
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Damn this is sad....

The only way this season will be successful is if Ebanks becomes a huge successful rapper, other than that...time to wrap it up.
If I wasn't busy for the NFL Draft, I could throw on a jersey and get some work for the team. I'm serious. I'm better than Duhon. Promise. :lol:
If Mike D'Antoni can win 2 games in this series with this squad, ill feel totally different about him.

It's your time to shine Mike.
Show us how much of a 'genius' you can be with Duhon :rofl:
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Don't worry. We have the MVP coming off the bench....

"Los Angeles Lakers guard Andrew Goudelock was today named the 2013 NBA Development League’s Most Valuable Player, as voted by the NBA D-League’s 16 head coaches, for his efforts as a member of the Rio Grande Valley Vipers and Sioux Falls Skyforce."

GLOCK!!!! Now...if we only played him.
just heard the blake and nash news

Thing of it is, we killed every one of our players just making it to the playoffs. Instead of winning early and coasting in, we killed it all the way down to the final game, in which we went to OT in that one even. :lol:

This year sucks, but this squad gave us every ounce of what they had. Literally, Dwight is the healthiest player left on the team. :rofl:

Still 3 of 4 at home. Find a way. Maybe Meeks will get back, that would help. Maybe Goudelock and Hill go nuclear at home. Bring some energy. Just get some winning going. Helps heal those nagging injuries.
"All these social media things about throw the ball inside -- you have to be able make shots from the outside if you're going to be able to make shots from the inside," West said.
But... that's where people are talking about 'a healthy Nash'.

And I had already mentioned before that, moving forward, if we establish ourselves as an inside/outside team starting w/ Pau/Dwight early in the post and stretching the floor w/ Kobe/Nash on the perimeter and Pau/Kobe on the midrange, we'd be a PROBLEM.

But we have to start establishing that NOW. No, it's not going to work this series, but I really do hope that that's MD's plan w/ this roster for next year, assuming no changes.

Our offense... his offense isn't working NOW because his style is too uptempo and concentrated for our roster. I mean, like Sessions said last year, he had Bynum telling him "Hey, bruh, bruh... slow down, man."
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I challenge anyone to find a worse playoff starting backcourt. I'll paypal you $5.

This is the 1989 Finals all over again. That team was ran to dust. :lol:

11-0 getting to the Finals, then swept. :smh:
^ I've wanted to contend for awhile that I don't think the problem necessarily is that teams run out of gas, and the only evidence I have to support my hypothesis is the 90s Bulls.

I think the problem is that these really great teams... get figured out.

Assume the Heat win the title this year. Next year, if they fail, you'll be one of the members of the "Well hell, they won BACK TO BACK! They're tired!" club, and I don't stop there.

No doubt, they'd be tired after going back to back and then however far they went in the playoffs next year... but I'd be banking my money on the fact that they simply got targeted by the whole league, figured out by a few teams, and even fewer teams 'in the know' were lined up to play them in the playoffs, and they played one of those teams and got bounced.

90s Bulls? There offense was too fluid to figure out, their defensive rotations were too crisp... they were too good. Yes, in LARGE part to MJ, obviously, but it's not like they were SCRUB status while he picked up a bat. What they were doing, no one had an answer to. Sure, there were some threats to their 6 rings, but in the end, getting beat 3 times in 5 games or 4 times in 7 games... no one could figure it out.

And it didn't end because they were bounced from the playoffs after ALLLLLL THAAAAT MILEAGE. It ended... because they were disassembled.

The Pistons figured us out in '04. The Heat look REALLY impressive... and whether they lose this year or next year after going back2back or in 10 years after winning 9 straight, it won't be JUST because they're tired; someone... will have FINALLY... figured them out.
Um, Ska, what about that TWO YEAR BREAK in between those 3 straight Finals runs? :nerd:

NO TEAM, ZERO, NONE, have been to 4 Straight Finals.

ZERO. NONE, SINCE...........

.....Since the 80's Celtics. Know what happened to them in that 4th Finals? They were hurt, broken down, and beaten.

LA also went to 4 Straight Finals, went 2-2, won that 4th year, and the next year they were beaten by the Rockets of all teams in a sudden upset.

After that 86 season failure for LA, they won in 87 over the broken down Celts, then went 7 games vs the Pistons, and then tried again in 89 and what happened? They broke down.

01 Lakers beat the Spurs 4-0. 02 beat the Spurs 4-1. The next year (attempted 4th run to the Finals, they lost to the Spurs, same team they were 8-1 against)

Finals in 08, 09, 10. Swept in the second round in 2011. Remember that team? How many of those guys were on FUMES?

It's math, simple, easy math. YOU play from October 1 to June 22.

I play from October 1 to May 1st.

You just played 6 weeks more than I. By the time your season is FINALLY over, I've been resting for SEVEN WEEKS.

And now you do that same run for TWO MORE YEARS while I keep getting 6-7-8 weeks more rest.

Don't even count the practices, the workouts, the walk thrus, the games, the minutes, the overtimes, the pressure, the extra flights, the pounding, the work. Don't add ANY of that.

Just picture the dates worked for you, vs the dates worked for me. In 3 years I have rested a total of 16-20 weeks more than you. That's 4-5 MONTHS of rest more than you.

You think that doesn't add up? For reals? :lol:

The Heat can absolutely make it 3 straight Finals this year. And next year, let's see how Wade, Ray Allen, Battier, etc survive trying to get an extra 3 months of playoff ball on top of it. I suspect they will be a bit more worn than they were last year, or this year. It will come. There's 30+ years of evidence.
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Yes, I do think it adds up. I would say that I don't know what you're laughing at, but I know exactly what you're laughing at; something you think is an end of a discussion... is being contended. You think any possibility outside of your gospel-truth reality is comical.

New sig for you: "Your idea is wrong, and funny. I'm so right that there is no other possibility, but thanks for humoring me."

Yes, the wear and tear adds up; I just don't think it matters as much as you do.

You can't compare the bodies and diets of you and I to the bodies and diets of... them. Lettuce be cereal.

You playing every day for a week and me playing every day AND NIGHT for a week... while we're both family men holding down jobs and trying to have a little fun somewhere... is not comparable at all to athletes whose JOB is to be fit, play sports, and excel at their position.

I think the teams that DON'T have all that extended playing time, they were prepared for it (some of the people on the roster, I mean), but they didn't earn the right to keep playing; they got beat.

ALL teams at the beginning of the season are ready to go all they way and play well beyond 82 games; only 1 team will go the full distance.

Obviously, as the season progresses, you can tell how likely it is that you'll need to be in peak condition for an extended playoff run, or if you can maybe level your workouts off a little bit, but I contend that they're all ready to do what only one team does.

What about the 2 year break in between for the Bulls? No team has gone 4 in a row? You say that's because it's simply too much wear and tear; I say it's because the odds are too low that NO ONE will figure out in FOUR YEARS how to knock you off your throne. SOMEONE in the time will figure it out, and the longer you keep winning, the bigger the target gets, the longer the list is of teams that specifically gear up to beat... YOU.
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Damn, this is sad. But these guys are going down swinging, so I'm proud.

Kobe, Nash, and now Steve Blake all played until their bodies were too banged up to go on, or simply gave out on them.

Pau worked his tail off to get back into his 09-11 form.

Dwight is putting it all out there. I loved the emotion I'm seeing from him, especially in Game 2.

Making the playoffs after that total trainwreck from October-February was an accomplishment. As a Laker fan I want more, but I'll settle if I have to.
Lettuce be cereal.........when I say YOU and I, I mean that in terms of NBA players, not the real you and me playin at the YMCA man. :lol:

You, an NBA team

I another NBA team,

and then the dates/times/pratices/workouts/games/minutes/wearandtear from that point.

Not you and I and our kids, and bills, and regular day jobs. :lol:
That is kinda true ska. I wonder why teams have not figured out that lebron shoots over 70% from close range and less than 50% from mid range and even worse from 3 point range. They keep giving dude lanes to the basket. It is true that he has a ton of shooters BUT teams are letting the Heat kill them from 3 and also by Lebron going to the basket. You have to eliminate one of those 2 things.

I also never see many players bear hug lebron like they do with shaq or dwight when close to the basket. He scores so many 3 point plays with some weak *** touch fouls. I think some teams might start bear hugging or doing the Dwight treatment on him eventually, even if said players get year long suspensions for it.

However, there is evidence that Dantoni wears down players by playing them too much. Too many minutes and high tempo for out of shape players is just too much over an 82 game season. The style of play they are going with now would have killed all those non playoff teams they lost to early in the season. Mike Brown used the same damn style last year against OKC and it was effective but he had to go with the princeton offense this year :smh:

This team is so badly assembled. No athletes for an uptempo game and no shooters for a slowed down game. This has been a problem for 3 years and it still has not been addressed. The front office will probably use the injury excuse again and not do anything significant. The same team will be fielded out next year and it will not
be enough again.
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