
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
dwight on the bench smiling and laughing again, but at this point i am not even going to complain anymore. it is what it is.....
How funny/sad is it that the guards did their job tonight, but no else besides Dwight bothered to show up? :lol: :smh:

Offensively, but it was our defense tonight (all year)

Still, good for Morris and Goude to get some burn. Maybe they'll grow into decent Farmar and Sasha types in the coming years.

Lol Good point by Hubie and what's his name, we needed to steal game 1. When we had close to a full team, kept it close. Needed that one it seems.
Offseason moves man...

1A.) Fire MDA, get Phil in there

1B.) resign Dwight

1C.) Gotta get younger at PG. Brandon jennings would be a blessing. Nash minutes have to be reduced to that KG/Duncan range as far as minutes per

2.) Pau gotta be moved for salary reasons and depth. Trading him for some athleticism/shooting at the 3 would be perfect.

3.) Resign Glock and Earl. Earl can give us good minutes, active minutes at the especially with a younger back court that can push the tempo
Well, that was fun.

Not really sure there's anything we can do outside of pray that Nash, Blake and Meeks can get back and maybe Morris and Goude can help out, deepen the roster/production, etc.

We've fought all year, no reason to stop now.

On a note, i suspect Dwight could get kinda Bynum and do somethin stupid. Serious, he's been really frustrated, hope he stays calm.
Man I know we're without half of our rotation, including one of the best of all time.. but damn that was disappointing tonight..

Just scooped up tix for Sunday, we gotta get at least one W and save face a bit

Dont get me wrong tho.. I'll be the first to join in on a 'We Want Phil' chant :lol:

I know tonight was frustrating but Stubhub has tickets for as cheap as $45 right now ( :wow: for a Laker game)
Well, it's been fun shooting the **** with you guys this season.

Looking forward to a productive off-season. And despite the poor performance of some Laker players, at the end of the day, it is only basketball. Nothing to stress or lose sleep over.
Both teams played hard.

:lol: I wanna leave it at that so bad, but i just cant.

Pau :stoneface:
Jamison :stoneface:
Glock :pimp: P you were right about him all along. :pimp:
Dwight showed some passion out there, I liked it. Good stuff.
Morris? Who knew? A little sloppy at times out there, but thats going to be a given playing against the Spurs.
For the most part, Im proud of Morris tonight. He played really well.

What else is there to say? Tim Duncan and the Spurs whooped our *** on national TV.
Theres nothing else to it. :lol:
[quote name="CP"]Dwight wants to end somebody. :lol:[/quote][quote name="chaose57"]That's what I'm talking about Dwight.[/quote]Man, I hope Kobe sees this and is working on... 'growing' this in Dwight.

"You want this, don't you? The hate is swelling in you now.... Give in to your anger."
[quote name="CP"]Dwight wants to end somebody. :lol:
[quote name="chaose57"]That's what I'm talking about Dwight.[/quote]Man, I hope Kobe sees this and is working on... 'growing' this in Dwight.

"You want this, don't you? The hate is swelling in you now.... Give in to your anger."[/quote]

I like the way you think. Perfect analogy. :lol:


I wonder who this is......................
Get a better (younger) backup PG. (Sorry Blake.. Can't be messing around)
Retool the Forward spots.. (MWP, Clark stay... Pau goes)..

And come back next year swinging..
Is it not clear why this team sucked all year? It is basically just Kobe and Dwight and everyone else sucks including the coach and the front office.
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