
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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dantoni really got yall fooled

made pau the fall guy, won a couple of games because of different circumstances that had very little to do with pau yet many of you started to believe that he was a whiner, a baby, soft, etc because this jackass coach said so

his coaching was god awful in the second half
i see all the kobe haters have come out
 The only thing I have to say is Kobe plays the Shooting Guard spot. Not the Point Guard position.
I would have rather settled for Jamison in for Clark during that time in the 4th. Dude had the hot hand and Clark never really got it going this whole game.
This game was lost in the first half with all the turnovers. Suns couldn't score AT ALL and we were only tied. Fail.

Dwight's shoulder is this, rest of the year. Same as Bynum's knee. One play away......

Ron leading the team in shots. #FIXTHAT

That's why previous games don't matter if you don't win the next one.

And Houston lost tonight.....

13 point second half lead. :smh:
Too be fair it was cool seeing Kobe rack up assists, but son wanted to be a PG. have the ball in his possession all the. Let Steve do his thing and set the others up.
When Kobe catches the rock just read the defense and do his thing
Everyone is to blame guys, everyone.

We all sucked tonight.

Assists arent enough, we need made shots. We need hustle. We need energy. We need rebounding. We need steals. We need blocks. We need some damn defense when it matters.

We need all of that, and we were very short on most of those things towards the end of this game.

Its how you lose in basketball. Period.
Thought it was pretty clear that fatigue played a factor... losing Dwight seemed to take a lot out of them, as well.

Of course, the main culprits were Artest (jacking/missing 3's) and Pau (just general weak play and not dominating against smaller players). I suppose those factors can be partially be blamed on fatigue (even though there is a LOT more to them than just fatigue)... but still, that's why the Lakers lost.

Bad loss, but I expected the back-to-backs to be tough no matter who they were playing. Add to the fact that Dwight can't finish against a team that suddenly got hot, and it's a wrap.

And to restate the obvious... I really hope Dwight isn't done, because it's curtains if he is.
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Suns defense adjusted, they didn't let Kobe post up and create late like OKC did. We said defenses would start to adjust at some point, there it was. And at that point, Kobe is out of rhythm to start shooting late.

That layup he missed sealed it tho. Such a bunny, just a smidge off. Hit that and its tied. Missed, and they go up 4, HUGE swing.

Well.....I said 6-1, with the loss being in Miami. Now they have to win that one and stay with 6-1.

Back to backs on the road for #2 are a bear, gotta keep grinding. Hour ago it looked pretty damn good.
[quote name="cleansneaksonly21"]Ska, that may be a stat more fit for HS games (32mins) and college games (40mins) rather than a longer, uptempo, highly specialized (1/4 or 1/5) offensive possessions that the NBA is[/quote]I can buy that.
'antoni is 50% to blame, lakers not named kobe are 40% kobe is 10%.

How the **** did we go so long without scoring, without any adjustments, without putting someone on beasley who could ******g stop him. What the **** is he doing out there? He calls a time out after the game is tied, what about making an adjustment before you blow a 16 point lead.

Our bench was playing decent before we dumped in the starters in the 4th panicking after like 1 or 2 baskets.

Kobe kobe kobe, and a lot of the lakers actually playing like ******g girls. Do you know how to catch the got damn ball and hold onto it jesus christ. Metta world peace with a dropped pass. steve nash handing it over to phoenix. kobe throwing it away. our turnovers aren't simply stupid.

Kobe facilitating throughout the game is perfect and helps tremendously but he can't hit the shots for his wide open teammates. That said nash needs to man the **** up, stop deferring to Kobe late in the 4th in clutch situations, create something yourself for him or for kobe stop giving him the ball and watching the show.
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