
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

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  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

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  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

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  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

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  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

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I'd use that amnesty clause on Nash if I have to... Free up 19Ms b/c OJ is going to opt out :lol:

Only Kobe, Pau, MWP & Blake are available to amnesty..

MWP most likely to get amnestied.. But Pau is most likely getting salary dumped.. And MWP would opt out and resign for less to stay if need be.
Ska, i like the way you think.
Im glad you pointed it out.

That anger, that passion we saw in Dwight.
I hope its here to stay.
I hope its a new Dwight, one whose finally HUNGRY like never before.
I loved it!

I know Kobe probably loved it too.

Hopefully Kobe stays in touch with Dwight this off-season, and even tho kobe cant move for a while it would be cool for them to talk ball and work on Dwights post game together.

(assuming he stays)
Wayment, we have 3 guys score 20+ AND get a triple double from Pau, and lose by THIRTY ONE...................

What in the hell? :lol: That doesn't :\
I think if Dwight walks out then Kobe should get the amnesty. You tank the season and let kobe recover 100%. Try to get rid of pau and if not you just let his contract expire. I think a few other contracts might expire as well. Then the next year you can have a healthy Kobe with a young lottery pick player.

That is only if Dwight walks though. I would try to keep him but you never know.
[quote name="Essential1"]MWP likely out Sunday..[/quote]Oooooooooooof course.

Man, that better not have been the last game I saw Ron play for us. :frown:

If so, thanks for that 3 against the Celtics off the Kobe dime, and thanks for letting Pierce know what time it was as soon as that series started, literally within seconds. :smokin
Only Kobe, Pau, MWP & Blake are available to amnesty..

MWP most likely to get amnestied.. But Pau is most likely getting salary dumped.. And MWP would opt out and resign for less to stay if need be.

Yea metta UFA so I'd expect him to opt out and take less bread to stay w/ the lakers. Wouldn't be shocked if he went to the clippers either :smh:

Wish we could amnesty nash... Dude contract is terrible going forward w/ this team who needs to get younger.

Welp... Welp... Welp :smh:
...paid Nash all that bread for him to pull the okie doke and barely stay healthy.

Wait......Pau has a triple double? What the ****? :wow: :rofl:

Triple double have no effect on the game whatsoever.

One of the most overrated category in statistic.

If you look at the game. Pau got owned on defense left and right by Duncan and basically missed all the good look at the basket.
Def not gonna be able to bring Ron and Earl back... I say rock with earl. Get younger. Watch Ron flourish as a clipper :lol:

He'd have to sign for cheap and wouldn't play much with Crawford, Butler and Barnes already there..

Also considering Pau is good as gone.. And will likely be a huge salary dump, expect both of them to be back.

MWP's salary will probably be a little north of $4mil.. Clark maybe $4mil (That's stretching it by A LOT)... $8mil total is only $270K more than MWP was going to get.

In my summation: Duhon, Ebanks, Gasol will get the axe... Blake will be next.. Followed by MWP (who I think is extremely likely to stay) then Clark (only way he goes is if a team goes nuts, and gives him a lot of money, and if they do... GOOD LOOK WITH THAT).
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Dwight? passionate?

same dude that was doing his best Kobe impersonation to the press

the same day LA was fighting for its playoff life?

that dude will forever be a clown.

he's the type that doesn't love the game, he is just tall with some exceptional athleticism

and is using that to gain income.

LA needs to separate itself from that dude as soon as they can. 
Dwight? passionate?
same dude that was doing his best Kobe impersonation to the press
the same day LA was fighting for its playoff life?
that dude will forever be a clown.
he's the type that doesn't love the game, he is just tall with some exceptional athleticism
and is using that to gain income.
LA needs to separate itself from that dude as soon as they can. 

Dwight? passionate?
same dude that was doing his best Kobe impersonation to the press
the same day LA was fighting for its playoff life?
that dude will forever be a clown.
he's the type that doesn't love the game, he is just tall with some exceptional athleticism
and is using that to gain income.
LA needs to separate itself from that dude as soon as they can. 

I'm sure you're a big fan of Andrew Bynum right?
Triple double have no effect on the game whatsoever.

One of the most overrated category in statistic.

If you look at the game. Pau got owned on defense left and right by Duncan and basically missed all the good look at the basket.

I wouldn't call a triple double overrated now that's a bit extreme :lol:

But it doesn't matter when u yourself give up 40-50 pts on the other end b/c u can't guard the 2nd slowest player in the gym or the pick and roll.

Pop sonned Pau. When he was guarding Duncan, Tim got the rock and went to work. When MDA switched Dwight on Tim, Pop put tony and Manu in P&R with bonner or whoever else Pau was suppose to be defending. Viola magic :lol:
Dwight is 28 and we witnessed his inabilities in the low post and free throw.

This is his last chance to get a max contract. I'm confident he'll sign with us again. If not. We just have to move on without him. I was never a fan of him in the first place. He's a good defender when healthy but offensively he's not the type who can give you big offensive production.
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I'm sure you're a big fan of Andrew Bynum right?
glass knees bynum? nah.

if you'd like your franchise to rot with Dwight then i can most definitely respect that.

but he's taking you nowhere. no post moves, cement feet, and its not even a certainty

that he'll regain that athleticism that's been his calling card.

wash your face, take a look in the mirror

and realize that no franchise is exempt from mediocrity.

& that could very well be where LA is headed.
my dudes :'( :'(

Amnesty Metta, Trade Pau, don't care what Dwight does...

Motivated Mamba back for his final season :nthat:

If you're going to :nthat: a motivated Kobe.. You sure as hell better care what Dwight does...

Without Dwight, Kobe doesn't win a title.. Without Kobe, Dwight doesn't win a title.

And again Amnestying MWP is stupid. We are a team with a lot of holes... Creating new ones when you have very little to fill them is dumb.
He'd have to sign for cheap and wouldn't play much with Crawford, Butler and Barnes already there..

Also considering Pau is good as gone.. And will likely be a huge salary dump, expect both of them to be back.

MWP's salary will probably be a little north of $4mil.. Clark maybe $4mil (That's stretching it by A LOT)... $8mil total is only $270K more than MWP was going to get.

In my summation: Duhon, Ebanks, Gasol will get the axe... Blake will be next.. Followed by MWP (who I think is extremely likely to stay) then Clark (only way he goes is if a team goes nuts, and gives him a lot of money, and if they do... GOOD LOOK WITH THAT).

Barnes a UFA, LO and Billups as well so I wouldn't be shocked if he went next door.

What I'm saying is 8mil for Ron and Earl isn't worth it. Bringing both of them back for that kinda money would be a wash when we'll still need to get younger at 1-3

If we gonna spend 8mil I'd rather spend that on Earl and a scorer for the oak like a Bayless
glass knees bynum? nah.
if you'd like your franchise to rot with Dwight then i can most definitely respect that.
but he's taking you nowhere. no post moves, cement feet, and its not even a certainty
that he'll regain that athleticism that's been his calling card.
wash your face, take a look in the mirror
and realize that no franchise is exempt from mediocrity.
& that could very well be where LA is headed.

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