
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

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  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

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  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

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  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

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If the games are competitive (like they have been until the fourth quarter, when the team runs out of gas so far), then I don't see the problem.
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If we keep it 'competitive' through 3 quarters and lose every game of the series by double digits, there is no problem? :rolleyes
I'm well aware of the roster, but you're telling me that after beating the Spurs a few weeks ago without Kobe, we shouldn't be able to pull out one win this series?
Especially with Dwight and Pau still on the court.
A professional coach who is being paid 4 million dollars a year to use the 2 talented big men he has can't figure out a way to get us a win, Steve Blake or not?

Is it a miracle to hope and ask for ONE WIN this series? Two is maybe a miracle, but can I at least ask for one?

Or am i a crazy delusional fan who is asking for way too much from the coach to create some sort of game-play to try to pull out one win in a 7 game series?

Maybe I am crazy. Maybe we should give him a break even if we get swept.
I'm not blaming him for the injuries, im not blaming him for being in the position we're in...but to say that im not impressed by him and then be criticized?
as if im asking for too much from him?
I cant hope to see him try to earn that 4 million dollar paycheck with some good adjustments?
Something to make it more competitive for longer than 3 quarters?

The reason we run out of gas is because of his short rotations. Theres no reason why Sacre cant get a few minutes to show us something, especially when we've been depleted.
But Alright.

Sweep it is.
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[quote name="Grittyman"][QUOTE name="L2B"]If Mike D'Antoni can win 2 games in this series with this squad, ill feel totally different about him.[/QUOTE]So MDA has to pull off a miracle in order to impress you? That's fair.[/quote]If someone is going to be credited for doing better than their peers, they have to do better than their peers.
The Spurs from two weeks ago and today are different teams.

D'Antoni has D-League guards and the Spurs scheming to take away paint points. The team will be lucky to get to 90 points. :lol:
So if we get swept, you are going to be proud of the coaching performance MDA has given us this season, injuries or not?
That's fair.
Coaches are such easy scapegoats...when was the last time you were actually proud of the job that someone did on the sidelines?

I am proud of the effort that I see from the guys out on the court. Off the top of my head let's look at the circumstances surrounding that game...
  • must win game for the Lakers, and a throwaway game for SA
  • 1st game after Kobe's injury, I'm sure emotions were running pretty high
  • No Ginobili, who's been a key contributor this series
  • Horrible play from a rusty Tony Parker
So do I think that the Lakers should be able to beat the Spurs WHEN IT MATTERS based off of what happened that game? Nope.
You guys act as if I said we should be able to win the series. :rofl:

Do you realize all I said is i want to see us try and win 1 damn game?

But alright, I'm expecting way too much.

Just because i said I WANT doesnt mean I EXPECT.
You guys act like i said we SHOULD win. I didnt.
I said we SHOULD be able to be more competitive than just 3 quarters with Pau and Dwight...for at least 1 damn game.
With such an "offensive genius" of a coach.

Jesus, if that is expecting miracles these days as a Laker fan. Then so be it.

How hard is it to understand that ME, as a PERSON, in my own subjective OPINION...said that I would personally be IMPRESSED by our coach if he would be able to pull out a win or two, realistically one, in this series with such a depleted roster?

I didnt say HE MUST WIN 2 GAMES or fire him, i didnt say he is the main problem for our season, i just said i'd be impressed.
I thought EVERYONE would be, or not?

You guys wouldnt be impressed if he pulled out a win tonight?

I dont get why everyones going at me as if i said something so ludicrous. Sheesh man.
I guess you guys are all proud of D'Antoni's performance this year, its only been the injuries...the coaching hasnt caused us any problems.
He didnt bench Pau on his 3rd day on the job.
He didnt mis-use Pau for a majority of his season.
He didnt fix our defensive problems.
He didn't get the ball down into the post enough even with Kobe out.
But he's not any sort of problem, its only been the injuries this season...100%.

All season long, he's been laughed at and criticized by Laker nation.
but now that our roster is depleted, he should be left alone. He shouldnt be expected to win a damn game, he shouldnt be held the same standards that Mike Brown and every other Coach for the Los Angeles Lakers has been held to.
MDA is a fine coach, and ive expected too much out of him to try and pull out 1 win...or at least bring the best out of our players...whatever that may be.

This **** is crazy man. But whatever.
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We still have Pau "2 triple doubles per year" Gasol and his 1 inch vertical with paper arms. Will Gasol be able to play defense in at least 2 defensive sequences during the game? :wow:

I wonder what his excuses are now that Kobe is not in the game. He always used the "I need more touches" excuse during the season. Dude was subliminally dissing Kobe's 47 point performance :smh:

"I'm Kobe's biggest advocate and I love him to death and it's extremely impressive what he can do as a basketball player, but again, I still like to see a little more ball movement, a little better flow, because I think down the road that's what's going to help us beat the better teams," Gasol said after the Lakers' shootaround Friday in advance of their game against the Golden State Warriors. "So I'm looking at the big picture."

Kobe's ball hogging won that game. Is ball movement helping now against the Spurs? :smh:

How about focusing on defense?


I dont get why everyones going at me as if i said something so ludicrous. Sheesh man.
hoping to see the lakers win is cool, id like to see them win too

but the whole "this guy making 4 million dollars cant make these 4 quarters competitive" is absolutely ridiculous

might as well let goudelocke jack up 50 shots and win or lose on that if we're gonna be ridiculous
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I dont get why everyones going at me as if i said something so ludicrous. Sheesh man.

hoping to see the lakers win is cool, id like to see them win too

but the whole "this guy making 4 million dollars cant make this competitive" is absolutely ridiculous

might as well let goudelocke jack up 50 shots and win or lose on that if we're gonna be ridiculous

You're right.
I'm sorry.
He deserves the money he's made this season, can't wait to see him with the same roster next season.

I must be the only guy in the whole thread who hasn't been overly impressed by him huh? everyone can joke about him and call for his head all season long, but now, now im expecting too much from MDA. Now i should leave him alone, because hes not any sort of problem.

Okay. I'll stop. I'm obviously flying solo here. Knick fans hated him, melo hated him, Pau hates him, he's ran tons of players into the ground, ruined many careers, causing all kinds of problems, and made absolutely no positive impact for our team or the Knicks team who is now a 2nd seed in the east without him...but nah, he earned his 4 million. Its ridiculous to expect him to help us out with a depleted roster, let alone the roster when it was full. I see. Poor old MDA...leave the man alone, he doesnt have any guards to work with.

He's fine, once the injuries heal, we'll be fine next season with him as our coach and the same exact roster.

See you guys tonight.
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So if we get swept, you are going to be proud of the coaching performance MDA has given us this season, injuries or not?

That's fair.

Proud? :lol: Coaches are such easy scapegoats...when was the last time you were actually proud of the job that someone did on the sidelines?

what phil jackson did to d antoni's suns in 06 |I
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If the deal is finalized with Mike Brown and the Cavs, the majority of his contract will be voided, the Lakers just have to pay a certain amount, so we don't have to pay him the full cost of his contract. I believe that's how it works, with that said, lets get Phil! :lol:
This will be the 6th draft in in a row that the Lakers do not have a first round pick.

It is a damn shame that we have not seen what former Dallas Cowboy cheerleader Bonnie Jill Laflin could have done with her uncanny scouting abilities. :smh:
LiCeNseD To BaLL

I'm not calling you out specifically, and I realize that it may come off like that...but complaints like the one you made are quite common in this thread, and yours just happened to be the most recent that I came across.

IMO, D'Antoni is a competent coach. He's shown that he's not completely stubborn and attached to his system, he's also shown the ability to get the most out of previously unproven players (Lin, Clark are most recent examples). I don't care if players or fans like him, but if you want to use Pau as an example fine. Maybe he does hate D'Antoni (although this can't be proven as fact), but if the result of him calling about Gasol publicly is inspired play I'll live with that every time.

At the same time, he's not without faults of his own...questionable minute distribution, and leadership definitely come to mind.

Am I happy with the job he's done so far this season? Eh, there's definitely room for criticism but the majority of any "blame" about what happened this season needs to be placed on the guys that were (or weren't) on the court playing in the actual games
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Sam Amico‏@SamAmicoFSO1m
When Mike Brown was coaching Lakers, source said Kobe barged into Brown's office and said of asst coach Kuester: Fire him. Now.

I never even noticed this guy was missing from the sideline
Injuries or no injuries, he wasn't the right fit for this collection of talent when he was hired and he won't be next year either unless drastic overhaul is done to the roster. If we don't have to pay Mr. Potato Head anymore cut the losses after this year and find someone who can use Dwight properly as the cornerstone of the franchise. But Jimmy isn't thinking that way so it's whatever.
Man, I'd be mad as hell if I was Russ. Getting injured out of the playoffs because some scrub tries to steal the ball on a TO attempt :smh:

On another note, the Heat's road to a championship just got that much easier. SMH that's 2 years in a row where they've had little resistance. Put asterisks on both their chips!
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