
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Tough loss. And we may be without dwight for the rest of this trip, if not the season? How bad did he reaggravate it?

Could that have been the last we see of kobe johnson? Hope he continues though. We'll find out next game.
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Most disappointing loss of the season (for like the tenth time)

Now to go 5-2 not only do we have to beat the bad teams, which is no guarantee, but we have to win 2 out of 3 against BK, MIA, BOS
This loss was huge
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HUGE LOSS *********!! I was looking like a million pesos (pinoy here) at the start of the 4th when
everything went to ****. :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh:
We need to beat Miami Boston and BK. I don't care if we lose to the other weaklings as long as we
sweep those 3, I'm good.
Dwight came in WAY TOO EARLY. Pau was finding his groove and handling his business, trust me if Pau got a little more time in the 4th being the only 7 footer out there, he would've been more energetic on defense. I feel like Dwight stole his shine and spacing unnecessarily early. (He was adjusting to his new role being the star of the offense for a few minutes not to mention dwight came in and committed like 2 fouls in 3 minutes)
Did Pau complain to the media today?

Let us pray that Blake will start playing better because Mitch and Buss are not gonna upgrade the roster at all.

backup pg and Sf positions keep killing the lakers
gasol :smh:
most frustrating team ever, lol.... I had more fun watching those 05-07 Laker teams with Kobe jacking up shots because I had low expectations for them
The loss was heartbreaking, but in the scheme of things didn't really hurt us..

Would have been great to gain a game on Houston, but we didn't lose any ground.

8 games until the All Star Break. Only 1 game on a back-to-back.

Have to pick up a big win against Nets and C's. Win the games we are supposed to. Try to steal one against Clips or Heat.

Would take us to 6-2 through the All Star Break. 7-1 if we can steal one from the Clips or Heat.

If we can get within 2 of Houston. It means we will be at 5 or so of the 6th seed. Manageable in 28 games to leap frog those teams if we play good basketball

As for the roster, we should go / have gone after Kenyon Martin, especially considering we have an extra roster space open now. He's still solid defensively, great rebounder, and gets easy buckets on put backs. Yes he has an attitude problem, but we need somebody who can give us rest. Also he can't give us youth, but he's a guy who is good enough to re-fill Jordan Hill's role.

With Kenyon we can:
Cut MWP's minutes to 26 - 28.
Get Earl 22 on backup SF minutes.
*Assume Dwight just tweaked his shoulder and will be back by at the latest Sunday*
PF: Pau at 12, Jamison at 13, Kenyon at 18, Clark at 5
C: Howard at 33, Pau at 15
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I don't wanna just barely make it into the playoffs, I wanna charge into them. Thats the only way we win a championship. We lost to the worst teams in the west. We ain't going anywhere. Back to square one.
This team needs shooting badly.... There is no reason EVER that Metta should take double digit threes & he does it constantly & on top of that he let beasly Cook him and had several possessions where he bobbled passes or lost full control f'n up easy baskets.

& Kobe HAS to make that lay-up
Had mad homework last night and couldn't slide my way into this thread but the 4th qtr was all about legs and age. No one on our team had any gas left by the time the 4th qtr hit and u could see it in the shooting. Players lost confidence in their shots (Metta/Pau) and stopped cutting and lookin for the rock.

The problem I have with the loss is why not bring Jamison back in for last 3 or 4 mins when we needed a bucket it's not like Ron was stopping Beasley any way :lol:

Aside from that, I'm pleased. Last two 4th qtrs have been rocky but at least they have control over the games and aren't all over the place anymore.

Dwight :smh: teams have been swiping at his arms and shoulders all season dude might as well grab some deer antler or get the surgery done....

Last but not least, Rudy got shipped to TDot :smh: :smh: :smh:
Also I'm glad the game played out the way it did for Pau, he had all that mouth when he spoke the media the last few games and now hopefully he sees why he doesn't get any burn down the stretch....

I expect him to pass the ball to Kobe and pray for a miracle b/c that's what everybody does :lol:... But defensively u gotta protect the paint and rebound. Whether its a block or a hard foul and two FTs, he gotta play 7 foot
tough loss on me as a fan. sucks. and my nerves suck now if dwight is hurt for real. he seemed to be in pain forreal this time and not just faking like he was last week after he got yelled at in the players meeting. and pau is such a sucker, i just dont know.

and kobe did try to facilitate in the 4th, but nobody was moving. they were just stnding around and watching him. what made kobe he 'pg' work the last few games is that guys were constantly on the move, slashing nd cutting. guys were hanging around the 3 point line for no reason. shots weren't falling, yet they continued to force them up. sucks he missed that layup, that one hurt. even worse that our center was hanging out around the 3pt line instead of in the paint waiting for a board. pau has to have the iq that when he's in the game without dwight, he IS the center and can't just play the perimeter. Hell, honestly, he should never play the perimeter.
why didn't pau sit at all in the second half?

he was tired, but oh no my spanish vajayjay wants to be in the game at important times.

damnit MBeasley, that lefty jumper is smooth.

if we had that trade last year, our SF problem would have been solved

Scoring from the bench would have been solved.
i guess my thing do you have the biggest shoulders known to man? Like literally you were born equipped with football pads, yet you're frail as all hell?! all that muscle for nothing.

coaching staff needs to teach dwight to not bring the ball to waist level anymore. keep those hands high. the defender rakes his arm down, so if he keeps his arms up, like how bynum used to, we can't kinda defeat the fear of shoulder tweaks.
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Yea i was thinking bout that yesterday too. we could of had beasley for nothing :rolleyes

I would much rather him chucking up shots than ron
for 3 years 18 mil i woulda took a chance on beasley. the one year he got consistent playing time and a role he averaged almost 20 on 45 % shooting. i think he wouldve been a great addition for this squad last year
This loss hurts even more this morning.

We possibly lost Dwight on top of losing a game we should of easily won.

Things just ain't goin our way right now.
I'm not blaming it on external reasons, you create your own luck I always believe. We got
Lazy and sloppy and bad things always happen out of laziness.

*sigh* this loss really hurt us in many ways.
pringles is definitely on the blaming list. almost half way thru the season and still there is no definitive 2 line up. he is a horrible in-game manager.

and it doesn't help that the entire NBA always plays harder when Lakers are in town :smh:
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