
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Nah, I'm just on Twitter enough during the day to notice changes in my following/followers. I swear! :lol:
It's funny, my CP one (basically Laker focused) is barely 140 somethin.

My Dolphin one just hit 1,000 today. :lol: :pimp:
I know you guys don't want to hear this, but apparently Pau has been fighting knee problems all series and some.

Obviously, it doesn't fully explain his lack of defense and all, but it kind of gives you a reason for his lack of vertical.

At this point with all these injury problems, his trade stock is absolutely shot, unless a team is going to do it for salary dump reasons, I don't see how we can trade Pau at this point.

I hope he goes to German and what not and gets those knees fixed and comes back strong, either then we can trade him at the trade dead line with hopefully a good showing, or he can be that Pau we need.

Being such a huge Pau fan, i'm hoping he stays next year and takes a LA Lakers discount and resigns here, I'm probably alone on this though.
So you guys have Niketalk twitters and then your real life ones? Or do you mix NT and real life
I think we are at a disagreement of how effective Earl Clark can be.. There's been two Earl Clark's this year, the near double-double guy who looks like a stud, and the guy who we thought he was when we got him in the Dwight Howard trade.. The truth probably is somewhere in the middle.. I'm not too convinced that we throw caution to the wind, and bank on Earl Clark with a closing window on this roster.

My reference to 6th man, is in terms of minutes.. 6th man gets the most minutes off the bench.. And that would be MWP's role.

Also regardless if we signed MWP or let him go.. All we can offer JJ is $3.5mil. Not $5mil because MWP is gone, and not a cap of $1.5mil because we kept MWP.. We have $3.5mil either way for JJ... You really should get off the JJ Redick train though, he's going to go for more than $3.5mil.

MWP plays solid defense. MWP has played big games.. MWP still has a lot left in the tank.. Our struggles are far from the fault of MWP..

So it is absolutely dumb to get rid of MWP when it doesn't open up cap space, and now you have to replace another guy on the roster, and you did nt give yourself another option to get somebody good.

You drop MWP, you now have to fill the entire SF position.. You sign Earl Clark, and you have to fill PF.

Nash/ --- / Morris
Kobe/ Meeks / Goudelock
---- / MWP
---- / Clark
Howard/ Hill / Sacre

Your suggestion
Nash / --- / Morris
Kobe / Meeks/ Goudelock
---- / ----
---- / Clark
Howard / Hill / Sacre

So now you have Vet's minimum, Mini-MLE of $3.5mil, Pau Gasol and Steve Blake trading chips to fill backup PG, starting SF, backup SF, starting PF.

We have very little options to fill a plethora of holes.. Creating another hole, that doesn't need to be created makes no sense, especially with a team that has a closing window with the current team.

Bro u have to get minutes in order to look like a stud... He got double doubles b/c he had the PT. You go from 30mins per and getting 10 shots a game off of Dwight and Kobe double teams to spot subbing, anybody would disappear.

The MAIN problem with this team is age man and lack of athleticism. A lot of y'all dudes complained about the same issues during season but don't wanna change the team :lol:
The lakers gonna end up like the celtics after they held on to parish and all them guys way past their primes if the front office listened to some of y'all man lol

Earl a combo forward man. Can he play 4? Yes. But defensively on the wings/perimeter (a place were the lakers couldn't guard me this season) he is much more effective SF. His length alone gives KD trouble. Aside from blowing right past him, KD will give MWP 25 in his sleep by just shooting jumpers over the top of him :lol:
IDK how capable this is CBA wise or the likely hood that these players/teams will take these types of contracts/trades but I'd package Pau, Blake, and whoever and do a sign and trade with the bucks for either BJ and Illasova or Monta and a probably Udrih.

BJ would give us some youth, penetration, scoring, and some steals at the PG which we desperately need right now. Illasova will be help on the offensive glass and stretch the floor for D12.

Monta could be a bandaid at the SG so we not rushing Kobe back in Nov/Dec like I know we will. Once Kobe returns Monta can move to the bench and give us buckets as a 6th man (which I think he naturally is) and play off of Kobe on the wing so Kobe doesn't have to avg 25 pts and 40+ minutes next season. Udrih can spread the floor, handle the ball, an get into the paint and younger than both Steves at the PG....

Pau due to make 19.2 mil next year. Lets say BJ takes 50mil for 5yrs, Illasova is already getting 8 with 3 left. That's 18-19mil for 2 players there.

Monta takes a 28mil for 3 yrs Udrih making like 6. Be like 16mil for 2 players
And I got crap for saying something someone said in here was stupid on twitter.. :lol:
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Bro u have to get minutes in order to look like a stud... He got double doubles b/c he had the PT. You go from 30mins per and getting 10 shots a game off of Dwight and Kobe double teams to spot subbing, anybody would disappear.

The MAIN problem with this team is age man and lack of athleticism. A lot of y'all dudes complained about the same issues during season but don't wanna change the team :lol:
The lakers gonna end up like the celtics after they held on to parish and all them guys way past their primes if the front office listened to some of y'all man lol

Earl a combo forward man. Can he play 4? Yes. But defensively on the wings/perimeter (a place were the lakers couldn't guard me this season) he is much more effective SF. His length alone gives KD trouble. Aside from blowing right past him, KD will give MWP 25 in his sleep by just shooting jumpers over the top of him :lol:

You have a point...

My caveat to this is that MWP was the least of the problems of this team.. Having him doesn't break this team.

I agree we need a youth movement. Which is why I want to get rid of Jamison, buy out Duhon, replace Blake, and trade Pau.

Having Nash, MWP & Kobe gives us 3 guys over 30. Youth is great, but a lack of experience is also a huge problem to winning a title. Nash we can't get rid of. And Kobe & MWP can still bring it... We wouldn't be too old at that point. MWP can still defend, he still can make big plays. If you want to keep Clark at the 3, fine. Move MWP to the backup 4. Hell I wouldn't even be obliged to loading up this team with a bunch of SFs and having that be both forward positions.

I hope you see my point of why I want MWP back. Not because he's irreplaceable. But because there are things that need to be replaced before we lose MWP. Adding 1 more spot to replace really doesn't sound like an appeasing way to go about things.

Also I wouldn't base Earl's ability to defend KD on that 1 game.. Just wouldn't be a smart strategy to evaluate a player. Especially a fringe starter versus the best scorer in the league.

Give me two forwards that can shoot to go along with Clark & MWP and that is our 3 &4. Everything else except for backup PG stays the same..
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So you guys have Niketalk twitters and then your real life ones? Or do you mix NT and real life

Naw, my CP one is me, I say whatever I want on there, my Dolphins one is attached to my website so I have to be diplomatic, reserved, all business etc. Otherwise I'd just have my CP one.
I've been waiting to post this and since the season is over tomorrow I'm gonna post it now. I need to not bring this negativity into the offseason thread

:lol: :smh: :rolleyes |I :frown:

This offseason the Lakers are probably just going to salary dump in order to avoid the repeater tax in 2014-15. 
so would kobes salary count against the cap even if its covered by insurance ? i didnt really pay attention to the bulls cap situation. i know grant hills did back in the day for the magic but i would think the owners would of had the foresight to have an injury clause for the cba they just signed 
I don't think it counts against the cap, but Kobe will have to sit out the entire season for the insurance to kick in. That's NOT gonna happen 
This offseason the Lakers are probably just going to salary dump in order to avoid the repeater tax in 2014-15. 
so would kobes salary count against the cap even if its covered by insurance ? i didnt really pay attention to the bulls cap situation. i know grant hills did back in the day for the magic but i would think the owners would of had the foresight to have an injury clause for the cba they just signed 
If Kobe were to miss the entire season (fat chance), his salary would count against the cap but insurance would pay 80%.
Counting your followers, P? :lol:

i do lol i only have 35. if you not following me bye bye

how hard is it for someone to follow someone that doesnt post much? i would see if they were getting annoyed by you posting a billion tweets on what you are trying to sell or doing a tweet every minute but one you only tweet a few times a day whats the point of unfollowing?

had to delete mc hammer cuz he would not shut up :smh:

i know a bet is a bet but i feel bad for dude. he made that bet when we had our full team and we thought everyone would be healthy come playoff time

nobody in their right mind would have thought our back court would be nash and blake in game 1 and 2 and morris and d lock in game 3 and 4 :x

as far as im concerned we are going to lose tomorrow. if the players had any heart they wouldnt lose tomorrow but when your starting point guard is darius morris and dwight howard cannot breathe on people no matter how much heart you have you not gonna win...
Bill Simmons is the HATER of ALL HATERS man :smh:... Lakers shouldn't resign Dwight now? Man I wish they'd get rid of that dude man
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