
Its so funny how different all of our opinions are on who we should draft. Some of us will be happy some will be pissed when the Knicks are on the clock. I forone will be livid if we draft Brandon Jennings. I want NO part in him.
Personally i think Jennings is one of the biggest risks in the draft, he could either pay off and be REALLY good or he could be just another role player, but ithink it's a risk worth taking
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Paul, why you trying to give up your only closer?
I only have one closer. I think this is the league where I had Brandon Morrow or Brad Zeigler as my 2nd closer (not sure because I have 3different leagues and I forgot
) but whoever it was doesn't close anymore. I'm going to lose saves more often than not with one closer... BUT thoseother teams in the league can strengthen their saves category by adding an extra closer. Sherrill has value and I'm trying to capitalize on it while hewon't do much for me on my team as the only closer.
Randolph reading from the script for the telephone call today had me lol-ing. Glad he's putting more effort into BBall then something like....word to Boom.
Charlotte indeed offered defensive ace Raja Bell to Golden State earlier this week for Kelenna Azubuike and Marco Belinelli but, sources say, was quickly turned down by the Dubs.

Unrelated but undeniably intriguing Warriors tidbit: Slender rookie Anthony Randolph, also known as the closest thing to an untouchable on the Warriors' payroll, has gained 20 pounds and grown an inch to nearly 7 feet since the end of this past season.
glad we were the one who turned it down.

randolph is probably 6'11.5 now...and still growing
Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

Charlotte indeed offered defensive ace Raja Bell to Golden State earlier this week for Kelenna Azubuike and Marco Belinelli but, sources say, was quickly turned down by the Dubs.

Unrelated but undeniably intriguing Warriors tidbit: Slender rookie Anthony Randolph, also known as the closest thing to an untouchable on the Warriors' payroll, has gained 20 pounds and grown an inch to nearly 7 feet since the end of this past season.
glad we were the one who turned it down.

randolph is probably 6'11.5 now...and still growing


Also, I'm glad to hear we turned the proposed trade down. Finally, some common sense from our front office.
I was thinking about this the other day... i think this year we may see a larger "small-ball" unit. I think putting Monta is a great decision (eventhough its not his natural spot) because the height is boosted up a few inches each position, giving us a much more better match up against those bigger teams.Eventually, if things work out, the core roster can look like:


And in drafting Hill, he can fight with Maggs/Davidson for the bench PF spot. So maybe end up:


this is a great young group who can ALL play nellie ball. Maybe im being optimistic, but maybe Nellie/Mully(RIP)/Warriors really do know what they'redoing....
Originally Posted by dland24

Its so funny how different all of our opinions are on who we should draft. Some of us will be happy some will be pissed when the Knicks are on the clock. I for one will be livid if we draft Brandon Jennings. I want NO part in him.
I am 100% with you. I think Brandon Jennings has bust written all over him.
I think Jennings has the skill, currently, but lacks the bball IQ. If he puts it together, he could be just fine.

Though his is related to Marcus know, Dan Fegan's favorite client.
I think the W's are in a no-win situation at the 7.

Whoever we draft is not gonna provide an immediate impact. I hope we go PG because that's our biggest need but we also lack depth at backup PF/C.

Either way, not sure if I'm excited or scared about the shenanigans that might take place tomorrow.
The Atlanta Hawks and Golden State Warriors are closing in on a trade that would find a new home for Jamal Crawford.

[h4]NBA Rumor Central[/h4]

ESPN Insider has the updated buzz from the National Basketball Association rumor mill.

NBA front-office sources say that the Warriors and Hawks will soon complete a deal sending Crawford to Atlanta for Acie Law and Speedy Claxton.

Warriors coach Don Nelson made no secret of the fact that Crawford wasn't in his future plans. By shedding Crawford's longer contract and by virtue of insurance payments that will cover some of the costs of Claxton, Golden State would secure a decent measure of payroll relief with the trade.

Less clear is what impact the move will have on Atlanta's forthcoming negotiations with free agent-to-be Mike Bibby. Although Crawford is not a pure point guard, he's a prolific scorer whose arrival could affect the sort of contract offer Bibby expected to command from the Hawks.

Marc Stein is the senior NBA writer for


hell yes! we get speedy back!!
Guess there wasn't much else we could do with jamal. Not really feeling it but oh well. Guess if it gives us some money flexiblity it's cool.
I wouldn't touch Hill with a 10 foot could still draft a PG...

Don't recall the rules off the top of my head...but can Speedy be traded or is there a duration that needs to be met. If he can be moved, I'd see ifyou can package him, the pick and someone else (ie - Belli) on out, too.
I just got a text from my boy who said he just saw Steph Curry in Chinatown. Then I see Crawford traded. Welcome to GSW Steph?
I sorta like the trade. JCs contract is gone. Don't know the contracts of speedy and Acie though.

Acie Law is
in 2k8. Hopefully he gets a chance to play
Originally Posted by dont be a menace

I sorta like the trade. JCs contract is gone. Don't know the contracts of speedy and Acie though.

Acie Law is
in 2k8. Hopefully he gets a chance to play

Speedy's done in 2010. Acie's done in 2012.
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