guys when you were in Italy?

-JENNINGS: Yes, a little bit. At practice all the time. The three-man is about 6-5, 6-6, so those are the types of guys I had to go against sometimes.

-Q: How hard was it to guard Flynn today?

-JENNINGS: Challenging. It was a real challenge. But I held my own. I think I did pretty good today.

-Q: How much did you learn by going to Italy?

-JENNINGS: I had to mature real fast because, as you know, I was with grown men every day. So I had to take care of my responsibilities. It was a challenge at first. It was ups and downs. But I did what I had to do.

-Q: Feel it was the correct decision?

-JENNINGS: Oh yes, the experience was great on and off the court. I learned a lot about life. We don't know how good we have it until you get out of your comfort zone and go to another place. The experience was great. I wouldn't change it for anything.

Just playing with grown men every day. Fighting for my job. It's a job now, so everybody wants to eat. It was the right decision.

-Q: Are you a better player now?

-JENNINGS: I'm more mature than I think the other guys because of the year that I had in Europe. Not even playing, going through that, ups and downs… I think have the upper hand on some of these guys.

-Q: What were the tough times?

-JENNINGS: Just probably not playing, basically waiting my turn. I know it's a business now. So I've got that in my head. If the same thing were to happen this year, it wouldn't faze me, because I've been through it. I'll just have to keep working and grinding.

-Q: You were with Flynn today, you're with Flynn and Holiday tomorrow. Where do you think you fit in that PG mix?

-JENNINGS: I don't know. I'm going to just go to the workout and just play my game. Just show everybody I'm a pure point guard, because I know this is what some of the teams are looking for, pure point guards. And that's I am.

-Q: Did the Warriors give you a sense they're looking for a pure PG?

-JENNINGS: That's what I've been hearing in the media, that they're looking for a pure point guard, somebody to come in and run the team. That's it, yeah. I'm that guy.

-Q: Did you do any shooting drills, from the three?

-JENNINGS: Yeah, at the end of the workout. I didn't shoot it pretty well. I was a little tired. The fatigue got to me a little bit.

-Q: How is your shot?

-JENNINGS: Uh, it's OK. It could be better, though. I'm not a great shooter. But I can score.

-Q: Have you talked to your cousin Marcus Williams about the culture here and with the team?

-JENNINGS: No, I didn't really talk to him about the situation. I didn't want to get into it with him. But I know he had probably a tough time here. I really don't know the situation, what really happened. I can't really get into that. Now I have to take care of my business.

-Q: Why do you think the Warriors fit your game?

-JENNINGS: Well, they get up and down. They play my style of basketball. They just run, run, run, and that's what I like to do, run.

-Q: Did you get to see them at all from Europe?

-JENNINGS: Actually this year I did follow them a lot because, you know, Marcus Williams was on the team. So I had to order NBA League Pass on my laptop, so I was up at like 3 or 4 in the morning watching these games. So I got to catch them a little bit, their style of play.

Tough to see Marcus. I saw some games that he did play a little bit, and he did all right. He did his thing.

-Q: The Warriors have Monta, C.J. Watson, Jamal Crawford. What could you add to that?

-JENNINGS: I'm just a pass-first point guard. I'm just a point guard that likes to get everybody involved. Play with those guys, I will always be able to get them 5, 6, 7 shots a game, just because I love to pass the ball.

-Q: Who else do you think has some interest in you-obviously Sacramento…

-JENNINGS: Probably New York. My man Kevin Love, he's trying to get me to Minnesota, I read that on ESPN. The Washington Wizards, they need another point guard, so those types of teams. The teams that just want to run.

-Q: Have you talked with Baron?

-JENNINGS: Baron Davis, that's my man. I just saw him a few days ago, at the Sports Spectacular, he was on stage with Snoop Dog.

---JONNY FLYNN gaggle interview/

-Q: Obvious question, how'd it go?

-FLYNN: I think it went pretty well. I didn't shoot the ball as good as I wanted to, but other than that, I really got after it. We really competed out there. That's the main thing you want to do in workouts like, show that you're a competitor and that you have enough stamina to finish out certain tough drills.

-Q: Going up against Jennings, is that fun?

-FLYNN: Oh, that's what you look for. When you're young, when you start playing basketball, you live to play against the best. He's definitely one of the best at my position, if not the best.

Just to play with a guy like that, who was overseas, a guy with a different feel with the basketball game, a European game, you know, playing against some of that was really enjoyable.

-Q: He might be the best?

-FLYNN: Just saying, in a deep point guard class, you never know who the best is. There's a bunch of us bunched up at the top. You never know who the best is. I'm just saying in deep class, he's in the top echelon of the point guards.

-Q: Jennings was saying his strength is that he's pass-first. What's your strength?

-FLYNN: You know, at Syracuse, I had to shoot. As Coach Boeheim told me, I had to shoot the ball. I think if I'd averaged 10 points a game in college, we wouldn't have won many games. But I can really create for my teammates and create for myself. I really like to get into the lane, create for the bigs and kick out to open shooters. So hopefully I can display that when I find my home at an NBA team.

-Q: How does your game fit with the Warriors style?

-FLYNN: Well, they're a team that likes to get up and down the floor. And the dream of any point guard is just to get out and run, get out and shoot three-pointers and run, get a bunch of dunks, fast shots… That's the dream of any point guard who loves uptempo. I think my game really fits this type of system.

-Q: Do you fit alongside Monta Ellis?

-FLYNN: Definitely. Monta's a great player, a great athlete, he can shoot the ball well, really came onto the scene and surprised a lot of people. He's a great player. I think he's a guy who could raise my level of play. I think I could also raise his level of play.

-Q: The point guard here has sometimes defended the two guard. Do you think you're big enough to do that?

-FLYNN: I think I might not be as big as a lot of point guards out there, but my low center of gravity and how big I am… I could really stop a lot of twos. I'm not saying every possession checking a two, but how often do you see point guards or two guards really just going to the block every single possession? You rarely see them every possession going to the block. So I think when the time presents itself and I am in the post, I think I can defend it pretty well.

-Q: What did you show the Warriors?

-FLYNN: I think I showed I could push the tempo. I showed that I can basically get into the lane and create for others. That's one thing I really want to show teams, I can get into the lane… At Syracuse I was a guy taking the bulk of the shots because I had to, but I want to be known as a pass-first point guard. Because I'm a guy that loves assists more than anything.

-Q: Do you think you might be the most prepared of all these PG prospects to step in immediately and run a team?

-FLYNN: Well, I would think so. I would hope that I am, coming from Syracuse and Coach Boeheim, you know, we ran high screen-and-rolls, we ran sidebar screens, we ran a lot of different sets that the NBA runs. You know, pick-and-roll. If you look at the NBA game, every team is running the pick-and-roll.

So I think that I come adept at playing that style of playing. Pushing the ball and getting into the pick-and-roll. So I think I'm really prepared to step in.

-Q: What did you think of Jennings?

-FLYNN: He's a great player. He can push the tempo. He's fast, he's crafty. He's so crafty with the basketball. He knows how to use the screen-and-roll. He's a tough guy to keep in front of.

-Q: And he's the lefty…

-FLYNN: It's always hard to play a lefty. The left-handed guys are always hard to check. Being good and left-handed is definitely a good combination.

-Q: How did you do shooting the NBA 3?

-FLYNN: I did pretty well shooting the NBA 3. We did it at the end of the workout.

-Q: You're shorter than Baron, but some people compare your game to his. Do you see that?

-FLYNN: To be in the same breath as him, that's definitely an honor. I'm definitely not the same size. But I think my ability to get into the lane almost on anybody that's defending me, that's a similarity I definitely have. I might not shoot the ball as good as he can, but that's just going to come with practice and repetitions.

-Q: Do you think you can defend the point guard position?

-FLYNN: You know, this is the question that always comes up, when you're in college playing the zone and you can't show your athleticism. Can't show your ability to get up in a guy and dictate a game on the defensive end. Coming from a high school where we were known for defense, playing for the USA team for two years really getting into guys defensively, I felt the two years of college where I played zone, I don't think I'm that far playing behind guys that were playing their whole career… even at Syracuse, we played zone with man-to-man principles.
-Q: Evans, Holiday, Jennings, you, Lawson, Curry… what do you think of all these point guards in this draft?

-FLYNN: Man, this has to be the deepest position for a draft in, like, forever.
also, finally done with finals

i forgot to bring a pencil in my backpack for my last final tho
, i was studying at school all day long (just reading throughnotes) and i didn't notice i didn't bring a pencil until 20 minutes before the test, so i had to run into a random room and ask if they had a penciland offered a dollar to who could hook me up. luckily, some dude was nice enough to give me one for free....i think my faith in the human race has beenrestored today. next time i see that happen to someone, im gonna hook them up...

back to the bay tomorrow
[h2]Morrow's Ridiculous[/h2]
from Inside the Warriors by Marcus Thompson

The Warriors' second-year Anthonys, Morrow and Randolph, have been working out together like crazy at the Warriors practice facility. Morrow has the staff gushing over his work ethic and development. His shooting ability still has members of the organization shaking their heads in disbelief.
Today, he was playing some form of horse with assistant coach Russell Turner. Morrow was shooting with his left hand, banking 17-footers with ease.

"I shoot better with my left than you," Morrow shouted across the gym to Randolph, who is left-handed. He later challenged Randolph to a shooting competition. "I'll shoot with my left hand and you shoot with your left hand."

During shooting drills, Morrow made 98 of 114 from 3-point range. That's 86 percent.

Randolph: "I can't do that from midrange. Some people couldn't do that shooting lay-ups."

dude is money.

great sign to have both anthonys in already. gym rats
Just as long as Morrow keeps on putting the work in, we'll see improvement in his game. Both Anthony's already in the gym working on their games!
Just checked my sprint bill (just got my dad a air card gives 5gb of data for 59.99) and it says that he went over 6gb and that bill is $500
i wish there was a vid of Morrow vs Randolph shooting like Gil vs Deshawn a while ago

Originally Posted by acidicality

$$!%, my aptmate got drunk again
, when i leave tomorrow....i'm not gonna expect my room to be unoccupied.
stop by a hardware store real quick and change the door lock?

sucks for you DP, wth was your dad doing going over 6gb with the 5gb along with it?

man, i feel like i'm getting fatter/out of shape this past month ever since i stopped playing ball at school. just been eating fast food all the time andworking. good thing bball summer class starts on the 15th.
Originally Posted by dont be a menace

sucks for you DP, wth was your dad doing going over 6gb with the 5gb along with it?
No idea bout to call him at 3. Told that %@#%% not to be dling porn
Sure Morrow's shot looks incredible, but I am no surprised. I remember a game I went to and Brand was shooting a little inside the corner 3 and he madelike 30 in a row. These guys are the best players in th world, if you remember Foyle used to hit how many FT's in a row in practice
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