
I felt like after that fumble from hunter we really got away from the run.

Edit: actually we didn't run the ball at all the second half. They should have kept running it with gore.
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We'll never know because the 49ers and Greg Roman would never say but I wonder what the percentage of Kaepernick's completions are when he goes to the play's designed primary target? Dude can never improvise and work on the fly. He literally goes to the line with his designed primary target in-mind 95% of the time without adjusting to what the defense is giving you.
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No? Who showed up today on third down? Separation was awful from everyone.

Who showed up? Did you not watch the game? I specifically remember at least 4 throws Kap missed where guys were wide open. The separation is there we've proven it on this thread. You really think the wide receivers are getting shut down every game, against every team? And if his wide receivers are locked down why isn't he checking down? Are they locked up too?

Please tell me how many times Kap is throwing his wide receivers open and/or progressing PAST the intended designed primary target. Please show me examples of hot read being used. And the receivers have nothing to do with the mental part of the game. Kap is not adjusting and taking what the defense is giving him. I can go on and on.

summed it up last page:

"Greg Roman and Kaepernick are the problem with this offense. Greg Roman makes no adjustments even when he sees how much pressure CAR was getting. Where are the quick reads, 3 step drops? Slants? Screens? Where is Kap's out?

And Kaepernick is horrible when he has to progress thru multiple reads. Where's your hot read Kap? How about stepping UP into the pocket instead of letting them squeeze you out to your left? Kap literally goes to the line and pre-determines his read without thinking twice. Why isn't he going to his hot read instead of going to the play's primary target? No QB IQ. mean.gif"

that and 16 ******g carries for frank.
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Clearly emotions are high. We got completely out played today

Both sides on the ball giving up 6 sacks ( 2 or 3 or those were on Ck)
Defensive line pressure was so-so on in the 4th quarter and the Panthers were able to extend drives on 3rd plays

46 yards. Offense looked completely lost and VD went out. Do we/could he still use another receiver of course. Who requires double coverage other than VD? I'll wait....

Secondary play would have been a little bit better had we got more pressure on Cam.

15% on 3rd down :x
Field goals don't win games.
For the first time in 4 games he lose the turnover battle.
The 49ers need to re-evaluate the qb postion in the offseason cause the current aint doin it. Like cmon we cut alex for this bum. I dont know if i have lost faith in this season, cause if we make it to the playoffs (big if right now) we are probally going to get the living S beat by the hawks or No cause this team cant handle a little noise. Anybody know how the QBs are that are coming out of college? We can maybe trade up into top ten using extra picks. Dam im so mad right now.
The 49ers need to re-evaluate the qb postion in the offseason cause the current aint doin it. Like cmon we cut alex for this bum. I dont know if i have lost faith in this season, cause if we make it to the playoffs (big if right now) we are probally going to get the living S beat by the hawks or No cause this team cant handle a little noise. Anybody know how the QBs are that are coming out of college? We can maybe trade up into top ten using extra picks. Dam im so mad right now.
The 49ers need to re-evaluate the qb postion in the offseason cause the current aint doin it. Like cmon we cut alex for this bum. I dont know if i have lost faith in this season, cause if we make it to the playoffs (big if right now) we are probally going to get the living S beat by the hawks or No cause this team cant handle a little noise. Anybody know how the QBs are that are coming out of college? We can maybe trade up into top ten using extra picks. Dam im so mad right now.

Kap played horrible. Maybe because of the oline, but he needs to get rid of the ball quicker. I hate how they gat away from the run. I kap play like S then hand the ball off. Im starting to think we stuck with the wrong qb.

Take a deep breathe and come back tomorrow. You clearly aren't thinking straight.
Ben Trill wants Alex Smith back so that the Niners throw the ball into the dirt every third down

bentrill you need to relax homie i know how you feel but we'll be ok.

if greg roman pulls his head out of his *** we'll be ok. as bad as kap is playing he's not making it any easier for the guy. getting away from your best player(frank) is a recipe to lose.
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The 49ers need to re-evaluate the qb postion in the offseason cause the current aint doin it. Like cmon we cut alex for this bum. I dont know if i have lost faith in this season, cause if we make it to the playoffs (big if right now) we are probally going to get the living S beat by the hawks or No cause this team cant handle a little noise. Anybody know how the QBs are that are coming out of college? We can maybe trade up into top ten using extra picks. Dam im so mad right now.


Take a nap my man.
49ers with 46 net passing yards today. Last time they had fewer was 44 against Indy on Oct. 9, 2005 -- in Alex Smith's first NFL start.

Anyone really believe this is the worst receiving group we've had in 9 years? Come on. :smh:

Problem starts with Greg Roman and then Kap.
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100% blame is on kap and roman. Dang how i wished roman could of gotten a HC job last year. Now i will go home and go to bed hoping tomorrow will be a better day.
Didnt get to really watch the game so I cant comment on who played well or not. A loss hurts though. We needed this game. :smh:
Two players showed up today. Ahmad Brooks and Frank Gore. Brooks was simply amazing today. Gore was good, but didnt get the ball enough to really make a serious impact on this game.

Kaepernick was horrible. This, to me, was his worst game as a starter. He was sacked six times today, but most of which were his own fault. A couple times he held on to the ball way too long, and two times he had blitzers coming directly into his face, but somehow he didnt notice them in spite of them taking forever to develop. It absolutely disgusts me to say this, but Kaepernick looked like Alex Smith today, and did the EXACT same things that Alex Smith did that drove us all nuts. (Not seeing open receivers, holding the ball too long, not stepping up in the pocket, throwing inaccurately, not seeing free rushers rushing in his face, holding the ball too long, terrible on third down, etc.).

The offensive line was awful. Not just in pass protection. Two times we had a third amd 1 and Gore was met by defensive linemen in the backfield. Both of those plays totally set the tone for the game. Frank had a nice average, but when we really needed the line to run block, it couldnt.

People are going to look at 10 points given up and think our D was lights out. I dont believe our D as a whole played nearly as well as given credit for. We couldnt get off the field on third down. The Panthers had some huge drops that would have not only continued drives, but likely would have lead to more points.

Overall, very disappointing loss. But its just one game. Sky isnt falling. Hope Reid and Vern get healthy fast. Another big game next weekend.
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And another thing.....boy was Aldon Smith useless today. He generated no pressure at all. And I cant remember specifically when this was, but he took the worst angle on one run that should have resulted in a loss and a punt, but the runner went right around him for a huge first down. I know I should have expected rust, but he was terrible.
I keep remembering things to say after I press submit. Lol. Our pass rush was non-existent most of the game. Brooks put pressure at times....including that one huge sack. But for the overwhelming majority of the game, Newton had all day to throw the ball.
I don't know if they are easing Aldon in or what but he barely played any snaps and when he did they gave him multiple assignements. There was one play that confused me where he either dropped back into zone coverage while there was no one near him and/or they had him spy cam newton. Whichever one it was it's stupid to have your best pass rusher on the edge doing either. I also noticed the horrible angles on some plays. Dude was in a 2 point stance with his body perpendicular to the line i was like wtf.
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Damn i dont post too often but man this game was difficult to watch.

Kaep is still a beast, i'm confused how he or the OL didnt pickup those late blitzes.

Roman never made adjustments, all those stupid *** formations were not confusing anyone but the niners.

I think the way the coaching staff has preached to Kaep not to run has really got him thinking twice in the pocket.

Skuta played a nice game.

Reid second concussion in his rookie season? He's not gonna last long and his future looks bright :smh:

I really dont want to see LMJ, Kyle Williams, Vance anymore.

Anyways terrible preparation of the bye week, coaching staff was outcoached and now Teddy Ginn feelin himself on another level :lol:
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