
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'll give props to Pau. Dude stepped up on the defensive end and rebounding when his shot was not falling all night. He stuck with it and didn't shy away from shooting. But the most important thing was him contributing to the team on the defensive end and with his rebounding.
Does LA hold the tie breaker over the warriors if they were to lose out? Anything to play the Spurs in the first round.
According to Larry Cooon:

Amnestying Blake would save $17 million, MWP would save $31 million, Pau would save $67 million and Kobe :smile:rolleyes) would save $85 million.


Kobe named Player of the Week in the Western Conference. :frown:
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^ Hopefully the PnR with a healthier looking D12 works efficient this time around. The Heat D exposed them the last time we played.

Also rep'd for the avy, one of the funniest moments in Laker history
According to Larry Cooon:

Amnestying Blake would save $17 million, MWP would save $31 million, Pau would save $67 million and Kobe :smile:rolleyes) would save $85 million.


Kobe named Player of the Week in the Western Conference. :frown:

Thank you for checkin in on the NBA joint. They were killin me in there with all that misinformation, good of the franchise crap. :smh:

So, looking at this, they spare Kobe, trade Pau for 2(?) pieces, Ron opts out, but re-signs cheaper, do they amnesty Blake to save 17 mil? Even tho we could use him another year til Kobe gets back?

I kind of think, in that scenario, trade Pau, Ron to a lesser deal, I think they just let the amnesty go away and we never use it. Blake at 4 mil for one year isn't nothin imo, even tho it would reduce the cap hit, maybe trading Pau and re-doing Ron will take care of that bill enough.
CP id help you but I already spent too much energy in that nba thread arguing over other things last night :lol:

I need to calm down and just take a break from all the typing before the rockets game.
That poll up there ^ at the top of the page is depressing.
How do you get rid of that or hide it?

Don't get me wrong I agree with you and this season has been miserable. I was extremely confident we would win 60-65 games. But, if we win our last game we'll end up with 45 wins. Yea that's terrible, but we had seasons with Kobe and Shaq where our win totals were in the lower-mid 50's against what I'd argue is inferior competition. Given that Kobe is much older now, Dwight spent most of the year getting his back healthy, and Nash and Pau have missed significant time, 45 wins isn't that crazy. I definitely think with better coaching we could have had 50 wins, but the 45 number isn't as shocking as it might seem given all the injuries we had this year and how good the WC is.

As old and slow as they are, I really do think if Dwight was 100% healthy the whole year and Nash hadn't missed so much time we would have won 57-60 games.
Wait did I miss something? :lol:
Nothing, just this.


No funny business.
The NBA thread turned into a luxury tax, amnesty, bird rights discussion in which I was being told it would be best for the Lakers to amnesty Kobe.

I'm not that good at salary cap, structure, bird rights, amnesty, but I took a shot at it, thought I had it, but they kept coming. I coulda used some backup and you dudes was havin a pina colada somewhere laughin it up. :lol:

I think it's over now, least I hope so.
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