
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

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  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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[QUOTE url="/t/508728/2013-lakers-thread-22-26-vs-nets-2-05/19590#post_17141185"]
Maximus Meridius 
[QUOTE url="/t/508728/2013-lakers-thread-22-26-vs-nets-2-05/19580_20#post_17137650"]
[QUOTE url="/t/508728/2013-lakers-thread-21-26-vs-det-2-03-nets-2-05/19590#post_17137022"]

I'm starting to feel you on that 'Dwight is a chump' steez.
Bro he's got a torn labrum. He needs surgery that would end his season.. Yet he's trying to play through it.. When he tweaks it, he has to sit, or risk being forced to missed the rest of the season.[/QUOTE]
I don't know how people can say he's a chump when dude came back way to early after that back injury and that's still not 100% now he has to deal with a shoulder injury. I understand dudes are frustrated and want to blame people but these are big injuries dude is dealing with. You can critique his FT shooting and post moves but I can't get on him for sitting out games when he's obviously injured.[/QUOTE]
No matter how you view someone, there are obviously examples that go against whatever you're saying. You say I'm habitually late? I'll show you a few examples of times I was prompt. Does that mean that OVERALL you're wrong? Nope. (this is actually a real example; I'm not on time for shhhhh *shrugs*)

Overall, Dwight is a chump. Creates locker room drama (already tried it, and I love how Kobe handled it), has to have HIS coach (which also happens to NOT be whoever the coach is at the time), has games where he pulls like 3 boards (which should never, EVER happen), gets stripped consistently, has an extremely limited offensive skillset considering how long he has been in the league.

The reason him and Bynum are 1 and 2 is because the field is so thin, NOT because they are so great. CP3, Deron, Rondo... those guys being at the top of anyone's PG list is an accomplishment because there's a lot of talent at the 1 right now. Dwight being at the top of nearly everyone's list is like... "Enh, who else is there? Ok, Dwight's #1."

I know, I know, someone's going to post some monster 20/15 game he had, maybe even a 35+/15 game.

Still a chump OVERALL.

Agree with some of the stuff you said but I was speaking specifically about his injuries. He coulda easily sat out until January or whenever
he felt 100% but he toughed it out and played through the pain same thing with his shoulder. I'll give him some credit for that. As far as his attitude he definitely has some ***** made tendencies. We all know that. That was obvious from how he handled getting out of Orlando. I don't know if I'll say he's a chump but it definitely seems like he's not built for those LA lights.

I really don't put to much stock in locker room drama cuz it's the Lakers there's always gonna be some BS going on. Shaq and Kobe. Shannon smashing gasol's girl, etc.

Dwight should just stop talking to the media. That interview didn't do him any good. :lol: :smh:
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When do I ever come in here and talk smack about the Lakers? Ask any of your regulars about me and they'll tell you that I'm not like some of these NT'ers who come into team threads and troll. I actually talk basketball and tell it like I see it. I live in NYC, so, obviously I'm not going to get to watch all of LA's games. I do watch them when they're on national TV, which is a lot.

FYI, I actually thought that Heat vs Mavs series would be competitive. Dirk was on another level that year and he was hungry for the a championship. He was playing for his legacy at that point.

Don't you ever dare paint me into a picture filled with ignorance about basketball without knowing who am I first. I don't say off the wall **** and I will always call it like I see it. I give respect where respect's due and right now, the Lakers don't deserve any of it. You and I both know that. I think you got the wrong idea that I came into this thread to troll or talk ****. Go back through this season thread and then come back with what you know about me.

Funny this is, I actually want LA to do well. It suits for a better league. I've said that numerous. If that makes you feel any better :lol:

i just don't like it when people quote or say stuff like "oh, well all the commentators are saying it so it must be right. i think we got that out of the way. all i'm saying is that it's kind of hard to say the lakers are dead in the water when they still have another half of the season left, crazy stuff has happened. either way, we will see what happens in the next couple of months
Yep, D12 is a little girl and probably is leaving at the end of the season. Just so mentally weak, just despicable.
I said this before and I'll say this again, I won't be mad if Dwight leaves. He wasn't they guy I was expecting he would be. The clowning and laughing I knew he always had that but I didn't expect it to be this bad. He just has that ******** tendencies :smh:
Damn Ska, what happened to your Ned Flanders days of happiness and positivity?

I never seen you go so hard on so many players.

(I didn't say I disagree, I agree with a lot of the points but it's just funny to see you going HAM on everyone)
[quote name="L2B"]Damn Ska, what happened to your Ned Flanders days of happiness and positivity? :lol:

I never seen you go so hard on so many players.

(I didn't say I disagree, I agree with a lot of the points but it's just funny to see you going HAM on everyone) :lol:[/quote]The Flanders side of me went through a divorce and lost $25k a year. I'm now more of a George Carlin type, but w/ more profanity.
It's T.J. Simers, so read accordingly. :rolleyes Still, some good tidbits.
Not seeing eye to eye, Lakers' Pau Gasol takes long view of coach

In this mess of a Lakers season, there has remained one crazy, befuddling constant: Mike D'Antoni's decision to embarrass and then bench Pau Gasol.

Good for Earl Clark.

But when D'Antoni began his stint as Lakers coach by not playing Gasol in the fourth quarter, replying, "I was thinking I'd like to win this game," it was a big-time putdown.

It seemed like too much, too soon, especially for someone who has meant so much to the Lakers.

"It's hard to know personalities if you don't get in touch with them," said Gasol, his relationship with the Lakers coach now cordial and tension-free but still anchored in disagreement.

The coach and player met at a Manhattan Beach restaurant a few weeks back, and most folks were left with the impression they had a meeting of minds.

"It was an effort on our part to try and come to an understanding," Gasol said. "But I don't think it's translated to an understanding. Nothing significant has happened; it's probably even gone a little backwards."

Jim Buss said recently he was told by D'Antoni that Gasol was a happy camper now because D'Antoni was saving Gasol's knees and prolonging his career.

It was amusing news to Gasol, who played 37 minutes against Minnesota and 40 versus Detroit.

"Never heard that," he said.

We talked Monday morning over $10 coffee at the Ritz-Carlton hotel adjacent to Central Park. The sports columnist picked up the tab while the $19-million-a-year basketball player promised to get the next one — as if he will be with the Lakers long enough to pay off.

"If this coach stays and Dwight Howard remains with the Lakers," I asked, "what about you?"

"It would be hard for me to deal with another season knowing the facts you just mentioned," said Gasol, 32 and with one year remaining on his contract.

"So do you ask for a fresh start elsewhere?"

"It's a possibility," he said, "yes."

He will not request a trade before this month's deadline, he said, although he knows there is interest from other teams for a starting center and he will be returning to the bench soon.

"I'm not a quitter," he said. "Just because things look better on the other side of the fence, I'm not going to take the easy way out.

"I have a certain level of loyalty here, and I've been through a lot of great, amazing things. And there have been others that have been hurtful. But that's life.

"I don't have cancer, my mom wasn't dying and I'm still playing basketball. I love the Lakers and Los Angeles, and none of that has changed just because certain things are out of my control."

Athletes don't come much more friendly than Gasol, who treats everyone attentively from team president to arena janitor.

In fact, he refused to blame D'Antoni for misusing him.

"He has his philosophy and system, and the Lakers hired him," said Gasol. "It's not his fault.

"His philosophy is to play with one big guy and four guys spread out, so then he had to make a decision: Dwight or Pau?"

It was an easy decision. The Lakers are committed to making Howard happy so he will return.

"That is correct," Gasol said.

And Gasol is under contract for next season.

"There you go," he said. "I understand that."

So what happens next?

"They try to decide how I can be productive in this mix, while I know I'm not going to be in position to do what I do best and help us win more games. It's frustrating, but it's not going to stop me from playing as hard as I can in whatever role."

We all have bosses who don't always get it right. Believe me, I know.

"I'm fortunate to be doing what I am for a living and being highly rewarded for it," Gasol said. "But it hurts me that this unique opportunity we have with such good players is not being maximized."

Kobe Bryant has already praised Gasol and said he has no worries how Gasol will respond to his disappointment.

"We've won championships together, so Kobe knows," said Gasol. "I like the place where he's at now, unselfishly doing what he can to help us win."

As dominant as Gasol was in the Olympics and as highly regarded as he is in the NBA, he said there have been times when he has felt disrespected by D'Antoni.

"But I'm not going to let it affect me. In a way he's messing with my season, but not my career. I know what I've accomplished, and I still feel like I'm one of the best players in the world."

This isn't his first brush with disappointment. Before last season he was gone in a trade for Chris Paul only to return in a flash when the deal was vetoed by the NBA commissioner. His name continues to be mentioned in trade rumors.

But without knowing what Howard is going to do, it's unlikely the Lakers will risk trading Gasol.

"Dwight is a huge presence defensively," said Gasol. "But in a perfect world I'd love to see us dominating as an interior couple, thereby making everything easier for our teammates.

"I'm always trying to pass to Dwight to get him going. He hasn't been very effective from the post, so I want to give him easy shots and get him into rhythm. You know he's going to get fouled and then he'll make one out of two."

Gasol still has a sense of humor, and he will continue to need it.

"Nothing is going to change, but I have no doubt we could coexist and dominate every single game," Gasol said, the proof in how well he played alongside his brother for Spain.

"I believe 100% if I was starting inside with Dwight we could make the playoffs. I just don't know if coming off the bench gives the team a chance to be better and win more games."

I also took care of the tip for coffee in case Gasol is still here a year from now and picks up the next round.
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[quote name="L2B"]Damn Ska, what happened to your Ned Flanders days of happiness and positivity? :lol:

I never seen you go so hard on so many players.

(I didn't say I disagree, I agree with a lot of the points but it's just funny to see you going HAM on everyone) :lol:
The Flanders side of me went through a divorce and lost $25k a year. I'm now more of a George Carlin type, but w/ more profanity.[/quote]

Damn that sucks bro :frown: :smh:
[quote name="L2B"]Damn Ska, what happened to your Ned Flanders days of happiness and positivity? :lol:

I never seen you go so hard on so many players.

(I didn't say I disagree, I agree with a lot of the points but it's just funny to see you going HAM on everyone) :lol:
The Flanders side of me went through a divorce and lost $25k a year. I'm now more of a George Carlin type, but w/ more profanity.[/quote]

Damn Man...Now I feel like a real A**hole for my post.
Sorry to hear that bro... Can't even imagine how that's like. :smh: |I
yeah, won't be mad if D12 leaves at this point. Give me Noah/Lopez/that big bear from Minny/Zach
if you told me I would think this a year ago, I would LAUGH at you. :smh: :smh: :smh:
The season is not over though, hopefully Dwight can give us a show. :x
When do I ever come in here and talk smack about the Lakers? Ask any of your regulars about me and they'll tell you that I'm not like some of these NT'ers who come into team threads and troll. I actually talk basketball and tell it like I see it. I live in NYC, so, obviously I'm not going to get to watch all of LA's games. I do watch them when they're on national TV, which is a lot.

FYI, I actually thought that Heat vs Mavs series would be competitive. Dirk was on another level that year and he was hungry for the a championship. He was playing for his legacy at that point.

Don't you ever dare paint me into a picture filled with ignorance about basketball without knowing who am I first. I don't say off the wall **** and I will always call it like I see it. I give respect where respect's due and right now, the Lakers don't deserve any of it. You and I both know that. I think you got the wrong idea that I came into this thread to troll or talk ****. Go back through this season thread and then come back with what you know about me.

Funny this is, I actually want LA to do well. It suits for a better league. I've said that numerous. If that makes you feel any better :lol:

i just don't like it when people quote or say stuff like "oh, well all the commentators are saying it so it must be right. i think we got that out of the way. all i'm saying is that it's kind of hard to say the lakers are dead in the water when they still have another half of the season left, crazy stuff has happened. either way, we will see what happens in the next couple of months

Never said the media was right or wrong. All I said was that they were making excuses for the Lakers and how other "stacked" teams who struggled didn't get a break.

I don't think you can count most teams out yet, but the Lakers would really need a miracle and a bunch of other things to happen for them to make it. The schedule only gets harder from here on out for you guys.
[quote name="Essential1"][quote name="DarthSka"][quote name="L2B"]Damn Ska, what happened to your Ned Flanders days of happiness and positivity? :lol:

I never seen you go so hard on so many players.

(I didn't say I disagree, I agree with a lot of the points but it's just funny to see you going HAM on everyone) :lol:[/quote]The Flanders side of me went through a divorce and lost $25k a year. I'm now more of a George Carlin type, but w/ more profanity.[/quote]

Damn that sucks bro :frown: :smh:[/quote]
[quote name="L2B"]Damn Man...Now I feel like a real A**hole for my post.
Sorry to hear that bro... Can't even imagine how that's like. :smh: |I[/quote]No reason to feel bad. It is what it is.

Re: that Gasol/D'Antoni article... eff a Mike D (which is funny because that's my nickname :lol:). I do think Gasol is done as far being a critical part of a championship team is concerned, but Mike has never been a part of a championship team period.

At first, I look at that "Well, I was thinking I want to win this game" comment humorously, but I'm looking at it a little differently now.

This dude had just came in, never accomplished anything significant, and he's going to throw a 2x NBA champ under the bus, who had also proven himself in 2 Olympic gold medal games?

And telling FO "Oh yeah, he's happy because I'm saving his legs and prolonging his career" when he apparently hadn't discussed that with Pau at all.

:smh: I hate dudes just coming in thinking they're the sh**, and I hate shadiness.
Never said the media was right or wrong. All I said was that they were making excuses for the Lakers and how other "stacked" teams who struggled didn't get a break.

I don't think you can count most teams out yet, but the Lakers would really need a miracle and a bunch of other things to happen for them to make it. The schedule only gets harder from here on out for you guys.

nah Stern is not going to let us miss the playoff. Too much $ to be made.
Why though.. No one has given a concrete reason.

cause dwight probably wanted to win now. if the lakers win the title he stays, if not, chances are he'll bolt...

not mad at it.. i dont want anyone on the lakers that doesnt want to be there... superstar center or not...someone that does want to be there, will play harder.. that's why i want psycho T on the lakers... not exactly the most talented player, but someone you know will come to play each and every night... so trade duhon, ebanks and some other fillers for psycho t, especially since Jordan Hill will be out all year
[quote name="Rockstar"][QUOTE name="Essential1"]
Why though.. No one has given a concrete reason.[/QUOTE]
So true. 
[/quote]Define 'concrete reason'. Because... [quote name="DarthSka"]Creates locker room drama (already tried it, and I love how Kobe handled it), has to have HIS coach (which also happens to NOT be whoever the coach is at the time), has games where he pulls like 3 boards (which should never, EVER happen), gets stripped consistently, has an extremely limited offensive skillset considering how long he has been in the league.[/quote]
Why though.. No one has given a concrete reason.

cause dwight probably wanted to win now. if the lakers win the title he stays, if not, chances are he'll bolt...

not mad at it.. i dont want anyone on the lakers that doesnt want to be there... superstar center or not...someone that does want to be there, will play harder.. that's why i want psycho T on the lakers... not exactly the most talented player, but someone you know will come to play each and every night... so trade duhon, ebanks and some other fillers for psycho t, especially since Jordan Hill will be out all year

Says who.. No one has even remotely stated he's leaving other than BS rumors that reporters are trying to start to create a news story. (See Steven A)

When has Dwight ever said he didn't want to be here. When has he said he wants to leave.. When has he said he hates LA... Never, never and never.

Everyone has their off nights.. Nights where they just are not there, physically or mentally. Kobe has had 'em, Jordan has had 'em, all the way down to the last guy on the bench. Even Psycho T.

But to say that Dwight doesn't try is ********.. He wasn't supposed to play until Christmas. He was playing 2 months early.. He tore his labrum, should have been out for the season, but sacrificing it.
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[quote name="Rockstar"][QUOTE name="Essential1"]
Why though.. No one has given a concrete reason.
So true. 
[/quote]Define 'concrete reason'. Because... [quote name="DarthSka"]Creates locker room drama (already tried it, and I love how Kobe handled it), has to have HIS coach (which also happens to NOT be whoever the coach is at the time), has games where he pulls like 3 boards (which should never, EVER happen), gets stripped consistently, has an extremely limited offensive skillset considering how long he has been in the league.[/quote][/quote]

He wants the ball... Honestly who doesn't... What he did was dumb. He apologized. They moved on.

What do you mean HIS coach. Mike D'Antoni is no one's coach on this team, but Steve Nash. Everyone else is meh on MDA. That's why they hijacked the play scheme.

4 or less boards happened to Shaq on average twice a year. Dwight is at 4. Shaq also never came off major surgery either.. An excuse if you want, but his lift isn't 100% there, yet he still pulls down 11 a night.

Howard's offensive skillset is no worse than Bynum's. I shouldn't have to remind you how many times Bynum was called for a travel last year. Bynum also always had trouble passing out of the post, and he could not handle a double team to save his life..

As for being stripped, it's akin to Bynum's traveling.. Traveling is something you can't fix through coaching, it is something that you have to notice yourself and change. Dwight being stripped, Dwight should know what he has to do do, but we could have our coach actually do his damn job, and show him what he needs to do.
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