
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I like how we're delusional, yet have landed more elite players/coaches than any team ever, therefore giving us reason to think that exact way. :lol:

We were told for 3 years we were delusional getting Dwight.
We WOULD have been delusional if we were all claiming we could nab CP3.
We would have been claimed delusional moving Kwame Brown for Pau Gasol.

Yet all that happened.

So iono, seems like we have reason to have high expectations, no?

Hell, we had ZERO reason to believe we'd ever get out from under paying the rest of Mike Brown's contract.

And now........?

But hey, WE'RE delusional.


You weren't delusional about Dwight. Everyone and their mama knew it was you or Brooklyn. The rest of the league just wished it was Brooklyn :lol:
You guys never claimed CP3 so not sure the reference. Plus it would have caused yall to lose Pau & LO (which now doesn't seem bad)
I can't even speak on the last one. That was just ******g ridiculous :lol:

So essentially 1 or 2 situations you got right. Now what about getting KG? Getting Love or Josh Smith for 2012-2013 Pau? Iggy this summer? Hell look at this page

Trade Kevin Love AND B Roy for Gasol
Nash & Duhon for Sanders, Jennings + Draft Picks
Serge Ibaka, Thabo Sefolosha for Gasol + Blake

+ all of Essential's trade scenarios that went down. And Yall clown on Essential for always making up trades but if you live in LA you have at least 7-10 friends who agree and do the same.

You're one of the greatest franchises in the NBA in one of the most beautiful cities for young millionaires and old ones wanting to win and relax so yes you will strike gold every now and then but even Phil Ivey doesn't win every hand he's dealt and Laker fans feel like they should. There's your delusional stereotype.
:smh: at y'all thinking phil coaching this currently constructed team would make a difference.

I used to get highly irritated when people would say Laker fans are delusional, but in situations like this, I can see why :lol: :nerd:

I think Laker fans are ridiculously delusional but if you don't think Phil coaching this team would make a difference (not win a ship, just a difference) then you're delusional :lol:

Oh of course I'm talking about winning a championship, hell nothing else matters. :lol:

I got a question for those of you who want Phil back so badly, if he were to come back next year and coach this same team(with absolutely NO roster turnover), do we make the finals next year? :nerd:

Serious question?

We're winning a chip. If the team was a business, Phil would be a Fortune 500 CEO. D'antoni is the night manager at Sbarros.

CASE IN POINT :lol: :\ :smh:
:smh: at y'all thinking phil coaching this currently constructed team would make a difference.

I used to get highly irritated when people would say Laker fans are delusional, but in situations like this, I can see why :lol: :nerd:

I think Laker fans are ridiculously delusional but if you don't think Phil coaching this team would make a difference (not win a ship, just a difference) then you're delusional :lol:

Oh of course I'm talking about winning a championship, hell nothing else matters. :lol:

I got a question for those of you who want Phil back so badly, if he were to come back next year and coach this same team(with absolutely NO roster turnover), do we make the finals next year? :nerd:

Serious question?

We're winning a chip. If the team was a business, Phil would be a Fortune 500 CEO. D'antoni is the night manager at Sbarros.

Being the night manager of New York's best pizza ain't that bad :pimp:
Phil coaching would help us be a better team but NOT a championship caliber team. Our defense is still non existent. We just don't have the personnel for that.
Phil's not gonna change the talent on this team, but he would change the culture. And I think that would make a difference from what we saw on the court this year. Phil commands respect so easily, and I think that type of figure would go a long way.

Phil could travel back in time, coach this team exactly like D'Antoni, make the same exact decisions, and there wouldn't be any drama about the coach or players not liking his system or whatever. Or at least it wouldn't be made such a big deal if there was.
I think people are failing to recognize Phil's ability to game plan for specific teams, make adjustments on both ends of the floor, exploit the other team's weaknesses, and get the team to play together for a single common goal.

I think with this same team w/ Phil and no injuries they could have got to the WCF this year.

_Antoni runs the same defensive scheme every game no matter who the opponent. He experiments with offensive schemes but does not do it in a fashion that exploits their opponent's weakness and he has no one buying in in the locker room to his leadership or philosophy.

You don't have any of those problems with PJax.
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I think people are failing to recognize Phil's ability to game plan for specific teams, make adjustments on both ends of the floor, exploit the other team's weaknesses, and get the team to play together for a single common goal.

I think with this same team w/ Phil and no injuries they could have got to the WCF this year.

_Antoni runs the same defensive scheme every game no matter who the opponent. He experiments with offensive schemes but does not do it in a fashion that exploits their opponent's weakness and he has no one buying in in the locker room to his leadership or philosophy.

You don't have any of those problems with PJax.

Wait......Why would PJ get that pass, and not D'Antoni, or ANY other coach for that matter?
Interesting article about KD saying he is sick of being #2 at everything: mvp voting, second pick in draft, runner up to finals winner last year...etc.

he needs to come to LA and team up with Dwight and let Mitch bring him a chip and make him #1.
He wouldn't be coming to LA anytime soon. And the way the team is shaping it's salary cap situation to address the 2014 and 2015 free agency class, it's doubtful the cap space will be there for bringing him to LA.
He wouldn't be coming to LA anytime soon. And the way the team is shaping it's salary cap situation to address the 2014 and 2015 free agency class, it's doubtful the cap space will be there for bringing him to LA.


We're talking about Kevin Durant, right? The guy who signed a long term extension a couple years ago? From what I understand, he won't be an unrestricted agent till 2016.
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+ all of Essential's trade scenarios that went down. And Yall clown on Essential for always making up trades but if you live in LA you have at least 7-10 friends who agree and do the same..

Don't lump me into this convo.

I'm talking about trying to add Dorell Wright to fill in as many of our needs as possible.. Not going after Kevin Love.
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Phil coaching would help us be a better team but NOT a championship caliber team. Our defense is still non existent. We just don't have the personnel for that.

sorry, i dont really agree with you there.. yeah have phil would help, but we do have the players that can play good defense.. even though metta is a shadow of his former self on defense, we still have dwight howard, who is a defense player of the year, two straight years.. our biggest issue has always been the point guard defense. as far as i can remember it always has been an issue, whether it was tony parker, or russell westbrook, mike bibby, damon stoudemire, gary payton (with the sonics), john stockton and the pick and roll, the issue has always been perimeter defense, not inside defense..

but we can ask kobe to be guarding the best player on the perimeter... we need to have a tony allen/avery bradley type player, or tell darius morris to start becoming that player or he's off the team...

defense doesnt take any skills or talent.. only takes hard work, and smart play...
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but we can ask kobe to be guarding the best player on the perimeter... we need to have a tony allen/avery bradley type player, or tell darius morris to start becoming that player or he's off the team... .

Those guys can be the worst offensive player ever. But will still make $4mil+ when they hit free agency because of defense.. Unfortunately.

I don't see a way we can transform this team into a defensive team unless somehow we get lucky trading Pau (which would be a double edge sword for us, but it also won't happen)..

We need Defense.. But if we get younger, I think we can cover it up a bit..

I'd rather look for guys who can be offensively efficient, and at least knows what defense is. He doesn't have to be Tony Allen, but just be average, and make the smart move a good amount of the time.
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Sessions is a awful defender. It is not a coincidence that before he got traded here last season, the team was playing good team defense. After he was acquired, the offense improved, but the defense collapsed.
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Sessions has been romanticized more than any other player I can remember since Trevor Ariza.

The difference was Ariza helped us win something. Don't get me wrong, i'd love to have Sessions in there when we were trotting out Duhon and Morris, but Blake is comparable.

We need quick defensive minded guards, and maybe a stretch four.

A healthy line up of Nash, Kobe, Pau, Dwight, and either Ron or Clark is very good. Bring in players who can guard and shoot coming off the bench and there is no reason why a HEALTHY Lakers team shouldn't be competing for a Championship.

I haven't looked at the free agent lists but I watched Dorell Wright on the Warriors, he's not that great. He has his games, but he isn't that consistent he kind of reminds me of a more athletic Radmonivich.
Sessions has been romanticized more than any other player I can remember since Trevor Ariza.

The difference was Ariza helped us win something. Don't get me wrong, i'd love to have Sessions in there when we were trotting out Duhon and Morris, but Blake is comparable.

We need quick defensive minded guards, and maybe a stretch four.

A healthy line up of Nash, Kobe, Pau, Dwight, and either Ron or Clark is very good. Bring in players who can guard and shoot coming off the bench and there is no reason why a HEALTHY Lakers team shouldn't be competing for a Championship.

I haven't looked at the free agent lists but I watched Dorell Wright on the Warriors, he's not that great. He has his games, but he isn't that consistent he kind of reminds me of a more athletic Radmonivich.

only thing is, clark has been very inconsistent the last few games.. which is a bad thing, cause he played very well, this season.. but the playoffs are a different game
What was Sessions' defense like with us? All I can remember from him is that he was NOT Fisher.

Offensively, he fits perfectly... Defensively not so much..

He's a backup Point Guard.. I think if he's in that role, his defense gets hidden more because the matchups would be different.

He's no worse than Blake defensively... Where Blake falls into a hole with us, and I think makes Sessions a vastly better fit is that Blake is an off guard in a Point Guard's body... What Blake is good at is staying out of the way, and shooting. Problem is he's a point guard. But can't handle the ball well, and is a mediocre passer. Makes stupid passes on what should be routine plays, but somehow makes the right decision in difficult situations.. But Blake can't run an offense.. Hence our stagnation on offense without Kobe, and when Nash sits.

Sessions offensively thrives on the pick & roll. Can get to the hoop.. And draws A LOT of fouls. Problem is he has no range shooting... Also Sessions is way quicker than Blake, which can speed us up a bit with a second unit that could be much younger.

Defensively it'd be linear.
Offensively we'd sacrifice a shooter for someone who can run an offense as a backup.
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