
I think I watched all of them. I know there was a Bobcats game (I think) that wasn't televised so I got tickets
. Almost every home game was in HDexcept for a few and some away games: Houston, Utah, Los Angeles are the ones that I can think of off the top of my head.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Nevermind... I found it.

So it was against the Nuggets... and we ended up losing that game.

.Harrington was the center and they were running the same lineup as 07 except Kelenna took Jason's spot.
Oh, I think I watched 75-80 Warriors games last season. Those game I couldn't watch due to games not being televised, I would watch online.

And about the HD thing, I'm not sure because I just recently got an HD tv back in April (or somewhere there) and I didn't really pay attention to thosecommercials. However, I will now.
[h2]Warriors draft: The case for Jordan Hill[/h2]
Posted by Tim Kawakami on June 22nd, 2009 at 7:57 am | Categorized as College basketball, NBA, Warriors

* Note MT-2's story yesterday reporting that the Warriors' draft will be heavily influenced by Monta Ellis' wishes, and that Ellis apparently voiced a desire to be traded after the season ended, though that has been cooled by Nelson and Riley's recent visit to Memphis and discussions about keeping Ellis as the main offensive star.

* This is the first in a series of Warriors' options with the No. 7 selection in Thursday's NBA draft… Important detail that I'm presuming a few will ignore: I'll be presenting several more options I consider logical, and there are more than a few. This is just one of them.

-A good way to understand how much weaker this draft is than last year's: When I circled the best potential big man for the Warriors last year, it was Kevin Love, if they could've traded up for him.

This year, it's Arizona PF Jordan Hill, who has definite strengths but doesn't have Love's natural hoops instincts or top-end NBA possibilities. (And Hill is more than a year older than Love.)

Oh well. That happens. This is a terrible draft for versatile, athletic big men, but the Warriors got one of those last year with Anthony Randolph and they have Andris Biedrins and Ronny Turiaf.

Hey, we all know Don Nelson doesn't like big men in general, and really doesn't like young big men, and really, really doesn't like young big men who can't shoot three-pointers, and Hill is all of those things.

Nelson also almost always will play two, three or four 6-foot-6 scorer/passers over a 6-10 bruiser-that's just how his system operates. Swingmen are Nellie's guys. They flourish. Bully players aren't Nellie guys, never have been and probably never will.

Nelson keeps bully players on the bench, and then he dumps them.

So why would the Warriors want Hill, who-and I hate to keep throwing out negative things in a post that's supposed to give the argument for selecting him-probably wouldn't be as useful right away or possibly ever to Nelson?

Because Hill should be able to do a couple of things better than most and it's one thing the Warriors haven't had in years and years.

* Low-post scoring;

* And dependable defensive rebounding.

One of these years, the Warriors probably have to get some of that. No rush or anything…

Yes, if Hill is sitting there at 7, and I think there's a solid chance he will be, there are some good reasons for the Warriors to heavily consider Hill. And it sounds like they are heavily-heavily considering him, despite some of the obvious trap-door problems with the Warriors ever taking a limited-shooter this high.

The good:

-Hill averaged 18.3 points and 11 rebounds as an Arizona junior and hasn't been playing basketball for that long, so maybe Hill has some more improving to do.

(Again, hate to do the negative thing, but just for comparison's sake, Ike Diogu was a 22.6/9.75 guy in his third and final season at Arizona State. That's a bad comparison for any Hill drafting, I realize.)

-Hill might not be the best-available athlete at the spot and there are questions about his hands and his very high turnover-rate… but he would be a good value for the Warriors with the 7th selection, with many other teams drafting from the glut of point guards.

Normal teams can always use another low-post scorer and defensive rebounder. Or ONE of them.

-Also, Don Nelson is not going to coach forever, therefore it's insanity to set up the roster into the future based on his very, very strange roster eccentricities.

Even Nelson might recognize that. Maybe.

(Problem: I don't think GM Larry Riley and Colussus Robert Rowell are prepared to think about a Nellie-less future. He's their security blanket. And of course he knows it.)

-Biedrins and Randolph are a very interesting long-term frontline… but throw Hill in there (presuming Nelson is gone or relents) and you suddenly have a three-man frontcourt rotation that's deeper and more varied than the Warriors have had in decades.

(Problem: Nelson already doesn't like playing Biedrins with Randolph, who has a developing offensive game. How can he play Hill-zero three-point shot-with either Biedrins or Randolph or possibly with them both, with Randolph at the 3?)

-Or the Warriors could draft Hill with the thought of moving Biedrins at some point and playing Hill at center and Randolph at PF.

Let's assume Hill can play strong-man post defense and can blitz the pick-and-roll. We don't know that, but let's assume that he can.

Well, those are things that Biedrins, for all his hustle and energy, has proven that he probably cannot do at this level. Those are huge things.

Whether the coach is Nelson or Keith Smart or someone else, it's very possible that a big man duo of Hill and Randolph looks more interesting and dangerous than Biedrins with either.

(Problem: Shrieks of pain and agony from many Warriors fans if the prospect of trading Andris is ever raised. NOOOOOO!)

-Finally, and I do not know if typing this will cause another 200-plus storm of intense commenting, but taking Hill would let the Warriors avoid the Monta Ellis Controversy, at least for a few months or weeks or maybe just a few days.

Ellis and Stephen Jackson would like more beef on the front line. Ellis does not want the Warriors to select a guard who would take his presumed play-making duties. Riley and Rowell do not want to start the post-Mullin era by publicly aggravating Ellis.

Nelson might agree to taking a big man just to have another rookie to bench or to be able to yo-yo Randolph some more. Or just to prove he will support the big picture, now that he's the Kahuna, even to the point of letting Riley/Rowell or Ellis make this call.

Jordan Hill, the great Warriors compromise?

* Next up: The case for DeMar DeRozan-likely to be the player with the most talent available at 7.
that girl is so cute...she'll look better without makeup.
im a sucker for asian girls without makeup

4:25 of that video...ohhh boy.
Wishful thinking:

I think a deal without Maggette could work if the Warriors throw in next years 1st and 2nd (does this team really need more rookies?)
giving up way to much for bosh.
hell, he might not even resign with the warriors once traded...
Originally Posted by BangDak

giving up way to much for bosh.
hell, he might not even resign with the warriors once traded...
Come on now. Nobody thinks Bosh will re-sign with the Warriors, but renting Bosh for a season is better than anything Andris could give us. Ijust haven't seen anything from Andris that shows me he could be the center of the future. Not his fault, but he's just to small. He gets bullied byPF's and continues with the same offensive game that I saw in highlight videos before he was even drafted.
i was talking about buike/wright

i mean, andris is small, but im still satisfied with the work he does on the defensive end.
the main thing i like about this trade is that it sheds andris+corey's horrible contract, but give up young prospect wright, and a somewhat talented wingplayer in buike.
Originally Posted by daprescription

Originally Posted by BangDak

giving up way to much for bosh.
hell, he might not even resign with the warriors once traded...
Come on now. Nobody thinks Bosh will re-sign with the Warriors, but renting Bosh for a season is better than anything Andris could give us. I just haven't seen anything from Andris that shows me he could be the center of the future. Not his fault, but he's just to small. He gets bullied by PF's and continues with the same offensive game that I saw in highlight videos before he was even drafted.
I beg to differ.

The key phrase you said is "rent Bosh." Even you know that Bosh isn't going to re-sign with us, if traded for. But I'm not ready to gut ourteam for him for ONE season where we know we are not going to win
. What's the point of bringingin Bosh? This next season should be a season where we build on what we built toward the end of last season. Let's play our young players, let them grow. Atthe same time, we'll make a move centering Maggette and/or Crawford.

Biedrins is still a good player. Will he be the type of center we build our team around? No. Will he be the type of center to command a double team? No. Butwhat he can provide is a good big man who hustles, rebounds, help defends, block shots, and shoot a high percentage. Like I said before, Biedrins won't bea center to command a double team, but he did have a couple of 20 point games last season. That's growth. He's being involved in the offense much moreinstead of picking up points on pick and rolls and put backs.

And you said " I just haven't seen anything from Andris that shows me he could be the center of the future." What is your definition of"center of the future?" Are you looking for a Duncan type player for the future? If that's what you're looking for, Biedrins is not your guybut I still like what I see from Andris. Yeah he has areas he needs to improve, but I still am for him being a Warrior.

Only plus I see from that proposed deal is getting rid of Maggette's contract. Nothing else really jumps out at me, though. Let's say we make thistrade and it comes time for Bosh to leave, we'll be left with nothing. We gave up Biedrins, Buike, and Wright, (and yes... Maggette) for a guy that leftafter one season, in a season where we didn't do anything positive in terms of winning. Like in my response to JapanAir last night regarding Raja Bell, this move should either put you over the top because this is a "win-now"move or it's a panic move to show the fans that the organization is "trying to win," which we know they're not. They're trying to putbutts in the seats
+!$+ Bosh. He can't carry the Raptors in the weak +#! Eastern Conference. What makes anybody think he will make a difference for the Warriors? He willbounce after one year, then Warriors are out Biedrins/Wright...whatever they trade. Then what? They have a ton of cap space to sign free agents that won'tthink about coming to the Warriors? Sounds awesome.
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