
How's this Reid kid? Niners went quick with the trade and had the pick in in under 30 seconds. I don't watch too much CFB but heard John Gruden say he regressed this past year because he didn't have much help at CB at LSU. If that's the case, that don't sound too good with Culliver playing on one side :rolleyes
Culliver was not the problem in the secondary during the playoffs. Lack of pass rush, horrible play by Donte Whitner and lack of communication amongst the safeties were the problems.
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How's this Reid kid? Niners went quick with the trade and had the pick in in under 30 seconds. I don't watch too much CFB but heard John Gruden say he regressed this past year because he didn't have much help at CB at LSU. If that's the case, that don't sound too good with Culliver playing on one side
I rarely throw out the accusation of calling someone being a bandwagon fan.....but making comments like this just prove to everyone that you didnt watch a lick of Niner football in the regular season. 
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Not gonna judge the pick, in harbaugh and baalke i trust. if Reid doesnt pan out to be a good FS, he can take Whitners spot at SS in 2014.
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this feels like aj jenkins and lamike last year, baalke and the front office obviously does totally independent research (which I respect) but the consensus is that these players probably go lower, so are the niners getting value picking them at these spots?

of course, aldon and maybe kap probably got took ahead of their predicted slots too, and those turned out well

whatever I like reid, he can ball, thumps too
Those are just projections though, if it's a player you want and he turns out to be good, then it's not a reach. I think it's the 49ers way of drafting. They'll reach if it means they're getting a good player.
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I rarely throw out the accusation of calling someone being a bandwagon fan.....but making comments like this just prove to everyone that you didnt watch a lick of Niner football in the regular season. 

Bandwagon? Nah man, trust, there's no bandwagoning here. I mean, ya'll right in saying that the pass rush was non-existent towards the end of the season and playoffs but when you put Culliver up against the #2 receivers in the NFC West, what you gonna expect? I honestly, and this is strictly my opinion, thought his success last year was a result of the rest of the D locking down the rest of the O. When he gets lined up with a good #2, I just saw him get burnt a little too much for my liking.
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The 49er's defense are the front 7 though, if they aren't playing well it's obvious that the defense will suffer. With Culliver, he was only in his second year, I can recall Tarrell Brown took longer to develop into a starter. I also remember a random statistic that in the regular season Culliver was one of the best at not allowing a catch on 3rd down, so he does have some skill.
Those are just projections though, if it's a player you want and he turns out to be good, then it's not a reach. I think it's the 49ers way of drafting. They'll reach if it means they're getting a good player.

it's a question of value, niners gave up a third round pick to move up, if you wait, do you get him for a fourth or fifth rounder instead?

but in hairball and baalke we trust
Quick to forget Culliver shutting down Megatron in his rookie year, huh? The only issues Cully has are the things he says off the field, but on the field he is a young, talented cornerback who will only get better. Same with T. Brown.
Keenan Allen and Mathieu tomorrow please.

Not gonna lie, i was pissed we didnt get Floyd when we traded up, felt reid would be there at 31, but what do i know
i thought we were going to be more active in the first... we still have 11 picks and i cant see us using them all... i see us going defense again unless we get Ertz... besides him i cant see any other position player we would get
it seems like the consensus is that reid has some work to do with his form and angles. However, dude seems to be very talented. 40.5 vert. 4.5 40dash
The only issues Cully has are the things he says off the field, but on the field he is a young, talented cornerback who will only get better. Same with T. Brown.

This. All people remember is his superbowl performance. Must people dont realize the Jones deep TD wasnt even his fault. I'd even say he was our best CB last season. Tarell was nice last year but Culli matched up with better receivers. Carlos Rogers tho :x :smh:
I love how the niners are just getting deeper and deeper on defense. We lost talent this free agency but we picked up good rotational players that can, hopefully, perform well in certain packages.
it seems like the consensus is that reid has some work to do with his form and angles. However, dude seems to be very talented. 40.5 vert. 4.5 40dash

Reid is similar to Goldson. Can play both the pass and run but takes some bad angles and gambles too often. Harbaugh fixed Goldson, I'm pretty sure he can work on the same with Reid.

If Reid is to start immediately, its gonna be hard watching him and Whitner in coverage, especially when Green Bay comes to the Stick week 1.
Culliver has a propensity for getting beat deep. I thought he had a good regular season but a horrible postseason. The Jones deep TD was his fault. He didn't have help over the top because he was supposed to jam Jones at the LOS. He didn't, and got burned. Not only that he had an atrocious mental gaffe on the same play by JUMPING OVER Jones when he was on the ground. I can't tell you enough how much that pissed me off when he did it. Hopefully he gets much better this season.
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