
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'm serious, we should bring back The Machine!


im wit it :pimp:
No thanks for farmar and vujacic. They would just be the next meeks and morris. Plus, mitch would probably give them a 5 year deal.

Why more than anything else, the Lakers need to trade Pau this summer. He gets annihilated in pick and roll coverage.
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Why more than anything else, the Lakers need to trade Pau this summer. He gets annihilated in pick and roll coverage.

Luckily we aren't facing a good coach who knows that weakness and will go at it over and over and over.......oh. :lol:

This strongly suggests that he is the ONLY reason we're competitive the second half of the

We win 2 games and Kobe sucks we don't need him. We lose 2 games and he's the only player on the roster any good. :smh:

Can ya'll just come up with a way, stick with it, support it with evidence, and stay in that lane? I'm not real good at flipping back and forth with ya'll.


Thank you.
^ I've wanted to contend for awhile that I don't think the problem necessarily is that teams run out of gas, and the only evidence I have to support my hypothesis is the 90s Bulls.

I think the problem is that these really great teams... get figured out.

Assume the Heat win the title this year. Next year, if they fail, you'll be one of the members of the "Well hell, they won BACK TO BACK! They're tired!" club, and I don't stop there.

No doubt, they'd be tired after going back to back and then however far they went in the playoffs next year... but I'd be banking my money on the fact that they simply got targeted by the whole league, figured out by a few teams, and even fewer teams 'in the know' were lined up to play them in the playoffs, and they played one of those teams and got bounced.

90s Bulls? There offense was too fluid to figure out, their defensive rotations were too crisp... they were too good. Yes, in LARGE part to MJ, obviously, but it's not like they were SCRUB status while he picked up a bat. What they were doing, no one had an answer to. Sure, there were some threats to their 6 rings, but in the end, getting beat 3 times in 5 games or 4 times in 7 games... no one could figure it out.

And it didn't end because they were bounced from the playoffs after ALLLLLL THAAAAT MILEAGE. It ended... because they were disassembled.

The Pistons figured us out in '04. The Heat look REALLY impressive... and whether they lose this year or next year after going back2back or in 10 years after winning 9 straight, it won't be JUST because they're tired; someone... will have FINALLY... figured them out.

Man, don't get me started on the 90's Bulls. That 97' Knicks team was built to beat the Bulls that year. They finally knew how to beat MJ and the Bulls and we got shafted by the NBA and ******g PJ Brown :smh:

Had the Knicks had all their players suited up, we would've beaten the Bulls that year.
i know when its time to face reality and no way we are winning with Morris and duhon or goudelock starting as our back court :smh:
MVP time. G-lock and loaded. 25 pts and a Laker W tonight. Turn up guys!
Spurs should start... and give significant burn to... Tmac, just to make it a little more fair. :\
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