
Originally Posted by GTEK

You break it down as if Black Panthers just went around shooting white people.
...You've got to be $%+!+$*+ me. Of all the responses I've made that clearly state that there was MORE to their movement than violence,you still assess that this is the only claim I'm making.

my man you are now showing that you have no point, didn't have one to begin with. Whatever view made sense inside your head isn't quite materializing well outside of it.

and on second thought maybe you're not an uncle tom, just confused, stop thinking so hard, join the real world.
See, I never tried to get into a debate. Haze always deems it necessary to call me an uncle tom and I refuse to turn a blind eye to that becauseit's complete bs. To this day, he cannot explain to me how I glorify the white race and denounce the black race and its struggles.

You all call me idealistic and claim that I don't live in the real world, but without ideas, there'd be no progress. It's easy to hate someone andact as though your problems are at the cusp of misfortune, but like I said, everyone suffers. Instead of trying to ignore this fact, we should strive to solvethe collective problems of man kind as opposed to convincing ourselves that our problems supersede those of others. That's when progress can be made.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

I missed what happened here, but there is a guy on NT with a "Team white pride" signature, and it makes sense to him.

I'm very proud to be white yes.Is that a problem?

But this guy is on some different $+%$. I in no way, shape or form would ever associate my self with the KKK.
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by iBlink

Where did I say the Panther's went around shooting white people? I said the same thing comes about as a result of violence.

If you're going to come with discourse, stay factual.

So the same thing came about from the Allied defense against Hitler and Hitler's concentration camps?

And don't talk about facts, when its clear you know nothing on the called the Black Panther Party a supremacy group.
Exactly. It all stems from mans lust for violence. Everyone uses it, but the claims behind the reasoning varies. Ultimately it's wrong no matter what spin you put on it.

And not for a second have I tried to come off as though I'm more knowledgeable in a field than I truly am. It doesn't take me sifting through a few books to understand that the Panther's used violence when necessary. Am I saying that's all there was to their movement? No, but it is indeed an aspect. WHy you try to sweep this under the rug is beyond me.

When I say facts, I'm talking facts from this discussion. I called the Panthers a nationalist movemnet and the kkk a supremacist movement. If you dispute that, then your logic is laughable.

Quit it with the hippie S#@T my man.
You take an true KKK member they would be an klansman who thinks he race is sumpreme and any and all should abide to him.
You take an true Black Panther Party member and they would be someone fighting for equality and rights for their race abidding all law.

As long as you the get the facts straight Im cool.
All the other bickering is ignorance and doesnt bother me.
Originally Posted by PhillyPG1

Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

I missed what happened here, but there is a guy on NT with a "Team white pride" signature, and it makes sense to him.

I'm very proud to be white yes.Is that a problem?

But this guy is on some different $+%$. I in no way, shape or form would ever associate my self with the KKK.

No not a problem at all, self hatred is a pet peeve of mine, be proud of who you are/where you came from, and if your ancestry has an overwhelmingly negativeinfluence be above that. But don't come around here acting stupid like you don't know the consequences and history behind the phrase "whitepride".

matter of fact, google "white pride", and if you still keep that sig and identify with the hits, then yes, you're on the same +#+! as that guy.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Of course they were a black nationalist also called them a supremacist group. So stop talking about "your logic is laughable"...when you came off like a complete *** with no knowledge of facts. Typical Uncle Tom shuffle.

Do you know what Black nationality is? Foremost the Black Panther Party was a POLITICAL PARTY. Operating within the construct of the American Constitution. They wanted to give a voice to the oppressed.

You don't say.
I've clearly acknowledged this in myprevious posts.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by TheNorthside

im joking smh but i only put it up here cuz dude was like black panther ya kno and some ppl might be affended so if i get banned he should too na mean

How is the Black Panther Party similar to the KKK...please tell me.

Y'all cats are mentally sick.
They are both considered extremist by many people
Originally Posted by DeMJ23Kobe24Nise

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by TheNorthside

im joking smh but i only put it up here cuz dude was like black panther ya kno and some ppl might be affended so if i get banned he should too na mean

How is the Black Panther Party similar to the KKK...please tell me.

Y'all cats are mentally sick.
They are both considered extremist by many ^ ignorant people

Originally Posted by TheNorthside

im joking smh but i only put it up here cuz dude was like black panther ya kno and some ppl might be affended so if i get banned he should too na mean

you don't even know what ur talking about how is the BPP=KKK???
go read a damn book, ignorant fools

Originally Posted by GTEK

Quit it with the hippie S#@T my man.
You take an true KKK member they would be an klansman who thinks he race is sumpreme and any and all should abide to him.
You take an true Black Panther Party member and they would be someone fighting for equality and rights for their race abidding all law.

As long as you the get the facts straight Im cool.
All the other bickering is ignorance and doesnt bother me.

If wanting everyone to be o the same playing field is what you consider a hippie trait, then so be it. Without ideals/ideas, there'd be no progress. ThePanther movement was founded upon an idea of minorities being considered as equal and it's safe to say that (whilst not finished) strides have been madebecause of their effort.
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