
You ain't gonna ask and run in this thread right?

Bright future and hopefully they can get some quality young pieces with Kaman and Mo.
donald sterling owns the team, which means a 2-3 year window to do something just like every other time the clippers have had potential.
They have a good young core of players in Aminu, Bledsoe, Gordon, Griffin, Jordan.
However with Sterling at the helm..........he dont care if the team wins or loses he makes money just because the team is in LA.
So I can see Griffin bolting when his contract is up.
Yea as long as sterling owns the team, they aren't going anywhere. But as of now, clips are looking good. Mo seems to be fitting really well and even tho kamans performance went down he can still give solid numbers. They just need solid starting SF because Gomez is no bueno
Bright with Griffin already a top 15 player in the league and Gordon probably being a top 30 player in the league.
Clippers = Clippers... Perrenial losers. They've been in the top 1-5 to 1-8 places in the draft for the last 20 years or so & don't have snot to show for it. Let that sink in a minute...

You got Donald Sterling aka the slum lord who berates players during games & time outs.

As much as I like Blake Griffin, he was cursed the moment the Clippers drafted him. He will either succumb to a career threatening or altering injury or he will be smart enough to run like hell to another team when his rookie contract expires.
how much confidence you got in sterling. ya had a talented squad in the past...
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Sterling will pay Griffin and Gordon. I mean he did pay Brand and Davis.
Exactly people saying that are so dumb...Especially under the new CBA where they will get more money from the Clips than elsewhere.  And its not like they are in middle of nowhere, USA, they reside in LA.  
Its gonna be funny to see Fakers fan reaction when they are continually looking up to the Clips in the standings
I'd say it's bright.

I don't see any logic in drafting Austin Rivers, though.
 but other than that, yeah.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Sterling will pay Griffin and Gordon. I mean he did pay Brand and Davis.
Exactly people saying that are so dumb...Especially under the new CBA where they will get more money from the Clips than elsewhere.  And its not like they are in middle of nowhere, USA, they reside in LA.  


And Gordon is much more than a guy with a chance to be a very good player.
But how many times have they said "the Clippers are gonna be good next year?" I've heard it a few Ike's in the last few years and they always seem to just end up with a %%%++% record. I root for the Clippers since I'm a Laker hater, but they will always be the jv team. With so much flack that Sterling gets from media/ex players, I don't see any good marquee players going there unless he absolutely breaks the bank and over pays them
When Donald Sterling either dies or sells the team. God bless that core though. Very talented team.
Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

With so much flack that Sterling gets from media/ex players, I don't see any good marquee players going there unless he absolutely breaks the bank and over pays them
I don't buy into this, a max deal is a max deal. NBA players could care less where the check comes from.
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

With so much flack that Sterling gets from media/ex players, I don't see any good marquee players going there unless he absolutely breaks the bank and over pays them
I don't buy into this, a max deal is a max deal. NBA players could care less where the check comes from.
Dudes would shake hands with the devil himself if a 100 mill contract is attached to it.
Originally Posted by Rex Ryan

donald sterling owns the team, which means a 2-3 year window to do something just like every other time the clippers have had potential.

This. As long as Sterling owns them their future is bleak.
Something tells me Blake won't be with the Clippers when it's all said and done. Come to Phoenix.
Originally Posted by JDiddy

Something tells me Blake won't be with the Clippers when it's all said and done. Come to Phoenix.
Seeing Blake in Phoenix sounds like a possibility...

Clippers organization is garbage and it always will be until they get a new owner.

Blake will be gone, no way in hell he stays on the Clippers. They don't keep their players.
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