
American Holocaust already happened though.

Really? I haven't recalled any slaughter on a mass scale, in the last 200+ years.

Unless you're referring to the American Indian Holocaust, which I really hope you're not. :lol:

Word? Why not? It needs to be within the last 200 years to be relevant now?

You should read American Holocaust: The Conquest of the New World.

History is a great teacher.
seems like sleazy won't accept the possibility of a future without devastation and collapse.....

makes you wonder who's side he's really on.
seems like sleazy won't accept the possibility of a future without devastation and collapse.....

makes you wonder who's side he's really on.
So just make up something why don't you...dudes coming in here making up fictional conflicts.

Screaming for attention.
seems like sleazy won't accept the possibility of a future without devastation and collapse.....

makes you wonder who's side he's really on.


Looking at the world realistically, what do you foresee in the future? This is a theory based thread, I've seen your posts on many topics and can tell you're a level headed dude. I'd like to know where you see the world going in the next 50 to 100 years based on history and current events.
Word? Why not? It needs to be within the last 200 years to be relevant now?

You should read American Holocaust: The Conquest of the New World.

History is a great teacher.

You do realize that happened over 300 years ago, right? Did you know The United States of AMERICA was founded in the late 1700s? (Which I doubt you were referring to North America, seeing as I was referring to an American Holocaust in the states, which was when you stated it has happened already)

History is infact a great teacher. But you need to learn how to READ before you can learn from it in your own.

Man you're one of those guys that can't have a civil conversation without insults huh?

You said AMERICAN HOLOCAUST. There's a book about this stuff called The American Holocaust. Its based on European conquests from 1490 on.

Considering Europeans founded this country (after leaving their own countries to be FREE of all things) you would think a person could connect some dots.

Anyone can read if they learn. If you can't think independently you're ****** regardless.

So just make up something why don't you...dudes coming in here making up fictional conflicts.

Screaming for attention.

/thread summary

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seems like sleazy won't accept the possibility of a future without devastation and collapse.....

makes you wonder who's side he's really on.


Looking at the world realistically, what do you foresee in the future? This is a theory based thread, I've seen your posts on many topics and can tell you're a level headed dude. I'd like to know where you see the world going in the next 50 to 100 years based on history and current events.

I see the world getting better overall....

Compared to 200 years ago...there is currently less violence and people have more rights overall.
I don't really see this trend making any major changes unless there is drastic change in the world or somehow 1st world nations fall
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This thread has it's fair share of contributors who realize what it's all about. People who are awake. 

Those screaming for attention come in here like the police. 
All the media outlets are a conspiracy.

All these conspiracy theory websites are conspiracies for you to go to their site for them to make money.

The home invasions and all the soldiers were conspiracies. They were all actors.

Everything is a conspiracy..
When have I insulted you? Technically, there was never an American Holocuast, like you stated there was. We were talking about the United States of America, and you claimed there was a holocaust which already took place in the united states of AMERICA. You tried to mock me with "History is a great Teacher" while not knowing that you were in fact , Ethering yourself.

Tis all, mate. Your attempt of switching the meaning of your statement is pretty funny though.

Well you just admitted that he switched the meaning of it. Meaning that you knew he was not talking about the U.S.

Did he or did he not?


He just tried to switch it up in his last post. He WAS talking about the U.S.

He might claim that he isn't now though. :lol:

It stemmed from bombings in Boston, (which is in the U.S) to an American Holocaust . Why would I think that he wasn't referring to the U.S?

:lol: you guys going back and forth is hilarious
seems like sleazy won't accept the possibility of a future without devastation and collapse.....

makes you wonder who's side he's really on.


Looking at the world realistically, what do you foresee in the future? This is a theory based thread, I've seen your posts on many topics and can tell you're a level headed dude. I'd like to know where you see the world going in the next 50 to 100 years based on history and current events.

I see the world getting better overall....

Compared to 200 years ago...there is currently less violence and people have more rights overall.
I don't really see this trend making any major changes unless there is drastic change in the world or somehow 1st world nations fall

Differing world views I see. Compared to 200 years ago our weaponry and reach is far far greater. I see war and economic collapse being the end of America as we know it.

I agree it would take drastic change, and that's why I point to the flailing economy, enormously greedy and incompetent leaders, and overall division of the country. One major event is all it would take, whether its an economic collapse or war on American soil.

Peter Schiff, I think is his name. He predicted the last economic collapse. I'm inclined to believe he's right about another coming very soon.

Man you're one of those guys that can't have a civil conversation without insults huh?

You said AMERICAN HOLOCAUST. There's a book about this stuff called The American Holocaust. Its based on European conquests from 1490 on.

Considering Europeans founded this country (after leaving their own countries to be FREE of all things) you would think a person could connect some dots.

Anyone can read if they learn. If you can't think independently you're ****** regardless.

When have I insulted you? Technically, there was never an American Holocuast, like you stated there was. We were talking about the United States of America, and you claimed there was a holocaust which already took place in the united states of AMERICA. You tried to mock me with "History is a great Teacher" while not knowing that you were in fact , Ethering yourself.

Tis all, mate. Your attempt of switching the meaning of your statement is pretty funny though.

lol @ ethering myself.

What would you call the destruction of the native people of the AMERICAS by Europeans? How do you define holocaust? And because it wasn't called the "United States" its somehow irrelevant?

Considering we both made vague statements (yours being facetious) and weren't very clear about what American holocaust meant, I see where the confusion comes in. That's what we both get for making assumptions I guess. In no way did I try to change up, I'd own up to being wrong.

I wasn't trying to mock you, I was serious. History is a great teacher.

I feel like you didn't know American Holocaust (aka 500 years war) was an actual term.

We were talking about US conspiracies, you mentioned aliens and American Holocaust, I went off knowing the term "American Holocaust" is a real thing. That's about it.
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While I'm not necessarily confident the government was behind it, I'm confident they will take advantage of it.

Gunpowder restrictions, more gun control, heavier surveillance.

End game is total control due to complete economic collapse. Once the economy is gone and the dollar is literally worthless, who will the people look to for protection and safety from the crazed mobs looting and terrorizing the streets of every major city? Who will we look to for food, medicine, safety, etc?

People say it won't happen here. I say history repeats itself, and no one ever learns. No one believes it can happen here.

You can honestly tell who hasn't seen sunlight in a few months, in this thread. Some people are in their own little world. :lol:

From Aliens to The American Holocaust. :smh:

American Holocaust already happened though.

We weren't talking about the U.S? You weren't referring to the American Indian Holocaust occuring in the U.S?

View media item 383471


I was talking about the American Holocaust... a thing that is known about, written about, researched... before you said American Holocaust... which was a term you just made up to describe what you thought I was talking about?

I was talking about rioting in the streets due to economic collapse and the people looking to the government to save them as always.

I apparently ethered myself because you didn't know what I was talking about.


I'm trying to figure out what you thought I meant. I'm really lost.
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sleazy is an apocalyptic There isn't much you can say to him if it's contrary to the end of civilization narrative..
economic collapse? really? just compare our standard of living to 20 or 50 years ago. not just technology but availability of food (hint: we actually have too much of it).

I'll tell you the real worry. too much desocialization (internet, cell phones, facebook, infowars) and sedentary life is leading to people who can't think or act in reasonable ways as they fall further out of touch with reality. certain psychiatric disorders will continue to rise (autism, paranoid schizophrenics, etc.). this will happen in conjunction with the obesity epidemic. the "man" of the future will think and look like Michael Moore and Alex Jones.

that is the real worry. lord have mercy.
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It's pretty ignorant to think the United States won't fall at some point.  Every great empire in history has collapsed.  History repeats itself.  Humans have had the same basic instincts since the first civilizations were formed.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Wow, dude. Scary really.

srs though. what's scary?

you bolded and enlarged stuff I said that had nothing to do with whatever point you were trying to make. I said people would riot due to economic collapse, would beg for help, and that = holocaust to you?

I was supposed to know your sarcastic "American Holocaust" remark meant something besides the ongoing destruction of indigenous peoples in the Americas since the late 1400s? :lol:

good reply, rolling smileys and 4 words. thanks for your time, b.

sleazy is an apocalyptic There isn't much you can say to him if it's contrary to the end of civilization narrative..

I'm not even an apocalyptic. it would make sense for me to be considering people have been saying for years the world is ending, WW3 is about to break out, Mayans predicted some ********, constant destruction, murder, war, terrorism, etc being fed to us through TV, movies, and video games. dudes predicting Jesus returning every few years :lol:

I'm not though. just calling what I think may or may not happen. I say it every time, I have no way of knowing what's going to happen in the future, just like yourself. I feel like the climate of this thread is the only reason I got that label. if this weren't a conspiracy thread and I said the same thing about riots after the collapse of an economy, people would be like "oh man, kinda like in Greece..." instead of "nah bro take off your tinfoil hat".

I'm not the tinfoil, cramped in my room worrying I'm being watched, eyes glued to infowars, afraid of the outside world type. I'm just wary. comes with GAD.

economic collapse? really? just compare our standard of living to 20 or 50 years ago. not just technology but availability of food (hint: we actually have too much of it).

I'll tell you the real worry. too much desocialization (internet, cell phones, facebook, infowars) and sedentary life is leading to people who can't think or act in reasonable ways as they fall further out of touch with reality. certain psychiatric disorders will continue to rise (autism, paranoid schizophrenics, etc.). this will happen in conjunction with the obesity epidemic. the "man" of the future will think and look like Michael Moore and Alex Jones.

that is the real worry. lord have mercy.

what does our standard of living have to do with economic collapse? if the dollar collapsed what would you buy this food we have too much of with? and from who? are you an economist with psychic abilities? how is your prediction any more valid than mine? :lol:

desocialization is a big problem though, as is the seemingly growing or over diagnosed mental health issue. I think people should make more of an effort to help those who are mentally ill instead of demonizing them, calling them crazy, calling them weird, calling them troubled, etc etc.

stop "feeling bad" for them and help them.

It's pretty ignorant to think the United States won't fall at some point.  Every great empire in history has collapsed.  History repeats itself.  Humans have had the same basic instincts since the first civilizations were formed.

I don't know why nobody got what point I was trying to make until now. I say literally every great empire has fallen after a while.

"naw........ won't happen here."

like great civilizations didn't topple, get absorbed, hell get eradicated. I'm crazy for reading history books :lol:
I'm a compulsive liar cuz you drew a conclusion that was wrong and think I'm lying about the explanation?! from your sarcastic American Holocaust comment? what the hell American Holocaust would I have been talking about when I said it already happened? :lol: :lol:

you even said you hope I'm not talking about native Americans. you obviously knew I didn't mean currently in the US :lol:

you should literally slap yourself again. after you read The American Holocaust. I feel like you Googled American Holocaust and saw that Dave Hodges link and jumped to a conclusion.

you're better than that, b.
It's pretty ignorant to think the United States won't fall at some point.  Every great empire in history has collapsed.  History repeats itself.  Humans have had the same basic instincts since the first civilizations were formed.

whether or not the US will fall is irrelevent, the problem is people interpreting EVERY major event as a sign of the fall... that is the issue.
Just stop, son. You're embarrassing yourself, writing up paragraphs trying to make someone believe you. :x

Since you clearly understood my "American Holocaust" statement. What does your so called "this is what I really meant by it" American holocaust have anything to do with mass murders in the U.S? :lol:

Who the hell is Dave Hodges?? :rofl:

I see you rely on google for most of the stuff you post, but you shouldn't go around thinking everyone else is like you though, man. Paranoid thinking seems to spill over all aspects of logic for you :smh: .

- Just stop, son.
- Asks more questions.

look at you typing full sentences trying to prove a point :rolleyes

my American Holocaust statement had nothing to do with current mass murders in the US. I didn't say it did, you assumed. You said American Holocaust. I said it already happened. not "it's happening right in front of you". not "it's happening right now!".

I even told you to read a book on it. I told you it was about European conquests from the 1400's on. you quoted me and enlarged stuff about an economic collapse and mass riots and somehow came to "HOLOCAUST" as your conclusion.

A "conspiracy theorist" article by Dave Hodges comes up when you Google American Holocaust. I Googled it trying to figure out how the hell you thought I meant anything other than the well known American Holocaust.

what do you not get? I didn't need Google to tell me about a book I read when I was in school still, and something that I thought anyone with a basic understanding of North American and European history knew about. had you Googled it you might have learned something :lol:

please read this multiple times and comprehend fully before you reply.

I just went back, I even mentioned Native Americans being nearly wiped out before you responded to me :lol: :lol:
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Again, this pic was posted and went viral before sunset on 4/15.

Calling "Nick Vogt" an actor would indicate that his legs were not blown off as the upper left suggests.  This pic was posted both in this thread and the other bombing thread.

There are probably people that still think that Jeff Bauman = Nick Vogt...

Anyways... I've seen plenty of youtube vids claiming that while Jeff was being pushed someone (an agent/actor) had to "put his leg back on" because the prosthetic was falling off.


This website talks the gullible into thinking that someone was "putting his legs on" right after the bombing...

I mean... its undeniable that Jeff Bauman is the person who was there and in that wheelchair picture -  yet the beat goes on for these people trying to say he had fake legs on.  They cite that if he had really had his legs blown off he'd have bled out in less than 2 minutes... yadda yadda...

Considering that Jeff is in pictures prior to the incident and he is standing at the bomb site a few feet away, you can disqualify this claim that he had prosthetic gore on his legs.

You can also say that IF he did have prosthetic legs that the bomb was indeed "hollywood fluff/special effects" and was harmless.

But he can go from standing with real prosthetics to down on the ground with blood and skin and bones sticking out from his fake leg's everywhere.

Accusing the bomb of being fake would have what effect on the 5 year old kid and the others that in this case "died"?

horrible. who makes this crap up and why??? then people have the nerve to call people blind if they dont believe in this crap
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