
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
But D'Antoni has placed Pau in opportunities to succeed these past two weeks, but will be given little to no credit for it.

actually, KObe been manufacturing that. According to Pau, Kobe tell him effff the offense, go post up. Pau shook cus he don't wanna rustle jimmies, but Kobe pg, so he does. Then Kobe gives credit to Dantoni, sayin Dantoni tellin them to pound the ball to Pau. Read that on same local sports site. I think they call it
Seriously Pau NEVER in his career has been known as defensive big man.People expect him to play some defense.Which is fair.

But lets be REAL here.Even in the championship runs with him Bynum when he was healthy was always the last line of defense and shot blocker.When Bynum was out injured it was Odom who made more defensive plays than Pau.

I was like where's this talk about Pau regaining his defensive form coming from? :lol: He can block shots and play solid D, but he's never been a good or consistent defender...

He's never been great.. But he's also never been this bad.. It's disgusting to watch.. Not even a focused defense, and some of the dumbest mistakes you can make on defense.
okc no.1 is the WORST case scenario ( them and Denver). all this is for nothing now...................................Howard say perk plays him best. Thabo is long, give kobe probs. Westbrook will cook all our pgs. Then there Durant...Its a wrap guys, enjoy these last reg season wins

Pau's game & Stats have dropped the past 2 years because of these 2 MAIN REASONS:

- Dumb *** coaches (Pringles & Mr. Potato Head) who's offensive system's are DUMB and didn't utilize Pau's game.Seriously who the HELL except for D'Antoni & Pringles uses Pau in offensive systems where they have him sitting on the perimeter and jacking up 3's

-Injuries & age have caught up to him.
youre forgetting the emergence of bynum and now dwight

what do people expect when hes getting half as many touches

i dont know if any of you guys have noticed seeing as no ones mentioned it but when paus been getting the ball in the paint lately, howard is standing out of bands on the other end to make space for him
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I don't care who we play..

This team has the talent to win a title...

They're 25 of their last 37...

So we've played good basketball in the past 3+ months..

Have to get it together.. And play with a sense of urgency..
So looking at the potential positives here, we COULD have the 8th seed sewn up by the end of Sunday if:

We win Friday + jazz lose Friday

All we would need is that final W on Sunday, and we can rest kobe for that game against Houston heading into the playoffs
So looking at the potential positives here, we COULD have the 8th seed sewn up by the end of Sunday if:

We win Friday + jazz lose Friday

All we would need is that final W on Sunday, and we can rest kobe for that game against Houston heading into the playoffs

If we win two.. Jazz has to win all three..

Jazz play their third game at 8pm on Wednesday, ours is 10:30 Wednesday.

So we'll know if Kobe has to play by the tipoff.

But we need to handles business tomorrow and Sunday.
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I don't care who we play..

This team has the talent to win a title...

They're 25 of their last 37...

So we've played good basketball in the past 3+ months..

Have to get it together.. And play with a sense of urgency..

They're not winning the title :lol:
Heads up if you got TWC SportsNet

The new Connected With Kobe episode where Kevin Frazier interviews him will be on in about 5 minutes.It's a half hour long.
okc no.1 is the WORST case scenario ( them and Denver). all this is for nothing now...................................Howard say perk plays him best. Thabo is long, give kobe probs. Westbrook will cook all our pgs. Then there Durant...Its a wrap guys, enjoy these last reg season wins

Not impossible to win against them but the Lakers basically would have to play perfect basketball for 48 minutes and also need some luck going their way.
lmao OKC dreaming to play against us ( if we can make playoffs). Westbrook gonna have a fun series.
He's never been great.. But he's also never been this bad.. It's disgusting to watch.. Not even a focused defense, and some of the dumbest mistakes you can make on defense.

I think his lazy defense was just a product of his injuries. The times these past two seasons when he wasn't injured (that we know of), he was the same on D as he's always been. A little soft, can be outmuscled, often at the slightly wrong angle to give his opponent a lane to the basket, not quick or explosive enough to help out on a driving guard and alter their layup. Been his MO for his days in LA
Peep mid range with the v neck collar sittin next to the bench. She knew what she was wearin. One of them rookies prolly put a call in.
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