
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Ron can't guard West like he did Boozer. Hibbert can affect Dwight, George, Stephenson, Hill (healthy?) can bother Kobe, they already beat us in LA, I don't like it. Hope they prove me wrong, but they've owned us the last couple years.
No such thing as luck attacking Pau off the dribble in a pick and roll. That's pure scheming.
Obviously poor choice of words
But I doubt he practices that. He attacked Pau and it went high off the backboard and dropped in.
Difficult shot

We can beat Indy


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Ah yes.. i remember that indy game.. i believe lakers we're up most of the way or they were in control until the pacers made some run and lakers couldn't recover..then that hill lay-up >:
No, if I remember we were down the entire way and Kobe hit a Kobe shot to tie it but left time for Hill to beat us.
Nah CP i'm pretty sure we're in control that game.. coz i remember being soo mad :lol:

Then you thinkin of another game. We were down 7 at the half, 11 midway thru the 3rd, and 8 late in the 4th. We were never in control of that game, never even led in the second half, tied only.
So I decided to poke my head into the Kobe overrated thread for the first time since it was a new thread to see how far off the rails it has gotten. :x
Realistically we ain't catching Denver, I'll gladly take that 6 seed though. We're right there and if the Warriors keep being the Warriors we'll be alright.
Whatever the outcome of the season is, at least this team is fun to watch now.

They have come a long way since the beginning, when it was a chore to even watch a game. Jamison is a great sixth man and I've changed my opinion on Meeks. He has become effective in his role.
If Memphis stays at 3 and we get the 6 (relax,
Not getting ahead of myself just hypothetical)... You guys think we have a legit chance against the Grizz?

They seem to have matchup problems for us everywhere. But I'd rather face them than OKc in round 1
I'll go ahead and throw this out there, but the way we're playing right now, we don't lose to anyone 4 times in 7 games. And yes, the main reason we haved turned things around is absolutely one Kobe Bean Bryant. From how he handled D12 behind the scenes, to how he has completely adjusted his play to still being a lethal scorer but also a HUGE facilitator.

Saying I'm a fan of his right now is an understatement. I love watching him.

We play like this, we keep this up, HE keeps this up... just saying, man, I like what we're doing. And there's only 1 team that I think could beat us even if we are playing like this: the Heat.

Spurs, Thunder, and Nuggets scare me the most after the Heat, in that order, but I have reason to believe we have a chance. if we had Pau back for the playoffs, having him, Earl, and Dwight is such a problem for teams.
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Memphis would be a big matchup issue for us, no question.

But then again, all the top teams are at this point. Clipps won't be easy, OKC, Spurs, Grizz, the Nuggets are the only ones I would bet on folding like a cheap tent, but that would mean we'd need to get to 5 (and them 6) or get to 6, and them 3. Neither outcome is likely.

So it is what it is. SA, OKC, Memphis or the Clips, all tough for us. The Clips would seem to be the best fit, simply because no travel for our old folks, plus they have some age on their roster as well, just a matter of how much Kobe could check Paul, and if Dwight can cause problems for Blake and DJ.

But Meeks and Jamison on defense against the Clippers would be borderline assault. Clippers might actually fight at midcourt to get the ball and have a chance against those 2. :lol:

If we had Phil, I would LOVE our chances against the Spurs. Phil can diagnose their plays/scheme and adjust to go at them. I don't know if MDA has that in him. It took Brooks a couple games last year, but once he got it and adjusted, the Spurs were food. I don't have that faith in MDA yet.
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