
Originally Posted by MBen32

Originally Posted by lawdog1

Originally Posted by MBen32

I'd say it's bright.

I don't see any logic in drafting Austin Rivers, though.
 but other than that, yeah.
If they're in a position to, why wouldn't they draft Rivers -- assuming he lives up to the hype he's getting at Duke?  Rivers is a PG and I wouldn't say the Clippers are exactly set at the position.  Mo Williams is a solid player, but he's got his weaknesses and is more of a combo guard anyway.  Eric Bledsoe is really athletic and has shown flashes of being really good, but I'm not sold on him being a starting quality NBA PG yet.  Given that, assuming no other significant roster changes before the 2012 draft gets here, I think it would be plenty logical for them to draft Rivers. 

I'm a Clipper fan, so I obviously think the future is bright.  Sure, the team has been mismanaged in the past, but things have changed a bit.  They've been willing to pay their best players lately.  The (over) paid Baron.  They were willing to pay Brand and he was close to re-signing with the Clippers, but then Mike Dunleavy pissed off Brand's agent, which caused him to leave for Philly.  That wasn't Sterling's fault.  The team has never had a player in Griffin's class before.  I think they'll do whatever they have to in order to keep him.  Sterling's all about making money and I'm sure he knows Griffin is a cash cow.  Giving Griffin a max deal will be well worth having Staples filled every night the Clippers play.  Plus, Griffin seems to really like living in LA. 

w/ all due respect, that's where I stopped reading. No he isn't a PG, sorry.

Austin is closer to being Eric Gordon than a Point Guard. Much closer. Won't be playing PG at Duke, or VERY minimal at the most, & he won't be playing PG in the NBA.


I haven't seen him play much, so I'm going to assume you're right.  If he really is an SG then I agree that, provided Gordon is around, he wouldn't be the best fit with the Clippers.  If the Clippers drafted him they'd end up with the same kind of situation Golden State had when they drafted Curry to play alongside Ellis -- two guys who fill pretty much the same role.  I understand that 2012 draft is going to pretty deep at the SF.  Based on current need, that's probably the way the Clippers should go.   
Originally Posted by lawdog1

Originally Posted by MBen32

Originally Posted by lawdog1

If they're in a position to, why wouldn't they draft Rivers -- assuming he lives up to the hype he's getting at Duke?  Rivers is a PG and I wouldn't say the Clippers are exactly set at the position.  Mo Williams is a solid player, but he's got his weaknesses and is more of a combo guard anyway.  Eric Bledsoe is really athletic and has shown flashes of being really good, but I'm not sold on him being a starting quality NBA PG yet.  Given that, assuming no other significant roster changes before the 2012 draft gets here, I think it would be plenty logical for them to draft Rivers. 

I'm a Clipper fan, so I obviously think the future is bright.  Sure, the team has been mismanaged in the past, but things have changed a bit.  They've been willing to pay their best players lately.  The (over) paid Baron.  They were willing to pay Brand and he was close to re-signing with the Clippers, but then Mike Dunleavy pissed off Brand's agent, which caused him to leave for Philly.  That wasn't Sterling's fault.  The team has never had a player in Griffin's class before.  I think they'll do whatever they have to in order to keep him.  Sterling's all about making money and I'm sure he knows Griffin is a cash cow.  Giving Griffin a max deal will be well worth having Staples filled every night the Clippers play.  Plus, Griffin seems to really like living in LA. 

w/ all due respect, that's where I stopped reading. No he isn't a PG, sorry.

Austin is closer to being Eric Gordon than a Point Guard. Much closer. Won't be playing PG at Duke, or VERY minimal at the most, & he won't be playing PG in the NBA.


I haven't seen him play much, so I'm going to assume you're right.  If he really is an SG then I agree that, provided Gordon is around, he wouldn't be the best fit with the Clippers.  If the Clippers drafted him they'd end up with the same kind of situation Golden State had when they drafted Curry to play alongside Ellis -- two guys who fill pretty much the same role.  I understand that 2012 draft is going to pretty deep at the SF.  Based on current need, that's probably the way the Clippers should go.   
I see what you're saying w/ the whole GS thing, but once you get a chance to see Rivers, you'll laugh at the thought of him & Gordon in the backcourt together.

Plus, you're right, 2012 Darft will be LOADED, Rivers & Barnes will not be the end all, be all, & honestly, probably won't even be deemed as the best prospects.
At this current time, Barnes is probably top 5, Rivers top 10-15. Plus players that will emerge. UNC has a helluva PG in Kendall Marshall, I'm interested to see where his draft stock is by season's end.

I think what everyone is forgetting is that they have never had that true superstar player on there team... Blake is one of the few dudes who can turn a franchise around immediately and hell its still L.A

He's probably going to become the leagues most popular player over the next few years and Donald $terling damn sure will give him whatever he wants. As long as they dont overpay those around him the clips are in great shape. Eric Gordon is a borderlin all star already. All this team is missing IMO is that other superstar and once sterling locks in Blake. the list of great players lining up to go there will be LONG.
This is the brightest their future has ever looked...

I hope they keep Blake. I want to see the Clippers do something good.

That's coming from a guy that's watched bad basketball for YEARS...
Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

Originally Posted by kvsm23vs24

I dont know man, im a Lakers fan first and then Clipper fan.
Clipps are good for few years then suck.
I hope we get rid of Kaman and Mo


i really don't see nothing wrong with him liking the lakers and the clippers.

by no means am i a clipper fan nor do i ever plan to become one,  but there a hometown team and if they were to ever do anything good as long as it's not at the lakers expense it would be good for the city.

that said if the clippers start winning regularly, a bunch of dudes are goin to come out  talkin about they've been clipper fans forever when the names ken norman, ron harper, danny manning and hell even loy vaught  don't ring a bell to any of them.
Originally Posted by illwill24

Oh I just started reading the post.

Who have they let go? Hmm lets see the last 10 years

Lamar Odom
Corey Maggette
Andre Miller
Elton Brand
Baron Davis
Sam Cassell
Quentin Richardson
Darius Miles

And the funny part about it is, they let all these players go AFTER they signed them to a big contract. Not the rookie contracts. They re-signed these guys and THEN let them go for nothing. Come on now half the people who show up to clippers games are ppl who forget the Lakers dont play on those days

Even in their prime, none of those mentioned were franchise players. good solid players but nothing to get excited about.
not necessarily, for the most part with the exception of the early 90's warriors and early 2000's kings, those two have been on even terms for the most part and while sacramento and the bay area aren't right next to eachother it creates for a decent close by rivalry.

with the lakers and clippers, there's no reason to dislike or hate the clippers as a laker fan. their pretty much harmless for the most part. i could see clipper fans resenting the lakers but even then there's no real reason for them to unless their mad the lakers win alot.

personally i think it would be cool if the clippers become good and there could be a legit crosstown rivalry between the lakers and the clippers
Originally Posted by Savraj1

Originally Posted by illwill24

Oh I just started reading the post.

Who have they let go? Hmm lets see the last 10 years

Lamar Odom
Corey Maggette
Andre Miller
Elton Brand
Baron Davis
Sam Cassell
Quentin Richardson
Darius Miles

And the funny part about it is, they let all these players go AFTER they signed them to a big contract. Not the rookie contracts. They re-signed these guys and THEN let them go for nothing. Come on now half the people who show up to clippers games are ppl who forget the Lakers dont play on those days

Even in their prime, none of those mentioned were franchise players. good solid players but nothing to get excited about.

The point is that they've had plenty of talent. Maybe not franchise players, but a combination of a few of those players could of lead to success. I'm sure there's more players than that list as well.
Some of you are saying that Sterling has nothing to do with certain players leaving, but many players who have played for the Clippers usually have something bad to say about the owner. 

I have no problem with the Clippers as a Laker fan. I liked that Clipper team with Darius Miles, Lamar Odom, Brand etc.. It's good to look forward to a bright future with their current players, but all I'm saying is don't be surprised if it doesn't end well.
Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

Originally Posted by kvsm23vs24

I dont know man, im a Lakers fan first and then Clipper fan.
Clipps are good for few years then suck.
I hope we get rid of Kaman and Mo


thats like being a Warriors & Kings fan


im clippers fan..

and i cant stand mo will
he was trash when he was on the clips..
hopefully they trade him or let him go..

bledsoe can do alright at the point..

i think they should trade kaman
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Its gonna be funny to see Fakers fan reaction when they are continually looking up to the Clips in the standings
I can never see that happening.

QFT. Obviously airmax is oblivious who owns the Clippers and the Lakers. The Clippers had a bright future back when they had D.Miles, Lamar, Brand and Q.Rich. They were supposedly the next big thing and ready to take over LA. Sterling is the devil, I'm sure Blake will be the first to leave when his contract ends.   
since the west is probably going to get weaker as the east gets stronger, i can see the clippers having a bright future aslong as they keep blake griffin and eric gordon... hopefully they can pick up a nba ready rookie next year with minny's pick....
Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

Name one good player the Clippers have kept? LOL

Kaman? lol.......

Blake will be gone in due time and everyone knows it. Same with Gordon.
Name one top 10 player the Clippers have let go? Blake Griffin is not only a top 10 player in the league right now, but he's extremely marketable (aka he'll make the Clips more money then he'll cost them). Yeah, the Clippers have been cheap throughout the years but they never let go of real superstars. Odom, Darius Miles, Elton Brand - yeah because that core would've taken them over the top
they've never had a core like this. In that LA market with a real likeable squad, the Clips could get VERY popular REAL fast. All of this is without mentioning the fact that the first max contract a player gets is a BARGAIN if they're a superstar. Rudy Gay got the max - you really think the Clippers are gonna let Blake Griffin go? Really? Ya'll gotta stop being sheep.
Originally Posted by mgrand15

Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

Name one good player the Clippers have kept? LOL

Kaman? lol.......

Blake will be gone in due time and everyone knows it. Same with Gordon.
Name one top 10 player the Clippers have let go? Blake Griffin is not only a top 10 player in the league right now, but he's extremely marketable (aka he'll make the Clips more money then he'll cost them). Yeah, the Clippers have been cheap throughout the years but they never let go of real superstars. Odom, Darius Miles, Elton Brand - yeah because that core would've taken them over the top
they've never had a core like this. In that LA market with a real likeable squad, the Clips could get VERY popular REAL fast. All of this is without mentioning the fact that the first max contract a player gets is a BARGAIN if they're a superstar. Rudy Gay got the max - you really think the Clippers are gonna let Blake Griffin go? Really? Ya'll gotta stop being sheep.
they could possibly keep him but lets see what they build around him.  bottom line is crappy organizations will find a way to eventually screw things up even if good luck falls flat on their face.
All of these dudes have bright futures....with other franchises. Y'all know Sterling's racist behind doesn't like to pay anyone, and no one wants to go there.
3 winning records, 4 playoff appearances in 30 years... Not so bright...

They make the playoffs in a couple years lose in the first round and the team is disbanded the next year or the year after
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