
Clippers organization is at it's peak currently so the FUTURE looks pretty bright as long as Blake continues to play like this... 
Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916

Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

thats like being a Warriors & Kings fan
No its not...

Were 70 miles apart, and dont share the same market. There aren't alot of Warrior fans in Sacramento and there aren't alot of Kings fans in Oakland. It's not like in LA where Laker fans and Clipper fans are blended, or better yet share the same arena.

I just read your SN, you should know better bro
Originally Posted by mgrand15

Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

Name one good player the Clippers have kept? LOL

Kaman? lol.......

Blake will be gone in due time and everyone knows it. Same with Gordon.
Name one top 10 player the Clippers have let go? Blake Griffin is not only a top 10 player in the league right now, but he's extremely marketable (aka he'll make the Clips more money then he'll cost them). Yeah, the Clippers have been cheap throughout the years but they never let go of real superstars. Odom, Darius Miles, Elton Brand - yeah because that core would've taken them over the top
they've never had a core like this. In that LA market with a real likeable squad, the Clips could get VERY popular REAL fast. All of this is without mentioning the fact that the first max contract a player gets is a BARGAIN if they're a superstar. Rudy Gay got the max - you really think the Clippers are gonna let Blake Griffin go? Really? Ya'll gotta stop being sheep.

You sound mad.
But I'd be mad too if I was trying to defend the Clippers organization. 
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