
beat ya streaks not ya meat


Here is the list of NoFap legends (Great men/women that benefited from seminal conservation). Please help me add. No hearsay please, your additions must have quotes from believable sources.

All on the list fall into one of the three categories:

1. Refrained from all sexual release (masturbation and sex) believing it provided mental/physical benefits
2. Refrained from masturbation believing it provided mental/physical benefits
3. Refrained from sex believing it provided mental/physical benefits

Whether one refrained from sex or masturbation (for life or for a short period of time, as in the case of athletes) they must have done so due to their awareness of its benefits.

Sigmund Freud Psychologist and founder of Psychoanalysis

“Freud held the opinion (based on personal experience and observation) that sexual activity was incompatible with the accomplishing of any great work. Since he felt that the great work of creating and establishing psychotherapy was his destiny, he told his wife that they could no longer engage in sexual relations. Indeed from about the age of forty until his death Freud was absolutely celibate "in order to sublimate the libido for creative purposes," according to his biographer Ernest Jones.”

Sir Issac Newton Scientist and Mathmatician

Life long celibate. Believed to have died a virgin.

“The way to chastity is not to struggle with incontinent thoughts but to avert the thoughts by some employment, or by reading, or by meditating on other things,”

(Letter to philosopher John Locke, source:

Muhammad Ali Boxing Legend

“There’s a kid just come down here named Cassius Clay. If you bet on him every time he fights, you’ll be a rich man, ‘cause he won’t lose a single fight. I believe his thing is sexual control. And he’s got it. Any kid who can control his sex can with the title. I believe it.” (Olympic Boxing Coach, Harry Wiley, quote from book ‘Muhammad Ali, The Greatest.’ Further source:

Mike Tyson Boxing Legend
“I never knew that conquering so many women takes so much from you more than adds so much to you. I always read that the great fighters never had sex before fights and I was a young kid and I wanted to be the youngest heavyweight champion in the world, so I restrained myself from sex for around five years.”

Mike Tyson in ‘Tyson’ Nofaplife:

Nikola Tesla Legendary Scientist and Inventor

“He believed that celibacy spurred on the brain…”

*** Article: http://www.***

Mahatma Gandhi Freedom Fighter

“We have considered how to keep good health, on what it depends and how to conserve it. If all men always followed the rules of health and observed unbroken celibacy, the chapters [of this book] that follow would not be necessary because such men cannot possibly suffer any physical or mental illness.”

Source: http://www.internationalpeaceandconf...i#.Us0JWRyNGL8

(Gandhi used to “test” his celibacy:

Steve Jobs Founder of Apple

“Our birth control method up to that point was Steve’s coitus interruptus, also called the pull-out method, which for him was about his conserving his energy for work,' she wrote. He explained that he didn't want to climax so he could build 'power and wealth by conserving one’s vital energies.”

(Former girlfriend Chrisann Brennan’s book quoted in UK Daily Mail Newspaper: )
Jobs also wanted to offer "freedom from porn."


Miles Davis Jazz Legend

"Davis: You can't come [cum], then fight or play. You can't do it. When I get ready to come, I come. But I do not come and play. Interviewer: Explain that in layman's terms. Davis: Ask Muhammad Ali. If he comes, he can't fight two minutes. ****, he couldn't even whip me. Interviewer: Would you fight Muhammad Ali under those conditions, to prove your point? Davis: You're goddam right I'd fight him. But he's got to promise to **** first. If he ain't going to ****, I ain't going to fight. You give up all your energy when you come. I mean, you give up all of it! So, if you're going to **** before a gig, how are you going to give something when it's time to hit?"

"I stayed in Detroit for about six months. I was pimping a little then. I had me two or three girlfriends. I was even enjoying sex once again. One of the girls was a designer who tried to help me all she could. I don't want to name her; she's a very prominent person now. She took me to a sanatorium to talk with this shrink. He asked me did I ever masturbate and I told him, no. He couldn't believe that. He told me that I should do that every day instead of shooting dope. I thought that maybe he should put his own goddamn self in the nuthouse if that's all the mother****er had to tell me. Mas¬turbating to break a habit? ****, I thought that mother****er was crazy."

(Quotes from 1975 Playboy interview: and book on Davis:

Leo Tolstoy Legendary Novelist

"I had become what is called a voluptuary; and to be a voluptuary is a physical condition like the condition of a victim of the morphine habit, of a drunkard, and of a smoker."

"These periods of irritation depended very regularly upon the periods of love. Each of the latter was followed by one of the former. A period of intense love was followed by a long period of anger; a period of mild love induced a mild irritation. We did not understand that this love and this hatred were two opposite faces of the same animal feeling."


Manny Pacquiao Boxer, Eight Division World Champion

Believing the old adage that sex saps strength, Pacquiao follows a strict no-[wife] policy during training. “We’ve talked to doctors about it,” [trainer Freddie] Roach says. “Sex lowers your testosterone, so you’re not as mean.” Most boxers abstain for a week or more before a bout. “I ask my guys for 10 days,” Roach says. Of course Pacquiao beats the others even when it comes to abstinence. He stays chaste for 21 days before a bout, husbanding his energies for post fight festivities.

Playboy Magazine Article. Quoted in:

Kanye West Rapper

"People ask me a lot about my drive. I think it comes from, like, having a sexual addiction at a really young age," he says. "Look at the drive that people have to get sex—to dress like this and get a haircut and be in the club in the freezing cold at 3 A.M., the places they go to pick up a girl. If you can focus the energy into something valuable, put that into work ethic . . . "

(Quote from:

Mark Wahlberg Hollywood Actor

"I don't get down with jerking off, dude. Look. I don't believe in everything that the church says. I try to do the right thing. I lead a clean and pure life. I'm a married guy. I have a beautiful wife. Sex is not the most important thing to me, being horny all the time, spanking the—I mean, it's not against the law. You can do whatever you want. And it's not like, 'I shouldn't do it because of my faith. I'm just not really that into it that much anyway."

(Interview quote:

David Haye World heavy weight boxing champion

"I don’t ejaculate for six weeks before the fight. No sex, no masturbation, no nothing. It releases too much tension. It releases a lot of minerals and nutrients that your body needs, and it releases them cheaply. Releasing weakens the knees and your legs. Find a lion that hasn’t had some food for a while, and you’ve got a dangerous cat. So there won't bet a drip from me. Even in my sleep -- if there are girls all over me in my dream, I say to them, "I’ve got a fight next week, I can’t do anything. I can’t do it.” That’s control. I’ve been doing that since I was fifteen and its part and parcel of my preparation now. That’s why Im am who I am today -- it's down to all those little sacrifices. Find me another boxer who makes that sacrifice, and you’ll find another champion."

(Quote from:

50 Cent Rapper

“Masturbation is a sin you stop right now fool!!! lol God is watching you” “Step to stop masturbating: 1. To avoid the urge to masturbate stop going to porn sites, 2. Make a conscious decision not to turn your head after people walk to you, 3. Do not go to strip clubs, 4. Do not look at lust filled magazines”

(From Tweets, collected from:

Michelangelo Legendary Sculptor, Painter and Engineer

Michelangelo’s contemporary Ascanio Condivi, who was also his biographer, described Michelangelo as having “monk-like chastity”

(Source: Anthony Hughes, “Michelangelo,” page 326 (Phaidon: 1997)

Pythagoras Philosopher and Mathematician

“According to Pythagorus (6th century BCE) sex should be practiced in the winter, but not the summer, but was harmful to male health in every season because the loss of semen was dangerous, hard to control and both physically and spiritually exhausting…”

Martin "Farmer" Burns" World Champion "catch-as-catch-can" wrestler, coach, writer and teacher

"Do no dissipate in any form whatever. You should sleep alone, and from eight to nine hours. Get up at 5:30 and take a walk."

Farmer Burns, “Lessons in Wrestling and Physical Culture”


Rickson Gracie MMA legend and champion, Brazilian 8th Degree Black Belt in Jiu-Jitsu

"No sex. Yeah, because you know, by having sex you waste a lot of energy. I mean, the vital energy in your body goes away. I mean, it’s normal, it’s something we normally do, and it’s no problem at all, but if you want to accumulate energy, if you want to get full energy, you cannot waste, like.. uh, horse, racing horse? Until they stop racing they are virgins. Just when they stop the racing they start to kinda go for reproduction or they can have sex with the mares or stuff. Other than that… So that’s a little example of how important is keep the vital energy you know. There’s so much more energy if you… So I try to keep myself away from sex at least two weeks before the fight."

Rickson Gracie in “Choke”
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^ I am very enlighten by reading that :smokin

My takeaway gem

David Haye World heavy weight boxing champion

"I don’t ejaculate for six weeks before the fight. No sex, no masturbation, no nothing. It releases too much tension. It releases a lot of minerals and nutrients that your body needs, and it releases them cheaply. Releasing weakens the knees and your legs. Find a lion that hasn’t had some food for a while, and you’ve got a dangerous cat. So there won't bet a drip from me. Even in my sleep -- if there are girls all over me in my dream, I say to them, "I’ve got a fight next week, I can’t do anything. I can’t do it.” That’s control. I’ve been doing that since I was fifteen and its part and parcel of my preparation now. That’s why Im am who I am today -- it's down to all those little sacrifices. Find me another boxer who makes that sacrifice, and you’ll find another champion.

That Tension mannnnnn [emoji]128170[/emoji][emoji]127997[/emoji]

God Like Levels Man

Y'all we got this for the rest of the year

Starting Oct 1st to December 31st

Hone your energy and focus
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Day 14 going on 15 like Ricky said tongue getting sharper than a mug :pimp: Just been getting too but I need some yams asaptually fam. Steady box is the best box :smh:
I'll just say I'm on week two.

They say as your t levels increase your face "sexies itself up"

Last time that I was on my longest streak I noticed this grocery lady 'mirin at the kid .

There's a lil something going down by soulard park this weekend I'm gonna spit some pimpery daygame while I'm out.
i found that once you start looking in the mirror and think "damn thats a sexy dude" your in the sweet spot aka flow state aka da zone... :smokin
Looked at the asian appreciation thread and saw some thick ones 

Not exactly a close call cause I can control myself, but got damn

My kryptonite

I need to move to Texas so I can lock one down
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God I'm a sucka for Asians :smile:


Was going to quit tonight but nope

Weights get heavy but refuse to break

BUILD THE TENSION [emoji]128170[/emoji][emoji]127997[/emoji][emoji]128548[/emoji][emoji]128170[/emoji][emoji]127997[/emoji]
God I'm a sucka for Asians


Was going to quit tonight but nope

Weights get heavy but refuse to break

BUILD THE TENSION [emoji]128170[/emoji][emoji]127997[/emoji][emoji]128548[/emoji][emoji]128170[/emoji][emoji]127997[/emoji]
Exactly fam put that work in

Voice went from baritone to baritone-XL

Making all kinds of gains
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''Twas a long night. Had a very vivid dream,and when I woke up I had some "receipt " down there.

But I'm still in this.
Still finessing and flexing

I think 3 weeks now? Mostly effortless
Day 18 & coastin. Not gone lie I watched a snippet of some pron a couple days ago but didn't slip. Still in this thang, going the distance this time :smokin
I been fapping everyday/every other day for the past month. My life been rough :smh:

I really wanna try this though
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